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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

November TV and Books

Hello, dear friends.  Unfortunately, there is no Hodgepodge today because my friend, Joyce is moving into her new home this week.  Lucky lady.

We had very few trick-or-treaters this year.  It was so quiet Chowdah and Chili never barked once, which is a record for them.  The Mister brought all our leftover treats to work where they were sending them to the troops.  Better them than me.

As you may have guessed, today's post is all about two of my favorite things - books and television shows.  

I am loving Divorce.  If you haven't seen it, it is a dark comedy starring Sarah Jessica Parker.  The casting is pure perfection.  One of my favorite actresses, Molly Shannon, steals the show in every scene she is featured.

Last year, I was glued to Secrets and Lies.  This year I deleted it from my recording schedule.  I don't know whether it is the overacting or the weak screenplay.  It's just not doing it for me.

I am not big on sitcoms, but American Housewife makes me smile from beginning to end.  The lead actress lights up the screen with her darling face and on-point comedic timing.  If you need an escape, turn into this one.

No doubt about it, Saturday Night Live is at its best this season.  No matter who you are voting for, tune into SNL for the first few minutes of the show and let the laughs begin.

Last night, I watched the pilot for Good Behavior.   All I can say is WOW!  It should be titled "Lady Mary Goes Bad."   The show is very good, though.  The costar Juan Diego Botto has so much sex appeal I thought I would have to throw a cup of cold water on the screen.  You can watch the pilot On Demand but the series doesn't start until November 15th.  I don't think I can wait that long.  Take a seat at the back of the line, George Clooney. 

The Durrells on Corfu is our new favorite show.  It is on PBS, and every moment of watching this imperfect, lovable family is a joy.  I highly recommend this one.  No fight over the clicker - the Mister likes it too!

It's about time.  I've been dying for The Affair to start up again, although I didn't think the second season was as good as its first.  I'm hopeful for a great third season.  

The Crown highlights Queen Elizabeth's early years when she was a newlywed.  Netfix reports that this is their most expensive series to date costing an excess of 100 million buckaroos.  Wowza!  Can hardly wait to see the costumes and set design.

I know that I will be snuggled with my two girls watching Gilmore Girls on November 25th.  Just like the old days.

What I've Read

The Vanishing Year moved at a good pace and was packed with twists and turns.  I think that I'm going to take a break from books about psychopathic husbands, though.  I'm starting to question the Mister's every move.

I'm listening to this thriller now.  This is the first book that I have read by Karen Slaughter.  This book solves a murder by putting each piece of a puzzle together with tons of surprises in between.  


I'm a big fan of Jodi Picoult's.  She did not disappoint with this novel that deals with another sensitive topic - racism.  The characters are multi-faceted and tug at your heartstrings.  Jodi Picoult is at her best with this one.   

What's On My Reading List

I had lunch with my cousin, Louise, this week and she spoke highly of this sweet, quirky story that surrounds a man and woman in their later life and a small town of busybodies.  Considering the fact that "quirky" is my middle name, I promptly downloaded Our Souls At Night. 

Evelyn is woken up during the night by a phone call.  The person tells her that her psychiatrist husband was in an accident... with his secret lover and patient.  I need to make an appointment for this one.


No vampires in this novel but sounds like it is jam-packed with thrills and chills.  Sounds like a great one to download for my walks.


I love to read light, sweet holiday stories at Christmastime.  Along with Winter Storms, this one is on my list for the month of December.

What are you reading and watching these days?

Until next time...

Linking up with:
Thoughts of Home on Thursday
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Read Our Souls At Night. Loved it! Sherri

    1. Thanks, Sherri! It's next on my list. Have a great week.

  2. I have just not been watching a lot of tv lately. Well except for Alex Trebek and the physicists on Big Bang. But I do appreciate your book reviews. I love to read but good books are few and far between lately. I am writing down the ones you recommended. I usually like quirky as well!! And at Christmas I love to re read Red Bird Christmas by Fannie Flagg. It never gets old.

