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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Between the Pages Hostess Gifts

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Sunday.  Yesterday, we spent a delightful day in Newburyport.  I took lots of pics that I look forward to sharing with you.  Today, we are off to the nursery.  Our window boxes are desperately needing our attention.  We want to get all of our work done before our girls' visit.

Meanwhile, as we are working our fingers to the bone, this baby is cooking in the kitchen.

Here is another segment of my Hostess Gift series.  I love to give books as a gift for a couple of reasons.  They are easy to wrap and usually gratefully received.  

For the hostess who is a Gilmore Girls fan, this book looks like a good one.  Judging from Rory and Lorelei's fabulous figures and glowing skin, I'll have what they're having.

If you want to doubly impress that hostess of yours, throw in Lauren Graham's latest read as well.


If you're looking for a book with beautiful and inspiring party ideas, this one is for you, according to the reviews. 

The write-ups say that this book is chock full of great recipes and stunning photos.  It also fills you in on charming towns in France's wine country.  Sounds like the perfect gift for your Francophile friend.

I've had a subscription to Southern Living for about 20 years.  I look forward to its appearance in my mailbox every month.  I own a couple of these books from past years, and they don't disappoint.

My #2 loves Gina Homolka and all of her sumptuous, low-calorie recipes. Don't tell her but she may see this one under the tree.  This is a great gift for that annoyingly healthy friend.

This book is all about Spain.  It has gorgeous pictures of the countryside and well as delectable dishes.  Rumor has it that this one is on the Mister's Christmas list. That is if he's a good boy.


For the hostess that is a mom of girls of a certain age, I am sure this cookbook will be a hit. 

A book that is titled with one of my favorite sayings!  
This one has got to be good.

For the hostess who appreciates a beautiful coffee table book.  Bunny Williams can do no wrong in my book.

Yes, I do judge a book by its cover.  How could I not pick this gorgeous book for my hostess' coffee table?  

My friend, Carla from The River blog wrote about this sweet book.  A perfect gift for the Jane Austen fan in your life.  

For the hostess who feels that time is ticking away and has adventure in her heart, this book is sure to be a treasured gift.

I got this book as a gift a few years ago and love it.  This is the perfect reference for the empty nester or mom who enjoys weekend getaways. 

Another great gift is a copy of one of your favorite books.  I have given this one to many of my friends.


My new 2016-17 Lilly planner just arrived, and I love it.  This is a great gift for the hostess who keeps track of her dates on paper.  This planner comes in 3 sizes.  I ordered the jumbo not because I am a social butterfly but because at this stage in my life, the bigger the print, the better.

I used this Kate Spade planner last year and liked it, too.  I like the spiral binding for easy page turns. 


If you have noticed that your hostess has been noticeably down since election day, this book may be the perfect gift for her.  It is written by the founder of one of my favorite websites, Popsugar

Do you have a favorite book that you like to give as a gift? 

Don't forget to look out your window tonight at the super moon!

Until next time...


Linking up with:
Amaze Me Monday
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Did I miss it, what's in the crock pot??

  2. You always have such lovely gift ideas, Katie! Sometimes I am hesitant to give a book because it can be such a personal choice, but cookbooks are an excellent idea. -Jenn

  3. These are all wonderful ideas! I can't wait to take a look at the Entertaining book from Darcy Miller, and the 36 hours book is on my wish list. I also loved Racing in the Rain, and you can't go wrong with a Southern Living book. Have a wonderful week!

  4. Great ideas. I LOVE the Lilly Pulitzer planner. She was quite a gal-there used to be a place in Palm Beach Gardens that carried her 'leftovers'. Such a fun place to visit.

    Thanks for the Amazon reminder - I needed to get my grandson's bd gift order and now -thanks to you- it will be a day late. Had you posted it YESTERDAY I would have ordered yesterday and it would have been on time. Oh- well- even you trophy wives aren't perfect!!!! xo Diana

  5. Wonderful book selections. I am going to be giving, Barbara Brown Taylor's "An Altar in the World". Thank you for your visit earlier today. Have a fabulous week. Hugs!

  6. Oh boy do you have some great suggestions that are new to me. I love the 1,000 places to see before I die...I have gifted that one numerous times. I must check out my life as a dog...we have a very spoiled one in our household!

  7. I can only imagine what kinda yumminess that man of yours put into that crockpot!!
    Details, plz!!

  8. Katie, I can verify that the Southern Living Christmas Book and Bunny Williams and Paul Pennoyer are all fabulous. Now I want to see the Darcy Miller and the Jane Austen! I am giving Frances Schultz's book Bee Cottage to a few friends this year. I love this series you have created for us! And isn't it amazing how the kids coming home can inspire all kinds of clean-up and projects! Linda

  9. I love this list! I am a total sucker for cook books, especially one with beautiful pictures! I am definitely going to check out Eat Like A Gilmore so I can find out what they were eating at all those Friday night dinners!!! ;)
    Have you read All In Good Taste by Kate Spade?

  10. I love books and these look like fabulous suggestions! Sadly I want to keep them all for self.

  11. I think a beautiful book is always the perfect gift. That French country book, even if i didn't cook a single thing, would still be a delight to look at. Great ideas!

  12. These are all fabulous ideas! I wonder if Darcy Miller is the one who used to be part of Martha Stewart -- I'll have to check that out. I liked her.

    My favorite go-to book gifts are any of Vivian Swifts -- "When Wanderers Cease to Roam: A Travelers Guide to Staying Put," "Le Road Trip" (her journey to France) and the recent "Gardens of Awe and Folly."

  13. Great suggestions for a wide range of people. Thank you for the ideas.

  14. I have Mimi's FRENCH COUNTRY COOKING.........it is her second book and the pHOTOS are GORGEOUS done by her ICELANDIC husband!Who is NOT bad either!!!!!HER BLOG is FABULOUS with interesting tales and recipes...........check it out!THIS WOMAN IS BUSY........LOADS of kids and opens her home in the summer to become a restaurant!I think YOU and the MISTER should go check it out next SUMMER and write a REVIEW!!!!

  15. Now that Gilmore Girls one is intriguing. Seeing as I have absolutely no memory of them eating anything but takeout or food from Luke's, it must be one zinger of a read, Sis. Perhaps it's recipes from his kitchen or Sookie's? Or better yet, both?

  16. Dinner looks delish! Great suggestions! One of my "to-go" books is called " A Cup of Christmas Tea", a delightful tale for all ages! Keep the ideas coming!

  17. I love the French Cookbook.
    I just ordered my planner from Amazon on Friday. ;-)
    Have a great new week,

  18. What great ideas. I love gifting books and just ordered the Jane Austen and 36 Hours for two people on my list. Already purchased Alton Brown's new cookbook to give my son for Christmas. He grew up watching Good Eats on Food network, so I know he'll like it. Thanks for the good suggestions!


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