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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Halloween Past & Present

Hello, dear friends.  How is your weekend going?  All is well here.  The Mister and I went out to lunch and the movies today.  The flick of the day was Inferno.  The Mister loved it.

There is only one Halloween that sticks out in my mind from my childhood.  I was in 4th grade, and it was the year of firsts.  That year I experienced my maiden voyage of hitting the bricks with girlfriends and leaving my parents and Sista in the dust at home.  It was the first time that I could collect and carry my loot in an old pillow case like all the cool kids instead of some lame plastic pumpkin from the basement.  And lastly, I had a homemade costume for the first time, thanks to my babysitter, Alicia.  No more store-bought itchy get-up from the Five & Ten for moi.

I wanted to be The Flying Nun for a couple of reasons.  The first and most obvious reason was the fact that it was my favorite TV show.  I wanted to be Sister Bertrille more than anything else in the world.  The second and most important reason had to do with the fact that I went to a Catholic school and felt that since the Nuns were the judges of the costume contest, I would be a shoe-in for the winning spot.  In the end, I did not win but it still ended up being my most memorable Halloween.

While having the time of my life trick-or-treating and chatting it up with my gal pals, the lucky boy that I had a crush on snuck up on me, grabbed my  pillow case  filled with candy wrappers and took off at 90 miles an hour.  The girls and I squealed in delight.  Obviously, Joey liked me too!!  I walked home with empty arms and the world's biggest smile on my face.  Unfortunately, our relationship was a one-night run stand.  But that's his loss.

And now, without further ado, may I present our two little trick-or-treaters.

Ken Bone


Betty Draper

What was your most memorable Halloween?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Growing up in the country in North Georgia, Halloween was not a big deal. We went to the houses of our grandparents, aunts and uncles. Costumes were usually a mask only...those that were hard plastic and made your face all sweaty!:) I loved the Flying Nun as well! Who can beat Sally Fields?

  2. Ha ha! LOVE your Betty Draper dog! Don't you wish Mad Men was still on? Sorry you didn't win with your Flying Nun costume. Hey, you can always make another one and relive your childhood. -Jenn

  3. The Flying Nun - you should have won!
    My most memorable costume was a gypsy costume that my mum made - hoop earrings, a headscarf and a long dress. I remember feeling terribly exotic and glamorous!

  4. :-) Fun post my dear.
    My most memorable costume, I was a HUGE pumpkin. My mom filled and filled this huge orange plastic bag with paper ... we cut holes for my legs and arms and tied it around my neck area. The trouble was, I could not sit. HA!

  5. Yes, so remember graduating to the pillowcase! Love Chili and Chowdah's costumes.

  6. Oh the dogs - couldn't love their costumes more! And I know you were a great flying nun...what were those nuns thinking?! Happy Sunday!

  7. I want to be Betty Draper! lol Your dog's pearls are nicer than my own,I think.
    I went as a TV one time- in a BOX for Lord's sake with a tinfoil screen! Yeah- I was that kid. We lived clear out in the country so the only people that saw me----one aunt and 6 cousins. lol xo Diana

  8. Oh, I loved The Flying Nun as well. And, Chili and Chowdah are adorable.

  9. This is a cute post. What a great idea for a costume. I'm so sorry about your candy. Your pups are darling.

  10. Chili and Chowdah win the costume contest here! Betty Draper is adorable, and Ken Bone, what can I say? ;-)
    Loved the Flying Nun, and I wasn't Catholic. The only Halloween costume that I remember is being a clown. My mom made the suit. I grew up in a small town where everyone went door to door all though the town. My sister and I would sit on our beds after we got home and sort through our loot.

  11. Ken Bone and the Flying Nun - those are great. I also went to Catholic school Katie - oh dear, the stories I'm sure we could share! We used to use towels and rosaires to dress like nuns, but I actually had a sister who WAS a nun! My most memorable Halloween was in 12th grade - I was a vampire, complete with an older sister's black college graduation gown, dead roses from Homecoming the week before, and long hair, nails and legs, lol. I won best costume - a 12 pack of beer as prize (yes, unchaperoned, we were), which was NOT my drink of choice - so I left it behind. Thankfully, I left much of that silliness behind, and have aged gracefully into the witch that I am. >;-)

  12. Your pillowcase was filled with wrappers too??? At some point every Halloween I had such a bad stomachache from eating as much candy as I possibly could, because we were allowed to keep only TEN pieces when we arrived back home. Love the pup's costumes!

  13. Chili and Chow are ready to go! Ah, the flying nun - loved that show! My favorite Halloween memories were returning home after trick or treating when my sister and I would spread our candy out on the table and negotiate trades with one another. Fortunately, she took all of my Almond Joys in return for all of her Twizzlers. Win-win.

  14. Oh yes, wow -- loved the Flying Nun! Your pups look ready to go! Adorable! My best costume was a Hershey kiss (self-made) and I love those chocolates, so it was very appropriate! Happy Halloween!

  15. I loved Sally Field, but rI eally wanted to be Gidget! And I dreamt of Moondoggie many, many nights! Your pooches are adorable! I don't remember one specific Halloween as a child but I do remember my first Halloween in my first home I bought - well, let me just say, there was a lot of alcohol involved, so I may not remember it accurately!!

  16. I remember being in jr high, and Halloween fell on a SATURDAY. Long day of collecting candy. A friend and I ventured out at 10:00am as 50's sock hop girls. We were afraid we were starting too early, and when a gruff old lady (probably 48) answered the door with her pancake spatula in hand, we froze. She looked at us annoyed and said "can I help you?" We were speechless, looking at each other hoping the other would say trick or treat. The lady was not helping matters. After an awkward silent minute we walked away defeated, treatless. I think we got our guts up and got in a groove at friendlier homes. We laughed about it later and I'm sure the lady did too. Happy Halloween! I'm really nice to all trick or treaters now.

    1. I love this story, Carol!! I bet the mean lady had a chuckle after you two left! Have a great week!

  17. All I wanted was an itchy store bought costume like everyone else, instead of home made. Sadly, since I was and still am a fat kid, they never fit. In retrospect, my home made costumes were WAY better, but fitting in was so important then.

    1. Tooo funny. You wanted a store-bought and I wanted a homemade! The grass is always greener... Have a great week.

  18. Oh, I'm doubled up here. Ken Bone and Betty Draper? How I love how you think! This is just making my morning perfect!


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