Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, November 18, 2016

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  TGIF!  I hope that you all enjoyed your week. I thought that I would do some personal shopping for you today.  I will begin by highlighting a few of this year's selections from Neiman Marcus 2016 Fantasy Gifts.

If you love slumber parties and appreciate luxury, this gift is for you.  The slumber party is held at Neiman's flagship store in Dallas.  You and eleven (or ten, if you invite me) of your BFF's will be treated like queens with monogrammed PJs, champagne, cocktails,  gourmet appetizers while indulging in facials and makeovers.  You can watch fashion flicks in your plump twin beds and giggle the night away.  

For a mere $120,000.00 this special night could be yours, and it's a sure guarantee to make you the most popular girl in your 'hood.  
And yes, I'm available.

Hello, Mister, are you listening?  Instead of a new iPad, I would like you to buy me this gift of a lifetime.  It is a walk on part in the hit Broadway musical, Waitress.

I know it's $30,000 buckaroos, but don't worry, I will get the money back after I am discovered by a big Hollywood agent.

After I am discovered, Mister, I will buy this little gem for you.  It is a week of luxury living at three, count 'em three, English estates.  All I need to do is borrow $700,000.  I'll pay you back when I get famous.


In the event that I don't get discovered and your budget is a bit smaller like mine, you can indulge in these Waffle Cone Shot Glasses for $28.00.  

On to my girl, Oprah and her Favorite Things.  I don't know whether you know this or not, but the Big O and I have a lot in common.  We both love carbs and hate to work out.  I chose a couple of items at the lower price point of her list because chances are you spent most of your dough at Neimans. 

The Mister loves to concoct side dishes and desserts in small serving ware like these.  I may or may not have ordered some of this stoneware for him.  I can't say because once in a blue moon he gets bored enough on the train to read my blog posts.

According to Oprah, these biscuits bake up to be moist yet crumbly and taste homemade.  I'll take her word for it.  This is a great gift to bring to your hostess if you are staying overnight.  Maybe she'll get the hint that you like warm biscuits with your fresh squeezed OJ in the morning.

These phone cases come with a built-in front facing LED light that provides a soft, warm glow for all your selfies.  This is a great gift for the selfie-obsessed millennial in your life.

Not so much for me, though.  I'll wait til they come out with a skinny and wrinkle-free lens. 


I'm sure that there is a reason they call Biggies Toasted Almond Toffee Crack.  I'll bite.


Oprah and I love pasta.  A pot and strainer all in one?  This goes under the category of why didn't I think of that?  I could have made beaucoup bucks and bought my own way onto Broadway. 

If Chili doesn't wear this, I will.


Three words...
It's about time.
Seven words...
Again, why didn't I think of this?

I don't get it.  
His manager deserves an award for capturing this cover and title for The Rock.

Hey Rock... can I have your agent's digits?

Juan Diego Botto

Hey, People people... this guy's got my vote for next year.

When my girls were little, we watched Beauty and the Beast constantly on the VCR.  I know all the words to the songs by heart.  So I am hoping when the new movie is released that the theaters will do a sing-along edition.

For some reason, my girls don't think that it's such a good idea.

As if it couldn't get better, this handsome Downton alum is playing the Beast.  Be still my heart.

The Mister and I are four episodes into The Crown
It is a royal hit at our house.  I wish it would never end.

I mentioned a couple of reasons in this week's Hodgepodge as to why I blog.  There is one that I neglected to mention.

Sometimes you get free stuff.

A couple of weeks ago, I  photographed a booth with stunning wine bottle lanterns that I found at the Christmas Market.  

Todd, from Word Couture wrote me a note and thanked me for mentioning his company in my blog.  He asked for my address and the next week this lovely lantern arrived in the mail.  I love it and it looks so cute on our bar.  


Kathy Kelada sent me an email asking if she could send me an autographed copy of her new book.  Be The Shoe is not only chock full of inspiration, but it is beautifully illustrated. 

Kathy uses shoes as a metaphor for life.  It provides women with a fresh perspective on their lives.  There are 14 shoe types, and the reader decides which one applies to them.

Not only does this gem of a book enable you to find your own shoe type, but it also helps you to analyze the people around you.

Although I wanted to be the sexy strappy sandal, it turns out that I am classified as the furry boot.

Sista... you are the low-heeled boot.  
Now you have to buy the book to found out why.
Kathy's website can be found here.

Has anyone started their Christmas shopping yet?

Until next time...

I need to hire Chili's stylist to do my next makeover!

