Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, October 17, 2016

My Weekend in Pictures

Hello, dear friends.  I hope you all had a good weekend.  The weather has been beautiful here.

On Friday, I met up with my dear friend, Cindy, who was in town on business.  I met her several years ago in McKinney and hit it off with her right away.  She is so genuine and always great fun.

We met at one of my favorite places for lunch, Stephanie's On Newbury.  The food and service are always stellar.

Two wild and crazy gals sporting their plaid in Beantown.

After lunch, I suggested that we take a stroll over to see the Boston Public Library.  It is positively magnificent and hosts many social events as well as weddings.  And I guess a few people study and read there, too.

I think I would have studied a lot more in college if I had a beautiful room like this one to hit the books.

Does this lion make me look skinny?

Outside the library, there is a fabulous farmer's market twice a week.

While I was strolling the market, I was approached by this lovely lady.  Hilary introduced herself and told me that she reads my blog.  She was working the YummyMummy Brownies booth which her friend owns.

Hilary was sweet (no pun intended) enough to give me a brownie.  Cindy and I devoured it.  Talk about positively scrumptious!  My mouth waters every time I look at the picture.  I feel like a walking and talking advertisement for Pavlov's theory!

Not only does Hilary make the rounds to Farmer's Markets, but you can find those luscious brownies at the Yummy Mummy Bakery run by her friend, Melissa in Westborough.

One question for you Hilary... how do you stay so skinny while being surrounded by those sinful brownies?

Cindy and I then did some power shopping, and before I knew it, it was time to say good bye to my dear friend.  

On Saturday, the Mister and I went out to lunch and saw The Accountant.  Here are our reviews in a nutshell.

The Mister: A-
The Mrs:    D-

The Mister was delighted because his new toy arrived on Friday.  He couldn't wait to run to the store to pick up some ingredients and turn this baby on.  I must say I love how the house smells when this girl is cookin.'  The stew was delish, and we have enough left over to feed the whole town!

About a month ago, I got an email from a reader in Johannesburg, South Africa.  Gee told me that she and her husband were taking a holiday on the East Coast and asked for suggestions for restaurants and things to do in Boston.  I sent her a list, and I told her if they had time I would love to meet them.  We set a date and agreed to meet at Abe & Louie's.

Fast forward a few weeks, and here we are having brunch.  Gee and Barry are darling.  We had a delightful time.

Gee wins the award for the reader that I have met that lives the farthest distance.  Although, I do wish they lived in Boston because the Mister and I want to hang out with them.

As if this weekend couldn't get any better, I won the give-away over at one of my favorite blogs, At Home With Jemma.  This adorable gift arrived on Friday.

By the way... 
I am being featured on 
Amaze Me Monday 

Until next time...

Tell Mom & Dad that we like to go out to lunch too!
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh that library just makes me shiver...all those books in that beautiful setting. And isn't it fun to meet blog friends?

  2. What a full and wonderful weekend you had! Slow cookers/crockpots are the best this time of year. Having a pot full of mulled cider on low in the kitchen all day just makes the whole downstairs smell like fall. I hope your week is as great as your past few days have been, Katie.

  3. It looks like a fabulous weekend, new friends, old friends, shopping and more. That library is magnificent. I will have to put it on my list of places to see.

    I hope that you have a fabulous week Katie.

  4. What a wonderful weekend and I am with you, college would have been so much more interesting with this style of architecture.
    You look great in your plaid:)
    So glad you like your little giveaway win:)!!

  5. Would the mr. share his recipe??! I always wonder if "real" chefs ever use a crockpot. I can do not imagine the ingredients he would throw together for a stew!!!
    I wanna come play with you way up there!!!!

  6. Beautiful library - I need to see that reading room on my next trip to Boston!

  7. That library is amazing, and I would love to wander around that market. I would have to run really fast past the brownies though. xo Laura

  8. My family and I were in Boston six years ago and we didn't make time to see the Boston Public Library. That has haunted me ever since. That farmer's market was up and running on the day we were in that square, though. Delightful. And please let us know how the Mister likes that CrockPot. I ruined the cord on mine and am putting a new one on my Christmas list. Sad, I know.

  9. Wow! You are on one of my favorite streets -- Newbury. When I go to Boston I stay a block or two away on Commonwealth and Newbury is my morning stroll. I say that like I do that a lot (and used to) but haven't in so very many years! The library is fantastic -- I've never been and now I see why it's a destination even for those who don't want to check out a book! Sounds like a splendid weekend!

  10. Beautiful pictures, as always! The second paragraph made me panic for a minute, because I thought it said you were IN McKinney on Friday. I thought I missed my opportunity to stalk you...errrr, I mean meet up!
    That crockpot is beautiful...two words I normally don't use in the same sentence. I'm sure the Mister will cook up some delicious meals in there!! He needs to start a recipe club! :)
    Glad you enjoyed your weekend!

