Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Great Lunch & Inside Renovations

Hello dear friends.  Happy almost Friday!  This week flew by for me.  Today, the temps hit the 50's and it was bright and sunny.  I ran out early and took a nice long walk.  I haven't done that in about 5 months.  Now I need to take a 2 hour nap.

Yesterday, I met my buddy, Mo of Mocadeaux and two of my favorite Sudbury Sweethearts, Mary and Kathy for lunch.  We met in Dedham's Legacy Place, which is a beautiful outdoor mall.  I felt like I was back in Texas again!

Not only did we have a wonderful time catching up, Mo brought along a special guest, her grandson, Sammy.  Sammy's Mama understandably doesn't want her son's photo on the Internet, so Mo covered his precious face.  
But I had to show you Sammy's precious shirt.  Hmmm... I wonder if he won it at the Clubhouse.


The last workman left today.  All the inside water damage has been peeled, plastered, and painted.  Everything looks basically the same except the powder room.   This is how it looked before the leaks.

The wallpaper was discontinued.  
So this is the new look.

I also had the laundry room/doggie nursery painted.  It was originally pale blue.  I felt bolder this time.

Notice Chowdah peeking around the corner.

Sista gave me these darling prints for Christmas.  It really captures Chowdah and Chili's personalities.

Chowdah made up for a lot of lost time digging today.  

Sweet Chili stays away from the mud and prefers to take care of business on the welcome mat.

Have a great weekend!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Well, I like the new look. It is bright and fresh and I loved the "old" rich and regal look, too. Love your new paint color and the muddy/non muddy boys! xo Diana

  2. What a fun lunch! Happy for you that you are getting your house put back together!

  3. Love it all, and could look at photos of your home every day. R

  4. Love the prints and that Scumacher paper is a fave...looks smashing in your powder room!! Always fun to meet up with blogging pals.....lucky you to get to 50, here we didn't' creep past 42!

  5. I would say that Chili is not stupid. No muddy paws for that dog. Love the new look. I am so a blue and white girl. xo Laura

  6. Love, love, love the new wallpaper !! I was back in Plano/McKinney last weekend.....it was a wonderful 72 degrees and sunny ! I recently moved to DE and like you I am craving warmer days !

  7. Love the new look...and the prints of the the "kids" are so cute and special.

  8. I love the new wallpaper!!!! IT looks fabulous!

  9. I love those prints and the fur babies are SO cute. Great choice on the wallpaper. Blue and white is so classic.

  10. Love the new look and I do love blue but am not having a bit of it in my new house. I do have plenty in my current house though. Those pups are just the cutest! Happy weekend!

  11. Oh Katie, I know how happy you must be to have the rooms freshly painted. How distressing! Love the choices you selected too! The prints from your sister are too darling! But....how in the world do you keep up with those precious muddy paws????? Wishing you a beautiful spring weekend!

  12. So glad that you got to enjoy some nice weather finally and how much fun to meet friends for lunch to celebrate! Love your wallpaper and paint, both so cheerful for welcoming spring. Have a great weekend!

  13. Lunch was wonderful! The little guy wore his Mazel onsie just for you! I'm glad that the reno is going well. Love, love, love the bold shade of blue in the laundry room!

  14. Katie! LOVE that wallpaper in your powder room and ..way to go bolder with the darker blue in the doggie room;) I'm sorry to hear to had leaking. There is always something, right? Glad it's warming up over there.. finally. Enjoy your weekend!

  15. I like a bold color in the laundry room. That blue is lovely. We had snow this morning-yuck! Spring is certainly taking its time this year.

  16. Talk about a blessing in disguise - not that I didn't like your other paper, but the blue and white wallpaper is BEYOND amazing! I am impressed how quickly you turned things around - my house is still in disarray from the dam ice dams! Jealous you got to see Mo and sweet Sammy - I had really hoped to get up to see the two of you while she was in town but life got in the way. Hugs to you, my dear! Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. I love both the old and new wallpapers in your powder room, and also like the bolder paint color in the laundry room.

  18. There's always a silver lining and we love the new paper in the powder room! Even the bold blue in the laundry room makes us want to do laundry. Have a great weekend, Katie!
    C + C


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