  3. I love American Housewife! She's adorable and so relatable. It's the first comedy that I've been hooked on in a while!
    The Crown looks really good! I haven't heard of that one.
    I cannot wait for The Gilmore Girls either!! I always loved Loreli's outfits, so I'm looking forward to seeing her latest trends, too.

  4. I'm printing off this post so I don't forgot the TV shows and books you've recommended! They all look fabulous! I have watched American Housewife -- that gal is adorable!

    Have a great Wednesday and rest of the week!

  5. If you're an Amazon Prime household, Goliath was fantastic and highly recommend. Just started watching Good Girls Revolt which is very good and has the added bonus of 1960s fashion.

    1. I do have Amazon Prime and LOVE it. I have heard a lot of great things about Goliath and will tune in. Have a great week and thanks for the recommendation.

  6. I always love your recommendations! I just put American Housewife on Hulu on my ipad while I was clicking around blogs. So funny, and now I have watched several back to back! I will have to check out the pbs series, and of course I can't wait for the Crown!

  7. I am really wanting to see American Housewife. The lead actress played Molly's sister on Mike and Molly and she's great. I don't know if you like to get into a series, but Karin Slaughter has written a whole bunch of murder mysteries and I've read them all. I really liked them, just don't know if they are your cup of tea. We had very few trick or treaters as well. Thanks for all the great recommendations. -Jenn

  8. First, can wait for The Crown, next, I too think American Housewife is adorable....in addition to Goliath which I finished watching, we just started Good Girls Revolt and love it...I also like Life in Pieces. I am curently reading two books, Dead Wake and 11/22/63...I have also been falling asleep to both books, not because they are sleep-worthy, but I have been exhausted. Take Care.

  9. I, too, having been watching Divorce. I like it. I can't say the same for My Mister. We both really liked Goliath. What a great show. We both are retired from the legal profession, and typically shy away from what we witnessed in our real lives every, single day, but we really enjoyed this show!!

  10. Clooney Schmooney. This Botto guy blows Clooney out of the water. I'll have to check this out. Also going to watch The Crown and have caught some of the Durrells. It's fun. I'm watching reruns of Morse on Acorn along with And Then There Were None, also on Acorn, Doctor Blake on PBS, and reading, The Day The Revolution Began by N.T. Wright and re-reading Surprised by Oxford by Carolyn Meyer.

  11. Am loving Divorce...alot! and when oh when is The Affair coming back??????????? Between bravo and the hallmark channel, I cannot watch one more teevee show!!!!!

  12. The Durrells is my new favorite, too. Love the characters, everything about it. I don't know how you find time to read with all else you do but everything looks great!

  13. Still loving Poldark - and it's rebroadcasted many times throughout the week if I don't see it on Sunday night. I remember last spring when you mentioned that your book group recommended it to you.

  14. i always enjoy reading and watching all of your excellent recommendations. Thank you very much for all of the new ones!
    I recently read Love Warrior: A Memoir by Glennon Doyle Melton and thought it was insightful.
    Hope you are having a great week.

  15. Thanks so much for these recommends going to write them down.
    I have not been reading as much as I had been as I have not been in the house. When we drop a few degrees here I try to make the most of it. I would love some real cooler weather.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  16. YOU MUST ADD CLASH of the GRANDMA's!!!STARTS NOV. 13, at 10pm here............MY FRIEND and BLOGGER SANDRA SALLIN will be FEATURED!IT IS A COOK OFF of SIX GRANDMA's................maybe the MISTER will enjoy TOO!WE MUST ROUTE for SANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I had TWO trick or TREATERS.................SO SAD.I took MOST of the CANDY to my POST OFFICE!Figure they will need a pick me up in the coming days............BOUGHT MY CHRISTMAS STAMPS TOO!

  17. Hi,
    Thank you for the recommendations.
    I am waiting to read Eve of a Hundred Midnight's ... on hold for it at the library. :-)

  18. Joyous Season by Patrick Dennis is wonderful. I read this book every holiday season because
    it is so funny. Light hearted with out serious drama.

  19. My new fav show is This Is Us on NBC.

  20. I love your recommendations!
    I always write them down :)

  21. My DVR is going to be full of shows recommended by my favorite super model trophy wife.


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