Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Good morning, dear friends.  I am bubbling with excitement.  Not only is it Hodgepodge Wednesday, but it is going to be 55 degrees today.  Hallelujah!

1.  What's the first image that comes to mind when you hear the word "spring?"  Which phrase best describes the season of Spring where you live right now (today) - Sprung! almost there, or still waiting?

This is how I envision Spring.

And this is how it looks at my house today.  
Hopefully it will be gone by May.  

2.  Bed, couch, stapler, garage door, recliner, flashlight, door knob ... which household item containing springs most needs replacing in your home?  Speaking of springs...did you ever own a Slinky?

No springs lately.  However, last night, I made asked the Mister to get out of bed and replace the battery in the fire detector because it was chirping.  He never heard it and can literally sleep through anything.  Needless to say, he was not as chipper as he usually is when he kissed me good bye this morning.

Yes, I did own a slinky but it didn't work as well I would have liked because our stairs were carpeted.  One of the greatest disappointments of my tween years.

3.  March is Women's History Month.  Share  favorite quote by a woman.

4.  What's a question that looms large in your mind right now?

Will it ever be warm enough for me to wear shorts again?

5.  Are you a sugar freak?  By that I mean how much do you love sugar?  With all the bad press sugar gets these days, have you made any efforts to reduce the amount of sugar you consume?

I do love sugar but I have been trying to only eat natural sugar because I am on Weight Watchers.  "Points" is my middle name.  Misery is my game.

6. Would you rather have less work to do or more work you enjoy doing?

Is there anyone who would rather have less work to do that they don't enjoy doing?

7.Ever been to Texas?  Of the top ten Texas tourist attractions, which would you most like to see - The Alamo, The San Antonio River Walk, The State Capital, Dallas World Aquarium, Padre Island National Seashore, Houston Space Center, Schlitterbahn Water Park in New Braunfels, Six Flags Fiesta Texas, Moody Gardens, or Galveston Island?

I lived in Texas for 15 years.  There are only a few of these attractions that I managed to miss.  I still have time though.  My #1 lives in Dallas, and #2 will be working in Ft. Worth this summer.

We even brought Flat Stanley to The Alamo. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I am very proud of my #1 girl, the one and the same that gave Flat Stanley his first view of The Alamo.  She bought her first car yesterday and managed to talk the sales person down $90.00 in her monthly payment.  She inherited her negotiating skills from her Dad.

Another milestone.

Happy Wednesday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I've always admired other people's haggling skills, and wish I could do that. I always feel awkward trying :)

  2. Always enjoyable! I too have been cutting back on sugar and Spring is definitely delayed here! xo K

  3. Sounds like a visit to Texas is in your future...just in time for HOT summer!

  4. So much fun having grown up girls, isn't it? We're supposed to be up near 60 today too. I hear the gutters running which is a good thing! I'm not sure there is ever enough warm weather to justify those shorts : )

  5. That's great that your daughters will be together this summer! I envision spring the same way as you - you still have a lot of snow… maybe it will get washed away with some rain. I watched your ex last night in one of my favorite movies - Oceans Eleven. He looks really good in that movie...

  6. Hopefully, those 55 degree temps will help that snow to start to melt away! We're expecting around 70 here today. Love it! Good for your girl...I know you're so proud of her!

  7. At 3:45 am we were awakened too by a pesky smoke alarm, the battery was chirping, in a woman's voice. It took me forever to get back to sleep. Our poor dog was shaking like a leaf.
    Spring sounds good.....

  8. Happy almost Spring! I'm sure a warm Texas trip is in your future!

  9. I really have to see the Alamo if i'm ever in San Antonio!

  10. Happy Almost Spring Katie! Hope the temps stay up to melt away the snow!
    p.s. My smoke alarms have been chirping too! Why does it only happen in the middle of the night? Grrrrrr!

  11. Congrats to your D.Always enjoy reading what you have to say and your humorous spin!! I am SO excited to be hovering in the 50's this is big news indeed!! Cheers to spring:)

  12. Love those answers, Katie. Where did you find that picture of me in that leopard short outfit? I am so glad I had my hair done that day!
    Congrats to your daughter..that is, indeed, a milestone. xo Diana

  13. ps. Meant to say thanks for your visits- I can't respond to you directly via email.

  14. Way to go #1...I hate it when the smoke detector decides to chirp its first chirp in the wee hours of the morning.

  15. Oh, a chirping fire alarm, worse than a chirping cricket. Drives me bonkers and my Hubby could sleep through a hurricane too. Good job on your daughter's negotiation skills. I'm thinking she might have gotten it from her Mom as well. :o)) Happy mid-week!

  16. Your posts always make me smile!! I do believe we have turned a corner with this winter...but what a slushy mess! Hugs to you, my dear!! xoxo

  17. I did have a Slinky, and I think I do remember we made it go down the steps outside (we grew up in a one story home). So hilarious the woman in the leopard Daisy Duke jumpsuit. I'm very impressed with your daughter's negotiation skills. To your #1, you go girl!

  18. Congrats to #1! I am so happy for you to see 55 degrees today, hope you are able to get out and enjoy it!

  19. I made the "mistake" of giving up ALL sweets for Lent. Really hoping the Easter Bunny brings me a ton of candy!!!

  20. I love your hodge and your podge, Katie! I lived in Michigan for 2 years so I get that whole snowy, snitty 'spring' look. The flowers are coming no doubt. The worst is the when the smoke detector beeps at night (ours sounds like a hideous alarm). We have 20 ft. ceilings in the main part of our house. If one of those goes off when my husband is gone I have to leave the house. Ugh! Feel for you. Love the shorts pic ;). I'm packing for Mexico but I'm definitely not taking the short shorts. Good for you doing WW! I've been doing South Beach and am down 20 lbs. I have a few 'hacks' of how I do it on the blog. It's not easy, but fitting into clothes I haven't been able to wear feels fantastic. Your daughter is gorgeous-congrats to her!
    xx, Heather

  21. Spring flowers come to mind and yes, sadly our yards look like yours! Our Flat Stanley got shipped around the US and his favorite spot was the Mall of the Americas - though he found Minnesota quite cold. Hope you're having a great week, Katie!
    C + C

  22. Loved this post, so funny! And you always have the cleverest photo as your parting shot!

  23. The chirping smoke detector is the worst! And why is it that a) they always go off in the middle of the night and b) husbands seem to be oblivious to the sound?


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