J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What Not To Wear

The Mister came home last night to tell me that people in his office came up with an idea for my blog.  Naturally, I was intrigued and positively thrilled with their idea.
So here goes..

What does this guy wear when he is going to see

this guy???

He is going with some other middle aged guys for a work thing.
It will be interesting to see how he fares considering he can't stay awake past 8:30PM and could not name one song in Bon Jovi's repertoire.

The last concert that he attended held this guy at center stage when his mother bribed him to take his sisters.

Believe it or not, he has nothing in his closet that is "Jovi" worthy.
I will have to go shopping.

Perhaps these red pants?

Maybe if he got a "sleeve" he would be able to "move like Jagger."  
Never mind, I don't want him to break a hip.

But, in any case, I hope he hits the gift shop and picks up this little number for moi!

So,  have a great time at the concert, Mister, and remember...
"I'll be there for you"
because you have made my life a
"Bed of Roses."
Don't go out in a 
"Blaze of Glory" 
"You'll give Love a Bad Name." 

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. This post is hilarious! What will you put Mister in? I am excited to find out! I too, don't like staying up past 8:30 pm.....so I feel the pain. I bet the concert will be LOUD, so at least that will help.

  2. This is delightful!

    Happy to be your newest follower. Thanks for visiting my place.

  3. Hi Katie! SO fun stopping by and perusing your fun blog here :) I have had a great time scrolling through many of your posts. Nice to meet you!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  4. I think a lot of us are too old for the mosh pit these days!

  5. I think your girls need to take their dad shopping:)

  6. I saw Bon Jovi a few years ago and got to go on the side of the stage while his brother held my purse :-). He still looks good up close! Cute post.

  7. Hysterical.....so cute. I cannot wait to see his "getup".....and more importantly what he brings home from his in house fashion advisor (you)! Hope he has fun....just as long as he doesn't want a mullet...ugh!

  8. Bahaha. I think the red pants are definitely the thing. Maybe some fake tattoos. :)

  9. Too funny! We have a friend, a teacher at the high school. who has a shirt that looks like tat sleeves from a distance- people "freak" a little when they first notice it and we all get a kick out of it. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  10. This is so funny! The Steve Martin picture .. two wild and crazy guys.. my high school days! Wasn't that great?!! My husband is the same way. He goes to these concerts with his buddies and I can just imagine what they look like. Those old rockers .. and their followers .. a little crazy right?

    Have a great weekend!


  11. LOL I think the sleeves is the best idea lol.


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