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Friday, September 20, 2013

Dude's Summery/Summary

My East Coast correspondent, Dude is back!  If you are new to my blog, you can read about my good buddy here, here, here and here.  The following is a synopsis of  her fun-filled summer.  As with all guest posts, I reserve the right for commentary.

The summer of 2013 in the northeast consisted of a rainy month (June), a "hot as Texas"  month (July) and a beautiful (didn't  need the AC on) month (August). Despite our weather  conditions, the summer of '13 was fulfilled ......here some summer of '13 memories......

New additions for 2013!

Rainy June!! (look closely, there's a double rainbow)

JT and JZ concert ( with a cameo appearance from Alicia Keys!)
Wow... the closest I've ever seen JT is on TV.

Outside JT/JZ concert with Beth O'C, far right, flanking the only other   "non 20-somethings" at the concert, whom we joined forces with! (The tix were a gift from our kids)

Wow... my kids usually give me a scarf or something they want so they can borrow it.

Fun filled flotillas!! ( Flotillas warrant their own post... More to come!)

Now that Katie  is moving to the northeast she is going to be an active participant in floating!!!
My "floatees" are already packed!

Required flotilla footwear.
Our vessels.

It was a happy 4th!

Lazy summer days!

 Dinner at Bobo NYC with a twenty-something manhattanite (TM), a lawyer, a fashion fanatic, an author (Tolstoy and the Purple Chair), two more TM's, two winery executives (Benziger Winery), and last but not least a landscape designer !

Now I'm really jealous.  One of the Benziger Winery Executives looks as good as she did in high school.  Maybe the secret is to increase my intake of wine....

Hot days hanging on the sandbar!

Mandevilla in full bloom 

Sundays/ fun days at the beach!

Beautiful summer sunsets

The blue moon rising over Long Island Sound.

Thank you for a great post, Dude.  Can't wait to put on my mom-kini and jump into a floatilla next summer!

Dude & me a few years ago.

Have a great weekend, y'all!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Since I read your blog EVERYDAY,,,,,I will post comments too. Dude one too many VINOS can't see the second rainbow....optical illusion. And good photo technique to have all the ladies in the lake put their hands under the chin....I use this all the time. Takes 10 years off.

    Katie can't tell you how happy I 'am for you and your new East Coast Life.

    1. Ruth... thank you so much for reading my blog everyday - my own family doesn't even do that. I love that old hand under the chin look too. Thanks for the adorable youtube video of the flower girl doing the dance. I am going to put it on my blog on Wedding Wednesday when I feature flower girls! Thanks again for taking time out of your day to read my blog. Have a great week. And thanks for all the thoughtful comments. They make my day!

  2. This post makes me miss my hometown of Long Island. Great photos. And, looks like a fantastic way to spend a summer!!

  3. Okay are you out in the East Coast already?

  4. Wha

    What a fun summer! Looks like a blast was had by all! There were some gorgeous pics, and is there anything more fun then floatin with great friends on a hot summer day?

  5. Okay, my daughters only give me things they want to inherit once I kick the bucket. Looks like you have some fun times ahead sweet friend. xo Laura


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