Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pug Watching Television

Happy Thursday!  I think it's time for me to share a very dark secret with you.  It's not easy and it's kind of embarrassing.  Not "Anthony Weiner" kind of embarrassing but still not something that's easy to share.  I feel like I've known all of you long enough to let you in on it. 

Ok... here goes...

I am addicted to YouTube animal videos. 
I write this without shame, I have every single adorable animal video.
Every. Single. One.
And it's all thanks to the sidebar telling me what other videos I will like if I enjoyed the dancing puppy video that I just watched three times. Before I know it, I have invested hours in front of my computer watching the cutest little creatures jumping on counters, howling the National Anthem, or skateboarding through an amusement park.

So bare with me as I share one of my faves.

Makes me want to rent Homeward Bound again!

Have a great Thursday!!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Well, I don't share your love of this, but it is cute :)

  2. Well I LOVE pugs and I love cute stories - so I am with you 100% here. sandie

  3. LOL- You are too funny! At least you are not addicted to drinking while watching them-see...it could be a whole lot worse- xo Diana

  4. Bahaha!!! We all have our dirty little secrets. Mine is.......wait a minute, I'm not telling you that. xo Laura

  5. I'm surprised that Mollie,( who is sitting right next to me) showed no reaction to your dogs barking..very unusual..

  6. Look up Baby Elephant playing in wading pool, you will melt!!!

  7. Look up Baby Elephant playing in wading pool, you will melt!!!

  8. Ha, me too, me too! We especially love watching the ones about Cairn Terriers like our Kylee. Turns out she is the only one who likes to talk back. LOL

  9. So funny..hey its an innocent guilty pleasure and often pets are a heck of alot cuter and more entertaining than humans:) Have you seen the dog thats become a celebrity who plays dead...too funny!

  10. Somebody get that pug a bowl of popcorn! Hilarious!

  11. That was too cute! I loved it too.

  12. I love the videos, too. We have 6 rescue cats and my late mother's mini dachshund - they bring us lots of joy!

    Thanks for visiting Blackberry Lane.
    I wish you a delightful weekend.


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