Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

#2's Favorite Things

While #2 was home last week for break, she kindly agreed to give me a list of her wish list "favorite things" for my blog. 
As always, I reserve the right to comment.  

Monogram bikini
Adorable idea.  If I had the bod and was 40 15 years younger I would order one of this little number in a minute.

Frat pocket T
allatia jane
Cute idea.
  They come in different colors as well.

If she buys this, maybe she'll let me borrow it!

Twisted band rings
By boe
Love these!

Custom sandals
Jack Rogers
Great idea and I love all of their shoes!

Georgica sandals
Jack Rogers
Hope she gets these... I would borrow them, too! 

Hope y'all get what's on your wish list!


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. She has good taste, just like her mommy!!!!! I am loving everything, especially the sandals and bikini!

  2. Hope she gets everything on her wish list. She's such a cutie. xo Laura

  3. She has excellent taste...am a big jack rogers shoe wearer here, have them in oodles of colors. Love the bikini but haven't worn one in years (in my mind I have of course) lol. Fun list.

  4. There is lot of articles on the web about this. But I like yours more, although i found one that’s more descriptive furniture Online

  5. That bathing suit has my daughter's name written all over it - thanks!

  6. Love the jack rogers shoes! Those earrings are very pretty:) #2 has excellent taste as I'd expect with such a CHIC mom ;)


  7. Oh, if my Katie sees the monogrammed bikini it will def be on her list! She loves anything monogrammed!!


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