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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Real Housewife Disappointment

First of all, I would like to preface this post by admitting telling you that I am a big fan of the Real Housewives shows.    Don't judge me, I get enough reproachful looks from the Mister. 

Of all the RH shows, my favorite has always been Real Housewives of New York back in the day when Jill and Bethenny were friends and Simon wore red leather pants. 

I admit to being on Team Bethenny and never considered being a part of Team Jill.

I then watched Bethenny Gets Married and enjoyed having a birds-eye view of Bethenny and Jason's mercurial engagement and combative marriage.  For what it's worth, I was not in the least bit surprised that they went splittsville.  How much brow beating can a man take?

And now Bethenny has her new talk show.  To say I am disappointed in the show is an understatement.  The show is raunchy and crass.  No matter what the topic is, Bethenny somehow turns it around to sex; the lack of - or the act of having it. 

Ellen Degeneres is  producing the Bethenny show which puzzles me.  Ellen's own show is funny and entertaining without scraping the sewer for a laugh. 

I have always told my girls that money does not buy class and Bethenny could certainly be the poster child for this adage. 

Maybe Bethenny should listen to the Countess' song.

I was going to share Countess Luann's youtube video with you but I just couldn't do it.  
I like you too much.

Stay Classy, blogland! 

I still love you, Cookie!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. I think I watched it a couple of times with my daughter-who is hooked. I know who Bethany is-but not Jill. I don't think it is on the air anymore, is it? Too bad that she has such a crappy show. They will do anything for ratings- xo Diana

  2. Not a fan of the housewives. Knew someone who knew one of the Atlanta housewives...I just feel sorry for the men who many them (or their lack of intelligence rather).
    Haven't seen the Bethenny show, but while getting my haircut today read an article about her in People...a few things about the show were mentioned (like some of her subject matter)...now I am convinced I don't need to bother! Sad thing is she has a beautiful little girl. Great example mom...NOT!!!

  3. Sadly- I too can say I have watched- and my husband abhors it. I so loved Bethenny too! I was pulling for them big time and after she left I stopped watching the New York series altogether.

  4. I used to think Bethany was funny, until I realized how self absorbed she is. I couldn't spend 5 minutes with her and won't be watching her show. She lost me when she made the nanny/hairdresser Bryn's guardian!

  5. I love every sentence of this post. And I agree with every bit of it. Definitely Bethenny over Jill and I so wanted Bethenny's show to be smart and funny like she is. I've only watched snippets here and there but I'm with you. She seems to be going for the cheap (and not funny) laughs. So when are we going to get together for wine, pizza and a RHONY marathon? ;-)

  6. I loved her show when they tested it out last year, but haven't watched the new one yet. But the initial try out was fantastic. See, I don't completely agree. being divorced from an asshole, I totally emphasized with Bethanny when she would say that Jason appears all perfect in public and in front of others but is a total dick and beats her down in arguments when they are alone. I had a partner like that once and I really really understood her.....

  7. Luanns video is that good, eh? I was waiting for a post like this!!! These are such fun, you know these are my guilty pleasures too, how about the Miami mamas...dear lord. I was never a Bethany fan, I only warmed up to her for a few minutes when she showed her vulnerable side and I heard about her tough family history....that has to be painful and perhaps explain a lot of her over the top personality, but just could not bring myself to "like" her. Yes, Jason was a wuss but a nice wuss and I felt so sorry for him almost all of the time.
    I was shocked she got a talk show, I seriously could not listen to that voice for three minutes.....wish her luck though:)

  8. Have watched enough of her show to say that I agree with you! Thanks for visiting me and for your kind words!!!

  9. I'm guilty too:) I watch Real Housewives when no one is home .. otherwise my family thinks I'm nuts. My girlfriend new Bethany years ago and said she was obsessed with her weight. She seems too intense and I think many of these women are so wrapped up in themselves that they have a difficult time being interested in their spouses or anyone else for that matter. These Hollywood folks seem to be out of touch .. as the majority end up going the RX drug, alcohol, or rotating spouses route. I haven't seen Bethany's show.. can't believe Ellen is part of that!

  10. I agree! I loved Bethany, but the fame does seem to be going to her head and she is indeed intense. She wanted this fame and found it. I really liked her so much in the beginning, but my feeling now is that this side of her was underneath her surface all along. I LOVE the Real Housewives...all of them! Watching it right now, actually!

  11. Oh my gosh we are the same person. I got into Bethanny's Place of Yes book like I was a born again at Bible study and stood in the rain to meet her because I thought she was aggressive and interesting. Now it is sad to see it all got the best of her. You can really tell on the talk show that she's a two bit and how desperate she is for people to like her. Pleasseeee let's get lunch before you leave! My big work project wraps Sunday and then I will be back in internet world and much more available!


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