  11. I am so sorry we missed seeing this gorgeous library in Boston. Next time for sure! Stunning!

  12. That library is just beautiful. I have heard not-so-stellar reviews for the Accountant so I guess we will wait for the dvd. And that crockpot looks like the Cadillac of slow cookers! Have a wonderful week!

  13. Katie I have to say that you have the most delightful adventures! Thanks for the tour of Boston's magnificent library! Wow!!!

  14. Oh Katie, you and Cindy look like you are having so much fun! That is a gorgeous library. How nice of you to feed your town with your crockpot leftovers! ;) -Jenn

  15. That lion DOES make you look skinny! lol What a GREAT library and you gals look like you are having a ball. The hubster just left about 30 minutes ago to take himself off to see The Accountant. I told him I didn't want to see it. lol After seeing your rating I am glad I didn't waste MY time....HIS time is his own!
    Love seeing Boston through your eyes/blog/whatever---xo Diana

  16. I love that library, when I was 8 I went into that library and used the copy machine. It was the first copy I ever made. I love Newbury Street and the brownie looked scrumptious.

  17. You are so stinking cute! That is so wonderful that you got to meet a sweet reader and enjoy a lovely dinner together! Those of the things I love about blogging the most! OK so I think it would make a fabulous post for the Mister to guest post with his best recipes! Might put some of our misters to shame, LOL!

  18. Those dogs are just too cute! And, how neat to meet a blogger from half away around the world. As always, love stopping by!

  19. Wow -- love that library and you two look darling in your plaid ponchos! Brownies call my name all the time and I usually answer! I would definitely devour that brownie!

    How fun to meet a blog reader from so far away! So sweet! Hey, if you're ever in Nebraska, I'd love to meet you! :)

  20. I need to hit Boston, and now that my last child is college touring I think I have an excuse!!

  21. Katie,
    Meeting up with an old friend and touring that gorgeous library fantastic! What a wonderful place to study! How fun meeting someone from across the world! Look like you were having a great time, meeting other bloggers is one of the best thing about blogging! So sorry it didn't work out when I was there! I havent' done my post on Plymouth ( still planning on it), saw that you were there not to long ago. If you go back, you might want to try the Water Front Café. We ate breakfast there 2 days in a row cuz it was so wonderful. It's just what it says, a little café but the the food is amazing, the girl that waited on us was sweet, gave us excellent service and had worked there for 10 years. Just a thought.

  22. What a beautiful weekend! I love all the places you graced with your presence and yet I have never physically been to them. I must plan a trip to Boston ASAP! Yay for meeting readers from far away, that is wonderful! I love the way you make me smile and giggle as I read your post your humor is pristine. xo

  23. Lovely weekend! Great idea on the library, it is beautiful. I have a house guest this weekend and that's where we'll go. Thanks for taking us inside. Yummy Mummy brownies are the best!!

  24. Katie, wow..what a great post!!

  25. SOUTH AFRICANS are LOVELY people!MY GOD DAUGHTERS are from there.
    HOW FUN TO BE RECOGNIZED!!!!!!I have to say YOU are LOOKING THIN THIN THIN..............all this LUNCHING is agreeing with YOU!

  26. Boston is such a beautiful city. This post makes me want to go back. You dogs are lovely also. What kind are they ?

  27. Sis, you are on FIRE. To have a person walk up and say "I read your blog" and then have her turn out to be such a magical creator? Absolutely stellar. That's huge. Huge. And then to have the opportunity to dine with a South African reader and her hubs? Now that's not something one can say every day either. Hopping over to check out your Amaze Me Monday post ... yet more icing on the cake. Keep 'em coming.

  28. Just curious why you gave it a D? Is it because you don't care for this genre, or because you're a little bit tired of Ben? I'm quite tired of Ben but thought this movie looked good. Oh well, I don't have time to see a movie right now anyway : ) Looks like a fun weekend! Gorgeous weather here too, but way too warm for plaid scarves still. I'm in flip flops and shorts today.

  29. Hi Katie, at last I (we) have sorted out our iPad issues and here's hoping this comment will go through!
    It was fantastic meeting you and your mister and we really appreciate the effort involved in our get together.
    Our trip to see the Fall lived up to all expectations but you exceeded all expectations - not only is your writing entertaining, uplifting and hilarious but so are you. It was wonderful to make a new friend and we hope to see you both in South Africa one day. One slight problem re your post about our meeting - I felt so much younger and thinner when that photo was being taken...
    Our best wishes to you both
    Gee x

  30. You have been a busy gal! I love the relationship you have with your readers - a true testament to how welcome you make everyone feel. Have a great week my friend!


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