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Friday, April 26, 2013

A Guest Post from Sista

This is another wonderful guest post for my birthday written by my Sista.  
(I think she got jealous when she saw Dude's post yesterday).


The Story of the Sistas

In Honor of my much older Sista "Katie"
on her 56th 46th Birthday

Once upon a time, very long ago not so long ago, there was a beautiful princess born to a Postmaster and his wife who lived in a stucco cottage in a far out off land called Bridgeport.

The Postmaster and his wife were ecstatic about their new little bundle... they had never seen such a beautiful baby!  They dressed the princess in blue to match her sparkling sea blue eyes.

The Princess, the Postmaster, and his wife led an idyllic life... the Princess was the center of all their attention.

Life was perfect for this trio over the next five years, until one cold and dark February day.  You see, on that day, the Postmaster and his wife brought home a surprise for the Princess...



This new Princess however did not have the twinkling blue eyes that the first Princess had, and she was fat the largest baby in the land.  They called this Princess her little "Sista."

Well, the first Princess was not quite sure how she felt about her new little Sista.  In fact, the chubby baby Sista seemed to be getting quite a lot of attention from the Postmaster and his wife.  This made big Sista mad sad.

The little Sista, however, thought the big Sista was the most beautiful Princess she had ever seen and she wished that she could be just like her.  This made the big Sista dislike the little Sista even  more.

There was one thing however that she liked about the little Sista.  It seemed that she could make the little Sista laugh hysterically on demand.  The little Sista was a great audience!

Big Sista could also get the little Sista to do almost anything she wanted which sometimes got the little Sista in big trouble with the Postmaster and his wife.  And she sometimes liked to tease the little Sista until she cried.

(This isn't little sista, but this is how she felt)!

The little Sista still thought the big Sista was the most beautiful  and charming Princess in the land - even when the Big Sista went through the "sun-in" stage.

The Sistas grew and grew, and they fought and fought.

Before they knew it, little Sista was in high school and the big Sista was heading off to college.

One day, the most remarkable thing happened...

When the big Sista was home for Thanksgiving break, she picked up the little Sista from school - and treated her like a best friend!  For fear that this might end, the little Sista went right along with it and tried very hard to act like a best friend right back.

The friendship grew and grew.  The days of teasing were mostly gone. Rather than the big Sista making fun of the little Sista, the two Sistas joined together to make fun of the Postmaster and his wife!  Big Sista was particularly creative which made little Sista laugh very hard.

Before they knew it, the Sistas found their Mistas.  Together they had fun in  their empty nests.

But their nests were not empty for long!  Big Sista had two beautiful Princesses of her own ( #1 and #2) and the little, much younger Sista had two very handsome Princes of her own.

In fact, the littlest Prince was born on the big Sista's birthday.  Legend has it the little Sista pushed him out fourteen days early so that the Little Prince and the big Sista could share this special day!  It was a good strategy as the Little Prince makes the little Sista laugh too!

Now a days, the first Princess, also known as the Big Sista, is an empty nesta and a world famous blogger.  While she now makes hundreds laugh, no one laughs as hard as the Little Sista who remains her biggest fan!  
And they lived happily ever laughter...

 Happy Birthday, dear old Sista!!

Thank you, dear little Sista for such a wonderful birthday present.  I may have made you cry when you were little, but you made me shed some tears today.
I love you.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Too funny! While I grew up with 3 brothers (2 older, 1 younger)...having our girls (almost 4 years apart) I can so relate!!!

  2. Aww, this was just adorable! I have sisters too and don't know what I would do without them now that we are older and facing empty nests as well!

  3. You two are so cute! Love that you are the princess

  4. Awww. Nothing like sista love <3

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  7. لأرسال فني متخصص لعمل فحص للثلاجة ومعرفة الأضرار  التي الحقت بها كثيرا مايتم أنخفاض في درجة برودة الثلاجه مما يؤثر علي الأطعمة المتواجدة بالثلاجة ويمكن أن تتلف فيجب عليك الأتصال بنا لعمل زيادة في الفريون لضمان أرتفاع درجة البرودة وكثيرا مايحدث سماع صوت مرتفع في الثلاجة المنزلية فيجب الأتصال بنا سريعا لأصلاح المشكلة سواء كانت في الكمبروسر أو المراوح الداخلية شركة صيانة افران تتميز شركة صيانة الثلاجات بالرياض بتوفير أفضل فنيين متخصصين ومدربين في صيانة الثلاجات والفريزرات والبرادات بكافة أنواعها كثيرا  ماتحدث مشاكل في الفريزرات المنزلية وتقوم بعدم التجميد المطلوب منها سواء كانت فروست أو نوفروست ويحدث مشاكل للأطعمة المخزنة بداخلها فلذلك يجب عليك عزيزي العميل الأتصال ب شركة أصلاح الفريزرات المنزلية والسوبر ماركت سواء كانت مكشفوفة أو مغلقة لضمان الحصول علي تجميد للمنتجات والأغراض المتواجدة بها أصلاح الفريزرات المنزلية


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