Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Suggestions for March Entertainment

Hello dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.  We are expecting our usual, unwelcome weekend guest - snow -  later this evening.

Today, I put together a list of TV shows and a movie that are coming out this month.  If you can't be happy outside, you might as well be enjoying your time indoors.

The following 3 shows are on 

Season 3 debuted last week and the Mister and I have been binge watching this mini series like there's no tomorrow.  We are on Episode 4 and it has not let us down.  Watching Frank and Claire  run the country makes for some very delicious entertainment.

OMG... have I ever missed Kyle Chandler!  It's about time that he is back on TV.  Now I don't have to watch Friday Night Lights reruns to see this handsome hunk of talent.

Three reasons why I'm excited for this Comedy:
* Tina Fey is the co-producer
* Tina Fey is the co-creator
* The incredibly talented Ellie Kemper is the star.

Hope it lives up to the hype.

Good ol' regular TV

Tomorrow night The Following premieres Season 3 with a two-hour show.  Can't wait!

Oh, how I've missed you, Ryan Hardy.

This looks pretty good.  Hope it doesn't let me down.  As a side note, Juliette Lewis was in the make up chair next to me on the Meredith show.  What she lacks in personality, I hope she makes up for in the talent department.

I'm a big fan of Sir Anthony Hopkins.  I usually enjoy movies based on true stories and I have high hopes for this one.  An added bonus... the Mister and I will actually agree on the movie choice, for once.

And a good ol' Book


I am finishing the last few pages of this novel of which  I am enjoying every word.  It is always sad for me to leave the characters in a great book, and I especially feel that way about the family in this book.

Any suggestions for me?
Besides get a hobby.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I chuckled as I read your post because I began thinking of shows I like.....I couldn't think of one show on network tv, except Survivor, that I watch. BECAUSE I CAN'T GET OFF OF BRAVO.....THE JUNK SHOWS!!!!!! Seriously? Andy Cohen has gotten me addicted to all of the schmuck on his channel. Oh well...it's my guilty pleasure and I do not feel guilty at all. I did just put Secrets & Lies onto dvr...it looks like it may be good. And hoping I have enough room left on kindle to download A Spool of Blue Thread for trip! Thanks for the tips...

  2. I cannot get over this snow..its snowing like mad over here too and I am soooo disappointed as we had show tickets tonight, another one bites the dust!
    I am really behind on TV shows, don't know any of these so need to catch up on whats new and exciting... book wise, just started The boys in the boat, which a friend highly recommended. So far so good!!! Enjoy staying in and being cozy:)

  3. Been snowing like crazy here today, probably another 4 inches, but still coming down. Sigh. The Anne Tyler book is on my list. We rented Boyhood so will watch that this evening. I talked hubs into watching Gone Girl yesterday. I'd seen it already but watched with him. He was not a fan : )

  4. Oh my gosh, crazy snow here in Rhode Island. I have spent my afternoon with House of Cards and the pups. Delightful!

  5. I haven't heard of the Kimmy show, but with Tina Fey involved, I'll be sure to check it out. Hang in there with the snow!

  6. This doesn't fall under the "March Entertainment" category, but I am anxiously awaiting the final season of Mad Men which begins on April 5. And one of these days I plan to buy a box set of the earlier seasons of Downton Abby and get into it.

  7. I am traveling and so have not begun HOC yet but number two son has already finished the season. He won't reveal anything to me though! Just downloaded A Spool of Blue Thread so will probably begin in on my flights today. Glad you reminded me about The Following - have not watched it yet but it is on my list. Hope you have a great week!

  8. I heard Ann Taylor being interviewed on NPR a couple of weeks ago. Great interview! Happy to hear the book is good. I will have to add it to my "must read" list.

  9. You had me at Tina Fey...thanks for all the suggestions...I'd say I need more snow days to catch up, but teaching on the 5th of July is not what I had in mind for 2015.

  10. I am on my way home and NOT looking forward to dealing with the snow after four days of sunshine and 65 degrees in California! The book looks great ...I am adding it to my list! And will be binge watching House of Cards when I get home. xoxo

  11. Thank you for the update on the new Kyle Chandler series. What a crush I have on that man....he was so good in Friday Night Lights. Is it abnormal for a grown woman to say 'Clear eyes, full hearts, can't loose'? I always wondered why they never did a show in the series about a booster mom being attracted to him....I loved the relationship between he and his wife. They made that show. Tim Riggins was cute, but give Coach any day. I'll look forward to his new show. It looks good in the trailer. So sorry about your ice damage.

    Warmly, Kathleen

  12. So happy to get the suggestions! I have Netflix and need another series to watch now that Downton Abbey, Top Chef, Celebrity Apprentice, and Ellen's Design Challenge just finished up. After writing that I realize that I need an intervention to address my little television problem. (After writing that I want to go check and see if Intervention is by chance on Netflix.)

  13. I am so woefully behind all my reading and TV watching but it is well worth it to trade in my hours of watching BRAVO TV for snuggling with the baby! I love Ellie Kemper and Tina Fey so that show will definitely be on my radar when I get back to my own DVR!

  14. Just reserved your book reco, thank you. I may have mentioned Amazon Prime Tranparent before, filthy dirty but an excellent first season with Jeffrey Tambor. Loved the book Light Between Oceans. Lumbering through The Husband's Secret. I've decided I don't like stories as much with 22 characters and 6 side stories, so when I piut it down and pick it back up I have to look back to remember who is who. Not relaxing for me. Have been reading Streams in the Desert daily for 7 years (started for Lent 2008) and it is an excellent daily devotional full of encouragement. Watched Wolf of Wall Street last night on Netflix (also filthy,) I thought it was pretty good, husband thought it was completely unrealistic. Enjoying a beautiful spring day in TN! Loved your wreath blog, time to freshen mine!


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