Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Enamored by Newburyport

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.  Yesterday, I spent a magical afternoon on the Cape with some new and old friends.  I can't wait to tell you about it.

  Last weekend, the Mister and I took a day trip to Newburyport.  

Here's your Geography lesson for the day.

Newburyport is a small coastal city 35 miles Northeast of Boston.

It is quintessential New England.

I agree... a girl can never have too many scarves.

One of our first stops.  We have to keep the pooches supplied with their antlers.

The Mister hit a homerun with his lunch choice.  The food and service were stellar.  

The Mister had the best Arnold Palmer he's ever had.  When we asked how they made it, the waiter told us that they fresh brew the tea.  Hope he's not expecting this kind of service at home!

No day trip is complete without the Mister popping into the nearest bakery.

Love the skinny people tee shirt!

My three favorite food groups:  beer, wine, and penny candy!

The shop keepers are very friendly!

We have a thing for Stonewall Kitchen products.

How cute are these plates?

This reminds me that I should have planted my paperwhites 3 months ago.  Last year's sproutings didn't bloom until Easter.

Craft challenge of the day:  
What would you do with a lobstah trap?
That is, except catch lobstahs.

This place was chock full of plenty of treasures. 

I thought this was a clever idea.

My palms still sweat when I see electric typewriters.  I have PTSD from those wicked timing tests at Katie Gibbs. 

A good time had by all!

Until next time...

George Disario

Linking up with:
Silver Pennies Sundays

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I love the storefronts. That looks like such a neat place to walk around and shop in. Thanks for bringing us along. -Jenn

  2. That skinny t-shirt had me laughing out loud, and I equally have anxiety anywhere near those old typewriters.

  3. Thank you so much for taking us along! I am now feeling the urge to immediately make a mile high apple pie! Come on down. Have a fabulous Sunday!

  4. You and the Mister know how to live! I admire that you two get out and see the area every weekend. I wish I could talk my chef into doing more of that. I have suggested two day trips while our house guests are here next week. Thumbs up on those! '-) Cute little guy patiently waiting in your last photo.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. I love those old New England towns. I have to admit that I haven't seen any lobstahs here in Kentucky, but maybe if I hang one out my window I'll get a nice surprise. xo Laura

  6. What a fun town. A really cute place to visit. I am crushing on those plates. xo Diana

  7. L laughed at the "skinny t-shirt" - cute!! You make me miss MA more and more every day! I especially like Rockport, have you been?

  8. Katie, I haven't been to Newburyport in such a long time and you have me yearning to go back for some food and shopping. When I met Mr. Fun he was using a lobster crate (from an old girlfriend!) as a living room coffee table in his swingin' bachelor pad. I said no but somehow it still lives with us in our basement! As does my old Smith Corona from 1978! Time for a clean out I guess! Thanks for the tour. Linda

  9. Love those plates - yes, please! Thanks for the 10¢ tour - I didn't even have to get dressed!

  10. Of course you had me with the Christmas plates! What a pretty day this was!

  11. I love bakeries too!! I love to tour little towns like that...and from my arm chair and in my jimmies is the BEST!! I did chuckle when you made the comment about typing tests. OH MY GOODNESS....my heart would just about beat out of my chest. But I am glad I took typing as I can fly away on a keyboard if I am not timed.:)

  12. It has been such a long time since I've been to Newburyport but oh, the memories! I loved every photo here. That bakery! And the facade of the grocery! And the Christmas plates... biggest sigh! Happy, Happy!

  13. Looks like a fun day with greats shopping and eats! Stonewall Kitchens jams are the best!

  14. THE SON is HOME from THE CAPE and the groceries are purchased..............ALL EXCEPT THE TURKEY and GREEN BEANS!HAPPY THANKS GIVING..............KATIE

  15. Wow -- what a lovely place! I want to take some day trips! Only day trips around here are to the corn fields! :) Have a great week! Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. What an adorable town! You seem live in such a great location with all the day trips you are able to take! Now I want to go shopping... When you get a chance, stop by my blog. I posted a picture in today's post that you might like.

  17. What a lovely quaint town!! You do the best day trips!! xo K


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