Linking up with:
Foodie Friday & Everything Else

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie you crack me up every time I read your blog!! And if anyone would know a good biscuit, I bet Oprah would.:) I am a mean biscuit maker and like you I love carbs and hate to work out but I make myself do 10,000 steps per day. I have mastered walking in my house and watching YOU TUBE at the same time while. I call it multi tasking. I cannot wait for the new Beauty and the Beasst movie. I plan to take my grand girls. We took them to see the play last summer at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. ( and no that is not an oxymoron we actually do have some culture here in Alabama. ) Thanks for the heads up on all the great gifts....I think I want the walk on part on the play Waitress.

  2. Love your gift suggestions! They all look fabulous and I'm sure your Mister will agree! :) I've been caught in the advertising web on FB lately and confessed a couple of things that caught my eye - but they are totally dorky compared to yours! My girl and I loved Disney and sing-a-longs are so fun, I'm sure your two will go along with it! That lantern -- oooh -- so pretty! Love it! Hope you have a fun weekend!

  3. OK, just give me the dog and I'll be satisfied. Buy i wouldn't mind the three English estates, and I'd even settle for one! Love The Crown. Episode 4 is my favorite, where the young Elizabeth helps her dad prepare for his coronation. It is beautiful!!!!

  4. Katie, with our move I haven't even had time to think about shopping but you've got my mind spinning. I'm really curious about the shoe book and can think of a couple of girlfriends who might like that. The bottle is fabulous too. I personally would like to sign up for the Oreos!!

  5. Matthew is playing The Beast - oh be still my heart

  6. Happy Friday!!! My shopping is finished! All I have to do is wrap, pack and mail! Thanks for the ideas though I am sure that my peeps will be disappointed that I already finished and they are going to miss out on the trip to England!

    Love all of your choices!

    By the way, your pups make me smile each and every time I see their faces!

  7. What a fun list! The Neiman's Christmas ideas are always so over the top, and that's what makes them so amusing. I always love Oprah's list. It's a great way to find new products. I saw a ski vest in Talbots yesterday that she had featured. They said it's selling very well, even here in hot Houston. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Hello, just found you! Loved the post. And your sense of humor. My dogs wouldn't be caught dead with anything on. They rip things off with their teeth...

  9. Love the sleepove...as soon as I win the Powerball, I am buying that sleepover. I know someone who will love the shoe book. In terms of the pasta pot strainer...genuis. You're right, why didn't I think of that? Have a great weekend!

  10. I think I am going to add the the sleepover to my wish list (My husband will just ignore me, so it will be fun to share my disappointment on Christmas morning, he will be all confused!!) That lil pooch has the cutest face - maybe I will add one of them to my list, too!!

  11. Wow, what a sleepover that must be! Interesting gifts to say the least. Enjoyable post, as always. Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Hi Katie I love it when you and your readers list recommendations for television and film I have watched Goliath and like you am in the middle of watching the Crown xoxoxo Julie form Oz

    1. Julie... Isn't Crown greaaaaat??? I'm going to be so sad when we finish it. Thanks for taking the time to comment and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  13. Such delights to choose from! Ok, I pick Juan, in the castle, with the shot glasses. :) Linda

  14. Good morning, Katie! I love your blog because it always makes me smile! I say go for that walk on on Broadway you will be ravishing. Those tiny pots are adorable. I always fall for anything in a smaller version of the norm. The Rock, really? A lot of women like him but I think he's a little too big. I also heard he's a jackass. When we were down in Tybee and he was filming there a lot of people said he was rude along with his little Robin (Zac Efron). Boo that. Oprah, lawdy mercy, that woman and her list. My favorite? The doggy coat. Love to you. I have time so I'm catching up on your blog today! xoxo

  15. What a great post - I will take one of each, please!! I am loving "The Crown" too but have only managed to see two episodes. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my dear!! xoxo

  16. Fun post! I haven't watched anything on TV lately. Love the furry dog coat. What's the deal with the Rock? I wonder what my shoe would be... Enjoy your weekend!

  17. I look forward to your posts. They almost always brighten my day. Thanks!

    1. Thank you, BuffaloGal, for your kind words. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  18. Oh, the NM Holiday Book! It's always fun to see what the gift offerings are for the year. Always wonder who actually buys some of these things, but obviously there is a market. ;-) I haven't watched The Crown, but will get it. Sounds great!
    I think I need to head over to Frontgate and place an order tonight. Think doggie furs are in vogue in Texas?

  19. WOW! What a great gift idea post. You have given me ideas for lots of people on my list...and myself! I love the Friday Files!!

  20. We can make those waffle cone shot glasses. Of course, they might be for doubles. Or triples... OK, now I have an idea. This is going to bug me, probably, till I try it. I think I can work it in before Valentine's Day!

    And thanks for visiting and nice words on my Christmas cards and purple reindeer! I have to get busy to make more!


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