Talbots Spring Essentials

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Monday, March 9, 2015

Pin Whim - Kitchen Ideas

Good morning, dear friends!  Nine more days until Spring!  Woohoo!

The Mister and I did our usual movie thing this weekend.  

The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel was pretty good.  Dame Judi Dench and Maggie Smith gave their usual brilliant performance and Richard Gere was a handsome addition.  I wouldn't drop everything and run out to the theater to see this one, but it will definitely entertain you for a few hours.

Pin Whim this week is all about great ideas for the kitchen.  

I have two of these drawers in my kitchen and I love them.  

media cache

Love this idea.

media cache

my house my home 

The Mister would be so happy if our tupperware cabinet this organized.  No matter how hard I try, it's still a mess.

brit co.

clicky pix

Great idea for the inside of a cabinet.  I could have used this when I was a new wife and cooking all my gourmet Campbell Soup recipes.

clicky pix


happiness craft

I don't know what I would put in these jars, but I love the looks of them.



True convenience.

Traditional Home

my home idea.com



I want one of these coffee stations!

DB Homes

Two great cutting board ideas.

Gary Wafford.net

Maison Demure

If I baked, I would want one of these drawers.


What's your favorite amenity in your kitchen?

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I was just telling hubby how I love that everything is integrated into the kitchen nowadays rather than all over the countertops!! One can dream.

  2. My favorite amenity in my kitchen is my husband, because he can cook. I also love my pull-out dual garbage cans, deep Tupperware drawer, built-in spice rack and smooth ceramic cooktop. What I hate is the fact that my family gets hungry every single day.

  3. Funny I really enjoyed the first one but somehow thought the second might not be as good, thanks for saving me the movie ticket:) How exciting is it that we are finally having some milder SNOW FREE weather! Hallelujah!!!! Love all the kitchen ideas, really need to step up my game after seeing those. Enjoy the day!!

  4. Living with loads of humidity and beautiful crawling creatures, we have to put most of our dried pantry items in glass jars. I've wanted to blog about it and show my cabinet of rice, grits, couscous, beans, etc . . . but mine isn't "photo-ready," let's just say. These are great examples for me to step-it-up and get it looking good.

  5. Katie these are all great organizing ideas. I need to integrate a couple into my fairly unexciting kitchen plan!
    I do want to see The Marigold Hotel, just know not to have the very highest of expectations now!
    The Arts by Karena

  6. Oh you saved the best for last- too cute! I love my pull out garbage drawers- but who knew how many other things could store in that manner as well? Very clever and useful!

  7. All good ideas! Wish I had the deep flatware drawer! And the golden...love! We have an eleven year old who makes appearances on my blog...Mikey!

  8. Oh my I want it all...now I just need the funds for the remodel...cook and maid would be a good idea also. I do envy the organized storage containers.

  9. The sky is absolutely the limit with all the amazing things one can do in their kitchen. I have incorporated some neat things but I'm quite sure I'll wish I had done more. It's never ending. Great post!

  10. Ah, Bill Nighy. Love that man! I had an organized Tupperware cabinet once. Then we had grandchildren. They carve a path of destruction through the place and leave red abd blue lids in the damnedest places. Perhaps, . I'll reorganize in a few years

    1. Awww. sounds like you don't mind too much!! I wouldn't reorganize til they grow up! Enjoy your week!!

    2. Awww. sounds like you don't mind too much!! I wouldn't reorganize til they grow up! Enjoy your week!!

  11. I love my pull out double garbage can/recycle drawer also. Lots of great ideas here and some would be so easy to incorporate. Daughter and I watched the first BEMH this weekend in preparation for the second - which will not come to this off the beaten path movie town until next weekend. I had heard that the second was not as good as the first (usually isn't) but will probably run out to see it anyway! Enjoy your day...

  12. Ha, I could probably pull of the cupcake wrappers in the jar :)
    xo Laura

  13. Hmmmmm? Good question. I think one would be my spice clips inside the door of my cabinet, They are very useful and space saving. you can see them here......http://goodlifeofdesign.blogspot.com/2013/08/kitchen-details-tour-giveaway.html

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Katie - I’m not sure what my favorite kitchen amenity is but I know what it is NOT. THE POT FILLER! Our helpful contractor suggested we install one. Easy peasy he says, same water line as refrigerator, won’t cost a thing aside from the faucet. Great, says my husband (who doesn’t cook), we must have one and it will be good for resale. I try to object, seems like one more useless gadget (cost of the faucet was hardly insignificant) and really, how difficult is it to walk the pasta pot 4 feet from sink to range? But, the hubby is insistent and I’ve won most of the important battles, so fine, I agree. Two years later, I’ve used this cursed amenity six times. Two of those uses resulted in a burst water pipe spraying water all over me (fully made up and coifed and preparing dinner for guests). First incident the faucet was declared flawed, but, surprise! it’s been discontinued. So the hunt is on for one that is similar and will match the sink faucet. New pot filler found and installed, three months later I’m standing in front of it drenched again. Plumber makes another trip out, replaces something internally and declares it ready to go. Well, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I have not touched that faucet since and have forbidden anyone else to do so. My hope is that in a few years when we sell this house to build our dream home by the sea, the pot filler will function properly on inspection day. And, no our dream home will NOT include this useless amenity. Whew . . . glad to get that off my chest. :-)

  16. Wow! So many great ideas! It's hard to choose, but that cutting board over the trash can is pretty clever! My favorite feature in my kitchen is my spice cabinet. It is a pull out cabinet that makes great use of the skinny space between the pantry and the adjacent cabinets. I love that I can see all my spices at once without having to pull them all out to find the one I need which is inevitably in the back of the cabinet.


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