Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

It's All About Us

Good morning, Everybody!

If you're looking for Mom, she's not here.  She is over at Waggleview giving a no holds barred, down and dirty interview.  Don't worry, it's not about boring stuff like Politics or Hollywood gossip. 


So hop on over to Waggleview and read all about our deepest, darkest secrets.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Hi Katie...I will definitely have to pay your post a visit!

  2. I'll be by. Meanwhile, you two keep it friendly and tidy while she's gone!

  3. I just read it. How sweet they really are!!! Life would be just too boring without the love of pets.

  4. They are so adorable!! Have a great afternoon!


  5. Everytime I look at a dog, I smile. I love mine so much and love people who love theirs like I do. Brava to you Katie !!!

  6. I see you love your babies like I love mine. What is the little box in their collars?

    1. It is a monitor for our invisible fence. Thanks for stopping by, Zoe.

  7. What a fun interview. I love to see your puppies!! They really do have adorable personalities.

  8. I went over and read every word. Hysterical. I love how they like to 'explore' things and work together on projects. Also, Betty looks fabulous in her pearls. xo Diana

  9. Ha, they work together on projects ... I am still laughing.
    Well done interview, and I do like that the little one lies about her age. ;-)

  10. I'm still giggling about the interview. Love, love, love your wonderful sense of humor. You add a sparkle to my day, Katie Clooney! The expressions of Chowdah and Chili are priceless. How you capture these two with your camera is amazing. I think you should publish a book. Seriously!

  11. Chowdah and Chili, your mom spilled some of the secrets, like yappy hour, but Chili, your age is still safely guarded and Chowdah, I love your idea of closing the eyes! Tell your mom to stop buying you those exploding beds! I hope she doesn't buy those Christmas trees that fall down when only you are in the room, too. I wish I could give you each a nice scratch. Linda

  12. Hope you don't mind.
    I featured your story
    of Chowdah and Chili.

    Seldom commenter here but long time reader.
    Linda C in Seattle with Astro.

  13. Great interview Katie! Your dogs are precious.

  14. Your interview made me realize that we need a dog or two. We lost our sweet Sadie in January. Must remedy that soon.

  15. Great interview, Chili and Chowdah! You two are so photogenic - never a bad photo! Enjoy your Yappy Hour!


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