Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Egg-spiration Martha Style

Hello dear friends.  I have a big secret.  I love Martha Stewart but she scares the shiitake mushrooms out of me.  I have heard from a couple of people who have come in contact with the almighty Martha that she's not so nice.  

But I can still appreciate her ideas, right? 

So hear are some Easter table setting ideas ala Martha.   

She doesn't look so mean here.

If I worked on my eggs for two weeks straight, they would never look this good.

Thanks, Martha.

If Martha saw my interpretation of this clever bunny fold, she would probably give me a look similar to this one.

I bet Martha's chickens laid these golden eggs.

An Easter McBasket!

Martha may not be the sweetest candy in the box, but she sure has great ideas!

Have you ever used any ideas inspired by Martha? 

WHEN ANIMALS ATTACK: MARTHA STEWART got a nasty cut on her upper lip earlier this week, after her French bulldog, Franchesca, headbutted her.
Martha wrote on her blog that she startled the dog when she leaned over to whisper goodbye while Franchesca was sleeping. The dog woke abruptly and shot upwards, hitting her in the face.
Mike & Tricia's

Even her dog is scared of her. 
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I have always loved her creative ideas (although I know she has an entire team helping her). She has on many occasions appeared to be quite ruthless.

  2. Her toffee, cherry, oatmeal cookies are one of our family's favorite. And at Thanksgiving I make her cranberry tartlets. But, I think she is scary. Have you ever seen her on WWHL? She's not always nice to Andy.

    1. Who couldn't be nice to our Andy? I think she lacks a sense of humor. Speaking of Andy.. I'm going to have BIG news next week! How's that for a teaser?

    2. Who couldn't be nice to our Andy? I think she lacks a sense of humor. Speaking of Andy.. I'm going to have BIG news next week! How's that for a teaser?

  3. The last time I made the bunny fold napkin was in 2008...The Family Matriarch was hosting Easter for 27...a smallish crowd for our family...she put me in charge of the bunny fold...I consider myself rather crafty, but a few of the bunnies had more of a van Gogh appearance...art and bunny fold is in the eye of the beholder. Fortunately, Martha was still on parole so her dirty looks did not scare me...at the time!

  4. I use Martha's ideas quite often and still like the ideas she comes up with. OWWWW on her cut lip. I got a similar cut a few years ago and you can still see a fine white line..Even her dog is scared of her....lol....xo Diana

  5. She scares me too. My Easter eggs tended to look like I dropped them in a mud puddle so fortunately I am not longer required to make any. Or maybe I should say I have been nicely banned from making them :)

  6. I love Martha! I've met her (not in the pokey) and she was very nice to me both times. She is a very direct and to the point person who doesn't suffer fools easily. She has a great sense of humor and can be fun. I love her milk chocolate chunk cookie recipe. It's my favorite of all time!

    1. Now Martha scares me a little bit less, Romi. But it may have more to do with her cookies than her attitude. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Ideas inspired by Martha that I use: (1) have a theme-decorated Christmas tree, and (2) avoid insider trading.
    I agree with Gina above that Martha's Oatmeal Toffee Cookies with dried cherries are delicious - as are her Chewy Chocolate Ginger-Molasses Cookies. I enjoy her recipes more than her decorating.

    1. You crack me up, Paige! If I ever get so thin that I have to drop WW, I will try those cookie recipes. Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Ouch that looks painful. Leave it up to Martha to turn even an ordinary egg into a work of art.....so many beautiful ideas! Hope you have a great weekend, it might be raining but hey at least its not snow...woo hoo!

  9. Greetings from Ohio! It's finally a bit warmer here, too. I remember years ago, when Martha's magazine came out, I made so many wonderful recipes that I still use as signature dishes. They were always perfect. But sadly, after her issues with poor judgement, I couldn't return to her. As Maya Angelou said, 'Listen to people, they'll tell you who they are'. (I think she said that, at least that's what Oprah said). Hope all is well with you and yours.

    Warmly, Katheen

    1. Kathleen, I have used Maya's quote time and time again with my girls. It always rings true. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    2. Kathleen, I have used Maya's quote time and time again with my girls. It always rings true. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Oh Martha....I have always heard she is not the most gracious of women, however, she has inspired me for years with ideas of creating beautiful spaces, inside and outside. But, as mother always said, "Pretty is as pretty does!" Wishing you a lovely weekend....and...thank you Martha!

  11. She came to Jackson several years ago and the tales of her reign of terror here still linger! I actually met her once when daughter and I were invited to attend a taping of her show (a friend was a guest) and she was nice to us but very brisk and business-like.

  12. You are too funny, Katie, and yes, while were inspired by Martha, we have also met her and the rumors are sadly true. Even some of our buyers who have worked for her say she's a meanie in the office... Thanks for your egg-cellent post today!
    C + C

  13. Martha rocks! (from afar).
    I put out my eggs and bunnies today, but somehow, they don't look quite like hers.

  14. I have no idea what Martha is like, but who cares, you are a sweethheart and that is what is important!!! I am a "baby boomer," time moves on very quickly, chop chop, but I read you and that is what is important!!! Just love you!

    1. Thank you so much! Your comment is the first one that I am reading this morning. What a way to start the day!! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and setting the tone for my weekend!

  15. I had the chance to meet Martha...she is kind of cold, as you expect. We could do all that if we had a cadre of experts helping us...but it is more fun to keep it real. Your blog never fails to make me smile...thank you for that!! Have a great weekend! xoxo

  16. Oh dear.. she really does manage to get herself into .. predicaments. I do give her credit for being right on with all the household, domestic duties. She has written a huge book (the size of the bible) that b.r.e.a.k.s it all down .. the house stuff that is. I do love all this pretty EATER inspiration and I too wish I could get my eggs to look like hers ;) xxL

  17. Forget about Martha....I wanna know what your surprise is??! If u show up in Andy's audience, I'm coming too! By the way, haven't seen tv in over 2 weeks. I'm in bravo withdrawal.....

  18. Martha (and her staff) sure are talented! I love the origami bunny napkin but mine would NEVER look like that. Of the examples shown, the one I might be able to pull off is the flowers in the little paper bag "basket". Except that I'd probably kill the flowers, so maybe not...


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