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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Good Movie & A Great Book

Last weekend, the Mister and I headed to the movies.  You're probably thinking that we go to a lot of movies and you're right.  I have found that empty nesters have a lot of time to go to the movies.  And besides, it keeps us out of jail.  We are not sure #1 or #2 would bail us out, anyway. 
It was the Mister's turn to choose the flick.  Frankly, I was shocked that he chose this one.  You see, he loves movies that include spys, shooting, espionage, car chases, and lots of intrigue with a few pretty ladies and lots of expensive cars mixed in.  The thing he doesn't like is films that revolve around psycho crazies or serial killers.  The first movie we saw together when we began dating was Silence of the Lambs.  I thought the poor guy was going to jump into my lap and it had nothing to do with the fact that I smelled good.

Every time we see a trailer for a new movie we automatically look at each other and say "yea" or "nay" as to whether we want to see it.  He has always said "nay" to this one and yet he chose it.  Hmmm... maybe he wants to keep the mystery in our marriage.  

This movie is unnerving.  The subject material is terrifying and the film is very difficult to watch in parts.  But it is extremely suspenseful and the cast is superb - especially my boyfriend Hugh Jackman and Melissa Leo. 

 Aside from the rough subject matter, the only criticism that I have of this film is it is about 30 minutes too long. But if you like scary movies - this one's for you!  

 Her newest work dials down the intricacy, and the result is a far more intimate novel. Moyes introduces us first to Will Traynor, a formerly high-flying, thrill-seeking executive now confined to a wheelchair as a quadriplegic. Twentysomething Louisa “Lou” Clark has been hired as his caretaker, despite a total lack of experience. As the prickly Will and plainspoken Lou gradually warm to each other, she learns that the six-month length of her contract coincides with the amount of time Will has agreed, for his parents’ sake, to postpone his planned assisted suicide, a subject Moyes treats evenhandedly. Armed with this information, Lou sets about creating adventures for Will, hoping to give him a reason to live. Simultaneously, Will encourages Lou to expand the expectations of what her life could be. All signs point to romance and a happy ending for the pair, but Moyes has something more heartbreakingly truthful in mind: Sometimes love isn’t enough.

My friend, Vicki, from Life In My Empty Nest recommended this book.  This is the best book that I have read in 2013.  It is written beautifully.  This book has got it all - humor, great character development, romance, and heartache.  Me Before You whips all the ingredients into a powerful, heartbreaking  love story.  
I highly recommend this book and cannot wait to read other books written by Jojo Moyes.

Have you read anything good lately?

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I haven't seen a good scary movie in awhile. I need to add that book to my ever growing list.

  2. The book sounds good but being I am a total scaredy cat I think I will take a raincheck on the movie!

  3. I don't like scary movies, but of course there is my....I mean your boyfriend Hugh Jackman :)
    xo Laura

  4. I'm glad you liked it Katie! Her newest book is good too. I also went back and read some older books and really like Sheltering Rain. Hope your weekend has been a good one :-)

  5. I'm not a fan of scary movies or anything that has to do with harm to children. Just not that brave! I did read Silence of the Lambs, the whole time thinking "why am I reading this?" and "I'm DEFINITELY NOT going to see the movie!". I will check out your book suggestion, though. It sounds fabulous!

  6. My friend said they went t see this movie also and she liked it! I will check that book out!


  7. I like reading your reviews - I get too scared for scary movies! lol

  8. I will have to add this movie to our Netflix list since I can't tell you the last time I saw a movie in the theater that was not rated G. LOL!

  9. I'm reading "Insurgent." Its young adult fiction and along the lines of The Hunger Games- but my niece asked me to read it and I'd do anything for her :) It actually is a good book. For book club we picked "And the Mountains Echoed" by Khaled Hosseini- looks really good!

  10. Oh yeah this movie definitely has me intrigued. Love your profile pix so funny.

    Ali of Dressing Ken


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