Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Kate Spade Saturday

I am delighted to have my #1 guest post for me today.

My newest discovery is called Kate Spade Saturday.  It's a new line by Kate Spade that is entirely geared towards the "weekend wear" of the typical Kate Spade gal.  It stays consistent with the Kate Spade brand with the bright colors and the flattering cuts for the female bod.  Right now, the line has a lot of blacks and whites and neons and has sort of an architectural edge to it.  The best part about the line is that it's very affordable!  These were some of my favorite pieces from the line because I thought that they captured the chic, feminine look of the Kate Spade brand with a little bit of "funky!"

Thank you, #1, for another great post!

Hope y'all have a funky day!!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Fun! I haven't seen this yet. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Katie,
    What fun looks for summer! My daughter would love them all! I would too if I was say 10ys, no 20yrs, no...never mind, lets just say I'd have worn them period!

  3. I like all those clothes, but love the dog all dressed up!

  4. Love her style! Nobody does it quite like she does- xo Diana

  5. Love Saturday! Sometimes it is on sale on my favorite sample site, Fab.com, which sounds like a website that should just host pictures of you and your girls since you are all indeed so fab. :o)

  6. Good to know. I have been impressed with KS in recent years and bought a great dress and cardigan from her last year which I love. Will check it out!

  7. It's such a cute and fun line - love the umbrella!!

  8. I love how colourful this look is! And the dog is just too cute :)
    Suzanne from written by suzanne


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