Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Last Day of Summer with #2

The dreaded day finally came.  It was #2's last day of summer before leaving for college to begin her sophomore year.    I told her that we could do anything she wanted to do to celebrate her last day.   I had a feeling it would involve shopping, since she goes to school in a very small town with limited shopping opportunities.  The only large stores they have in town are Walmart and Lowes.  The Mister was delighted.  How much damage could she do with those two stores, he thought.  He was sorely surprised to see that he underestimated the talents of a professional shopper.

My #2 thought long and hard and then told me that she wanted to do exactly what we did last year - paint a piece of pottery for each other and go to lunch.  I was delighted.

Walls of Clay had lots of new pottery that we could choose.

My #2 chose this red solo cup for me to paint for her.  Shocker!  What college student doesn't consider this treasured cup a staple in their collegiate arsenal?

 I chose the another coffee cup because I loved the one she made for me last year.  It took her about 30 seconds to pick her paint colors.

Working away...

I was secretly happy she picked the solo cup.  It usually takes me forever to make my paint color choices.  hmmm... maybe that was the reason she chose it...

Not to worry... the owner told me it will come out of the oven bright red.

This is my sad attempt at a heart which I painted on the bottom of the cup.  I think I may have to interpret the picture for her. 

And then we walked to one of our favorite places for lunch.  We ordered the same thing that we had last year.  It is one of my favorite salads in the whole world!

Guess I worked up an appetite doing all that painting!! 

Our last stop was at bloom where #2 worked all summer and loved every minute of it.  Pictured is Raimie, #2, and Brian - co-owner of the store and half of the heart and soul of the blog, Kendi Everyday.  

The red solo cup is on its way to Virginia and the beautiful coffee cup is nestled right next to my coffee maker awaiting tomorrow morning's brew.  I have a feeling the coffee will taste a little bittersweet.

Hope you are all having a great Labor Day weekend!!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Have you heard the song by Toby Keith Red Solo Cup? That is what I thought of first, She is beautiful and I know that she will be missed. sandie

  2. Sad for you to have to do without number 2. Thanks for sharing your last day with us. Love your coffee cup BTW.

  3. Keeping you in my thoughts...silly me thought it would be easier the second time around...not so! Looks like you had a wonderful last day together...your daughter is beautiful!

  4. What a beautiful memory you created, together. My oldest leaves for college in 3 years, it must be hard but good. Most worthwhile events are that way. Love the cups, you can drink from them when you skype.

  5. What a fun thing to do before she left. Love that you each have something to remember the moment. I need to see if our local pottery place has the red solo cup...both my girls would love that (easy Christmas gift). However, baby girls might have to bleed Baylor green rather than red! LOL Hope the trip to school was uneventful. Can't believe it's already been a week for us...7 more til Homecoming and we get to love on her again. I actually handled her leaving better this year, that is until I decided to clean her empty room at home. She had left out several stacks of old t-shirts for me to put away as keepsakes...I lost it looking through them. Hang in there!!!

  6. This was very sweet. Your daughter is adorable and this looks like a great way to spend her last day home. Just did the same thing with my twin boys who left for college a few days ago, the quiet in my house is going to take some getting used to.

  7. I just said goodbye to my youngest who is also off for is second year as well...it's not easy giving them wings! It sound like you and your daughter have begun a lovely tradition! xoxo

  8. Ahhh - love feeling like I am there just hanging out with you! The cups were adorable- love the red solo cup- but I'd drink from a mug like that one too :)

  9. This is so adorable. I am so glad you have such sweet daughters that you enjoy! Email me about when you might want to get lunch now that you're an empty nester once again! :O)

  10. What a great way to spend a special day with your daughter. Love that you have a special piece handmade by her to remind you of her ~ so sweet!


  11. It's very clear that you love your #2 more than #1... just saying .... .. .. . . . . ..........
    -Guess who


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