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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

TV, Books, & Movies

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.  I know that I did.  We had a wonderful time with the girls, and Chowdah and Chili were in their glory having them back in the old homestead.

Thanksgiving has changed me.  I have officially regressed back into the infant stage of my life.  I stretched my stomach out so much; it expects to be fed every two hours.  When I can't satisfy those ugly hunger pangs, I get cranky.  After eating again, all I want to do is sleep all day.  Does anyone know if there is there a support group for that?

Today is all about December's TV, Books, and Movies. 

The Affair is back.  Finally.  I thought that the first episode was a bit of a disappointment, though.  I'm beginning to really detest Noah's self-obsessed, arrogant behavior.  And where was Alison?  

Allie Wentworth's new comedy, Night Cap, revolves around the behind-the-scenes escapades of a late night talk show.  It is pretty good but rough around the edges.  Ally wrote, directed, and stars in this fairly funny show. 

The Mister and I both listened to The Whistler.  He liked it and I quit in the middle and remembered why I haven't read Grisham in ten years.  He's too talky, and there's never enough action.  

My cousin, Louise, recommended this little gem of a book by Kent Haruf to me and I am glad she did.  It is a love story about a couple in their sunset years, a neglected boy, and a dog.  The perfect formula for a delightful read. 

Liz, one of the lovely ladies at the Cape Luncheon gave the Mister and me an autographed copy of this book.  Her brother wrote it. Stephen Kurkjian was an original member of the Boston Globe Spotlight Team.  The Mister is halfway through it and says it is so intriguing, he can't put it down.

On my must read list...

This one looks great to me.  It centers around Kate, who is thrust into the cut-throat world of admissions in a New York City private school. Reviews say it is a fun read.

If you like Southern Lit like I do, this book is for us.  Written by Barbara Davis, it opens when Dovie's fiance commits suicide, and she becomes buried in guilt.  She becomes friendly with an older woman who has experienced a similar loss. It's a book about friendship and rebuilding lives.

Barbara, you had me at the name, Dovie

Serial killers and show houses - sounds like the perfect accompaniment on my walks - or runs when I get scared. 

After a plane crash claims her husband's life, Belle is left with many questions about his death as well as her marriage.  Kimberly Belle's style sounds right up my alley. 

Ever since we finished The Crown, I have become obsessed with the Royals.  This book came out a few years ago, but it looks pretty good.  I think I'll pick this one up by Sally Bedell Smith over the holidays to satisfy my royal cravings.  

Can anybody recommend any other royal books?

I'm a big fan of Catherine Ryan Hyde's books.  Her new release revolves around a single woman doctor in the 1950's, a wounded dog, and a love story.  It sounds like the perfect prescription for an enthralling read.  

For the historical fiction fans like me, The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill by Julie Klassen looks like a captivating read.  

Movie Reviews

I didn't know what to expect, but I enjoyed every minute of this movie that centers around the late Howard Hughes.  Lilly Collins (Phil's kid) and Warren Beatty steal the show with this charming tale full of great music, fabulous costume design, and intriguing fictional story line.


Three words: I loved it!

It's time for my nap.  
I hope that you enjoy your Sunday.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. November seems to have brought a reading slump to my life. I can't get going with any of the books I've tried, but I'm adding some of these to my to be read list. Regarding the royals, there is a new book out about Victoria by Daisy Goodwin that coincides with the show coming to PBS in January. It should be good! Have a happy Thanksgiving recovery week! Time for me to hit the pavement for some walking!!

  2. I absolutely love your reviews. I think we must have the same taste in literature and movies because I have thoroughly enjoyed your recommendations when I followed your lead.

    So true about Grisham's lastest reads. Even hubby said- Don't buy me his newest book. WHAT?

    Have a wonderful, blessed Sunday. xo Diana

  3. What a great list! I'm behind on my reading list and a bunch of Netflix shows and Grey's. I did finally watch all of This is Us and am enjoying it very much. I think Gilmore Girls is next :-)

  4. Eager to see "Allied" and "Rules Don't Apply." Hollywood or WWII? I'm in!

    The Sally Bedell Smith books is VERY good. It's a pretty serious biography -- meaning more emphasis on her relationship with the Commonwealth, prime ministers, etc. compared to the gossipy behind the scenes stuff that's everywhere else. Robert Lacey's "Majesty" is very, very good but written at least two or three decades ago so a LOT has happened since. The Smith book was written shortly before the most recent Jubilee. I need to check my library for some other good titles. I have a pretty big collection of the royals books -- all of them. Sort of a side hobby. One of my favorite antique finds was the official program of the Queen's coronation! And a newspaper on the coronation of her father. I really should do a post on that someday!

  5. I've watched some episodes of The Crown with husband recently. I can understand why you liked it so much! -Jenn

  6. just ordered 3 of those books....would you plz stop filling my kindle to the brim???! No, really thanks...jst about every book I've read lately has come from your lists!
    Can't wait to read about your Thanksgiving adventures with your girls and cannot wait to hear what your man cooked during the holiday!!! Hurry! Entertain us!!

  7. I am loving watching The Crown...might need to check out the Elizabeth book. When I eat during the afternoon I always want a nap. Back to my fresh market diet. Ha!

