Talbots Spring Essentials

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Grampa's 95th!

We spent last weekend celebrating my Dad's 95th, yup 95th, birthday in Austin, TX.   Sista and family flew in from chilly Connecticut to join in the festivities.  We all gathered at the hotel for cocktails before meeting the birthday boy for dinner.

#1 and adorable Jonathon

Sista and #2 catching up.
It has been 2 years since my girls have seen Sista.

#2 asking #1 Nef about his college search.

Adorable Jonathon and Nef #2 getting acquainted.

If you have been paying attention to my commentary, you know who these two beautiful ladies are.  If not, refer to picture #2.

The Mister and Sista's Mista chattin' it up about how lucky they are to be married to Sista and moi.  The Mister still thinks he was the true winner.  He just doesn't want to make Sista's Mista jealous.

The Birthday Boy.

#2 Nef has obviously heard #1's story before.

Can you tell that besides the mirror, #1's second favorite thing in the world is the camera lens.

Bros! Wish my girls got along as well as these guys do!

#1 Cuzes

So glad to have my #2 home for Spring Break!
Note to self:  go light on the "miracle" wrinkle moisturizer and remember to powder face before someone takes your photo.

Trophy Wife Supermodel corner of the table. 

Sista and her Mista

Nobody loves his birthday more than my Dad.  

Hope your day is filled with happy reunions!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. OMG...#2 looks just like you and your sister!! Happy Birthday, wow 95!!! Hubs mom will be 95 in August.

  2. Katie! What a beautiful family you have! I can sure see family resemblances there! Happy Happy 95th birthday. God bless him-He looks wonderful for 95~! Glad you had such a wonderful reunion! xo Diana

  3. Love the trophy supermodel corner of the table:) Enjoyed your fun and humorous running commentary..good looking bunch and your father looks AMAZING!! Wishing him a wonderful year filled with good health and happiness and many many more!

  4. Great post! Many congratulations to your dad on achieving a great age. He looks really good! Nice pics of a great-looking family, too!

  5. Oh my goodness- wow- 95- I am in total awe! What a great celebration and so fun to see the whole fam join in the celebration!

  6. your pop sure doesn't look 95! Katie, just wanted to let you know when I try to reply to your comments on my blog, it doesn't allow replies. I think before you said your replies got messed up and thought this might be the case again.

  7. Hi Katie my name is Linda. I just found your through Leslie's blog.
    Happy birthday to your Dad. I see so many smiling faces, /a good time for all, from your newest follower. Enjoy the week-end.

  8. Hope your dad enjoyed his birthday celebration ~ he looks fantastic! How fun to have all the family together in your dad's honor. You look like you're having the best time!

    Tell your sister thanks for leaving me here in Connecticut freezing while she is warming up in sunny Texas! :)



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