Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

It's Fall, Y'all

In an effort to distract prospective buyers from a random dust bunny sighting or finger smudge, I hit my favorite local nursery, Calloways, and stocked up on mums and gourds to spread the essence of Fall around the house.  The day I was there it was 96 degrees.  It didn't dampen my Autumn spirit, though.  Just love all the fall colors.

Love the vibrant colors of the peppers.  They don't last very long for me, though.  

A pink flamingo is welcomed any time of year!

Helloooo... beautiful sunflowers.

Love all the ready-made pots.  After I bring them home I have no problem taking full credit for them!

These were my favorite arrangements..

Zinnias have a special place in my heart.  I was in the Zinnia cabin at Camp Tegawitha.

Today is going to be another warm day in the 90's.  Don't think I'll see some cooler weather until I arrive in Virginia for Parents Weekend.

Hope your day is filled with color!!

P.S.  Just met with the first realtor.  She told me I might want to take the fall decorating down a notch.    Hmmp... no chance, sister, those mums and gourds are staying right where they are..  

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Loving all the fall color. Great inspiration. I need to spruce up our porch and flower bed this weekend. Too funny about the realtor. I always love when they say...you need to take your family pictures down...REALLY? A family lives here, duh?!!! They say it makes it hard for them to visualize their family living there. What??? Am I supposed to hang each prospective buyers kids pictures on my walls to sell the house. Not a chance!

  2. Realtors have gone too far with trying to remove any sense of human habitation from a house. Enjoy your parents weekend visit to Virginia--it's wonderful in the fall.

  3. Love it and especially the ghourds...yep its in the air...all 95 degrees of it!

  4. When we sold our last house we had people who stayed for an hour and a half. I was in town waiting for our realtor to tell me the coast was clear and I could go home. Instead, she called to say they were staying longer. She said that was a good thing, the longer they stay the more they like the house. They wrote a contract that night. So, if people are staying a long time, believe you have a house they love and just a matter of time before someone buys.

  5. Love the fall blog. I think people like seeing a homeowner paying attention to details ( like the seasons) it adds charm! Keep that notch up there.

  6. I bet your house looks very welcoming with the fall decor - how dare that realtor say otherwise :-)
    Obviously she is not aware you are a blogger and that is how it is done! Lol.

  7. You will have more fall than you will know what to do with next year in New England!! Don't let that silly realtor dissuade you - have fun!

    Enjoy your weekend! xoxo

  8. 95 degrees?! That's warm! We've had temps around 80 degrees (warm for Seattle) however this morning is overcast and in the low sixties. If feels good! Looks like a fun nursery to shop at and I love all the fall arrangements with the gourds and foliage.

    Have a nice weekend Katie! xxL

  9. What a gorgeous nursery and I'm the biggest fan of white pumpkins and gourds. I say make it look lived in...happy weekend!

  10. Your taste in landscaping is so gorgeous! Your home will sell so quickly, and then what will I do? Pity party of one! :o) Have a great weekend!

  11. First of all, realtors can be crazy! I love fall and fall decorations and yours are beautiful. You keep your fabulous fall decorations in place. Thinking about fall just might take potential buyer's minds off the fact that it is still so stinking hot. Enjoy parents' weekend! Safe travels!

  12. I think your home will sell quickly too and that is a great idea about decorating for fall in there.

  13. Hi Katie, thank you for your visit to my blog. I see that you live in Texas as of right now, but will be moving soon. I live in Frisco. Do you live in Plano? Anyway, I love Calloways, too. It's a favorite spot of mine all year long.


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