  8. Thanksgiving changed me too, and I had to nap, I was completely overcome with the need to sleep. Sort of aggravated me as I am not much of a napper.
    Love these choices such a diversified marvelous list!

  9. Pinned several of these books so I'll remember. :)

  10. About the Royals... I recommend Victoria's Daughters by Jerrold Packard. And I read a biography of Prince Phillip a couple of years ago, more interesting than you would think.

  11. Thanks for all the book recommendations, I have been hankering for a good "Southern Lit." tome! I take it after a ten year hiatus from Grisham that you haven't read Sycamore Row? I have to say that one felt like his older books, a good read. I've been postponing watching The Affair as I want to be ready to binge a few episodes at once. Oh boy, it's been a long wait so I don't want to be disappointed. Caught Allie Wentworth doing an interview about her new show, thanks for the heads-up. Saw Brad Pitt's new movie this weekend and I did like it, just would have wanted a little more fully developed story.

    1. I agree, Paula, I like to binge watch my faves too. My problem is when there is a year separation between seasons, I need a refresher course because I can't remember what happened. Thanks so much, Paula, for reading my blog and commenting. Have a wonderful week.

  12. I just read The Residence by Kate Anderson. It is about The Kennedy White House. May be my favorite of the year.

    1. Thanks for the tip, Pam. I put it on my audible list. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  13. Thank you ... always enjoy your reviews.
    Happy New Week!

  14. Thanks for those book recommendations Katie. You know it is a southern book if the title is Dovie. I actually knew a lady in my hometown named Dovie. I will check out Small Admissions as well. I love those kinds of books. I saw a documentary years ago about NYC parents and the feat it is to get into the perfect preschool. If I remember correctly all the parents had to call the school just to get an admission packet. Parents enlisted Nannies, Grandparents and friends to dial the numbers over and over again hoping to get through. I taught at a preschool when I saw this and I was just amazed.:) I agree with you about Grisham. He is just not my cup of tea...his books seem like the same thing over and over again to me. Bored...yawn!! I have to admit to over eating this week as well. Time to get back on the straight and narrow.

  15. Wish I had more time to read...I still have to open 4 off my summer reading list - they are stacked under the coffee table!!

  16. I wanted to see Allied this weekend but everybody else wanted to see Arrival. They enjoyed it more than I.
    I knew a Southern woman and her first name was Lovie (pronounced Loovie). It was a family name. What if she married a man whose last name was Dovie??

  17. I've made my notes. I appreciate all these recommendations. Reading takes a back seat this time of year, but come January, I'll be curled up by the fire either reading or stitching. Or watching movies! These two looks interesting.

  18. I HAVE THAT BOOK on ELIZABETH and have read it...............NOW I would like to read it again since I TOO have FINISHED THE CROWN!WHAT A SERIES............someone told me there will be a follow up......???DO YOU KNOW?Has to be as we left off TOO many years in the PAST!
    SO< lucky you had your GIRLS HOME........I had ONE SON and a bunch of HIS FRIENDS!HOWEVER,for tree trimming both were here last night for that!!!!WE did a smaller tree this year..........MAYBE 8 feet.I shall send YOU a PHOTO for YOUR APPROVAL................XX

  19. PS.YOU Need to change your side BAR FROM HEN HOUSE to THE VINTAGE CONTESSA.
    NO HURRY................if YOU are LIKE ME you will NEED HELP with that OPERATION!!!!!!
    Over and Out.

  20. Katie thanks for the recs! I think you've helped me do some Christmas shopping!

  21. Love your book reviews! Thanks for all the great tips!

  22. Can it be true? Can I actually comment again without it disappearing? Glory be. What is to come of this technology? Glad to be back. I've been chatting up a storm with you in my head, and now I can just bother you here instead.
    Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Beware, Depends may be just around the corner with the baby analogy!
    Always love your book, TV and movie suggestions. I've just finished the new Fannie Flagg book that came out today. I received an early copy (la-tee-da to me!) It's very funny and charming.

  23. Katie,

    I really appreciate you book recommendations. We are headed from Texas to the east coast for the holidays and I need a couple of books.
    I haven't visited you for awhile and see that I have been missing a lot. I put together home tours in the little Colorado town where we have a summer home. It always amazes me at the turnout. people love home tours, including me...Thanks, Janey

  24. I always love your reviews. I am still working my way through Gone with the Wind (and loving it) so I don't have any new ones to recommend. I did read, Our Souls at Night over the summer and thought it was a good book. I loved the characters and it felt very true to life. I guess I will check out the Brad Pitt movie since you recommended it! I don't like him as much as I used to in the old Legends of the Fall, River Runs Through It years but I trust your judgement! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  25. Hey Sis, if you haven't checked out The Royal Post blog, I suggest you zip over there now. http://theroyalpost.com/ They have a wonderful list of books on the Royals plus insightful opinions that I know you'll love.

  26. Thank you for this - I trust your reviews implicitly! We are off to see Allied tonight - it looks great. And, I am LOVING "The Crown". Now I have to find some time to read!! Enjoy the rest of your week! xoxo

  27. Try Kitty Kelley's book, The Royals. It's an unauthorized biography and full of details. It was more interesting after watching The Crown. There is a geneology chart of The House of Windsor inside the front cover. Susie in Baton Rouge


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