Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

Happy Wedding Wednesday!  Today we are focusing on one of the tiniest, and often the sweetest members of the bridal party - the flower girl.  I had so much fun looking at all the precious pictures.  One of my favorite blogs, Walnut & Vine, posted the sweetest monogrammed flower girl dress!  Hop over there to see it.

My #1 was a flower girl when she was four years old.  She had the time of her life and relished every ounce of attention.  She didn't even realize that there was a "bride" walking down the aisle behind her.  She thought everyone was there just to see her.  
Some things never change...

It was difficult to narrow down which photos to use because they were all so darn cute!

How could I not begin with these Texas darlings!

Great color combo.

So sweet.





Love this photo!



Jackie Bridal
I wonder if she's as much of an angel as she looks.

Awwwww..... just want to squeeze this baby's cheeks!

I leave you with the most adorable video that my friend, Ruth, sent me.  I wish I had one ounce of this darling girl's energy!

Happy Wednesday!


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Those are ALL just darling, Katie. I think each one has its own claim to something special about it- So cute! xo Diana

  2. Oh wow! So fun to see all of the little darlings dressed up!

  3. I have to agree with Nana - they are ALL beautiful I can't pick a favorite - I think you do a great job on this!

  4. Love the first picture. They are rocking those cowboy boots! Such a precious video.

  5. These girls are all just adorable and the dresses - WOW! I bet every one of the girls feels like a fairy princess!
    PS I'm sending you a nomination for the Sunshine Award in a post tonight. Hope you have fun with it!

  6. How sweet they all look. Did love the cowgirl boots though, so I'd have to say it was my favorite.

  7. I LOVE THAT JACKIE BRIDAL dress with the "tattered" style ruffles; it reminds me of a paper wedding dress I designed for a shop window here in town that took 2000 sheets of tissue paper! Lovely photos! I also enjoy the cowboy boot/tutu look myself, and wear something similar from time to time. I love the Rachel Ashwell Prairie Shabby Chic style where she mixes tulle and cowboy boots!

    Thank you so much for coming over to visit my blog! Yes, I am enjoying the slight challenge this year of teaching older students but I have to make some adjustments since my background is in teaching elementary level in French IMMERSION - now I'm teaching from a textbook to non-French speaking students and it's a totally different approach. Well, we keep on learning, don't we?


  8. OMG I am laughing so hard, that little girl is a riot!!!! Amazing her energy, stamina, coordination and guts to do that then towards the end those fancy moves, how does she even know to do that!!!! Too funny, have to share it:) No doubt she was the hit of that wedding!

    Love all the dresses too.....so many beautiful choices.

  9. So cute! I pinned one of the bridesmaids dresses back a few weeks. With 3 girls, I guess one of these days we'll have a wedding lol!

  10. Katie,
    so glad you liked Kailyn's dress, can't wait to get a pic of her in it all "gussied" up! All of the dresses you picked are adorable, love them all! I've got 3 weeks to go, Oct 13th will be here in a blink, keep your fingers crossed that I can pull it all together!! That little girl looks like she's having the time of her life, how fun!

  11. As soon as I saw the flower girls I new my Katie was on her game.....still the BEST BLOGGER EVER!!!!!

  12. Nice One!!!
    Wedding photography is the photography of activities relating to weddings. It encompasses photographs of the couple before marriage (for announcements, portrait displays, or thank you cards) as well as coverage of the wedding and reception (sometimes referred to as the wedding breakfast in non-US countries). It is a major commercial endeavor that supports the bulk of the efforts for many photography studios or independent photographers.
    Montreal Wedding Photographers

  13. wish we could see a pic of ur #1 as a BEAUTIFUL flower gurl.................. no wonder no one cared about the bride LOL

  14. These little angles look very beautiful. The quality in your post is just impressive and I can think that you’re an expert on this field.


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