Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, February 25, 2022

The Friday Files


Hello, dear friends.  I'm sure you all catch the significance of the above photo.  Everyone knows that it is National Chocolate Covered Nut Day, one of my personal favorite national holidays.  If you are at work or working from home, take the rest of the day off.  You can tell them that I said so. 

And if you are not sweet on chocolate, it is also National Clam Chowdah Day.  

All goes back to normal today.  Chowdah heads home.  Tomorrow night we are meeting Adorable Jonathon's parents for dinner, which is always a treat.

This Boca Grande historic villa is nothing less than magnificent.

This Duchess County farmhouse is positively gorgeous.

For all of you historic home lovers, this one is for you!

Do you want to go on a home tour with me?
Grab your purse and your flask and click here.

The Mister sent me this little item about a husband making poor choices.  I feel like I'm actually making a dent in his husband- training because he identified the bad behavior. 

Wedding season is upon us.
Here are 100+ wedding hairstyles, whether you are the bride, a part of the wedding party, or just a well-coifed guest.

Your daughter just got engaged.

Now what?

I don't know about you, but I have no talent for choosing a paint color.  When we moved into our last Texas house, I wanted the master bedroom to have a soft gold color on the walls.  
Evidently, it was a massive fail because the first night we slept in the room, the Mister said he felt like he was sleeping in a school bus.  So for anyone that has a problem with picking out paint colors, this is for you.

How many Oscar-nominated movies have you seen?

Did you say none?

It's your lucky day.

As if we needed one more reason to love this woman!

For all of you Inventing Anna fans out there, does the name Elizabeth Holmes ring a bell? 

Starz is planning to air a new series based on Watergate.  Armie Hammer was fired, and Dan Stevens is stepping in as John Dean.  Did I ever tell you that I went to high school with John and Martha Mitchell's daughter?

Hmmm... I wonder who is going to play me.

This is a cute interview with SJP and MB on their new play.

They open on broadway today.


Many of you asked what was on the skewers from our dinner on Saturday night.
Here are the ingredients:

cherry tomato
finish with a drizzle of balsamic syrup
You can find the cute skewers here.

You also asked for the recipe for the dessert.
It will be on next week's post.

I just want to make sure you're coming back.

This is my friend, Liz on the right, and our favorite author, Dolley Carlson, who wrote The Red Coat.  

Liz is a contributor over at the blog betterafter50.com.  Her most recent blog post asks the question, Am I Karen?  Give it a read, and let me know if you are a Karen.

I can't wait until I turn 50 so I can start reading Liz's blog.

Are you in the mood for a good news story?
This one is for you.

Until next time...

I wonder if Ann Taylor guarantees that everyone looks as good in these jeans as this 100 pound 5'11' model. 

40% off sale price

30% off Sale Price

No, the pup is not included.

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh this post is jampacked with so much goodness! I cannot wait for the dessert recipe and I’m going to make the skewers. The house tours always make me swoon. Wait, are you trying to tell us something is your other sweet girl engaged, LOL! Did I miss an announcement? Have the sweetest weekend lovely!

  2. So much inspiration! That foyer/staircase photo is so classic - love the look. I didn't realize Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica had a play coming out. Every spring (except the last 2), my friends and I do a Broadway day in the city. I'd love to see their play but I've been avoiding NYC due to all the crime. Have a great weekend! - Shelley

  3. I can vouch for the Ann Taylor jeans! Let's just say that I'm 5'4" and toward the upper end of the size range and my husband told me those jeans "make your butt look good!" I think I'll buy them in every color! lol I love it when your hubby shares recipes. Maybe you could talk him into doing an entertaining post on a somewhat regular basis. I'm a nervous hostess and would love his tips!

  4. I'm clicking right over to see if I am a Karen...ha! Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Dan Stevens as John Dean? Who'da thought it? And oh, Chowdah! I adore that face!

  6. That villa pool is amazing; I love all the blue tones near it.

  7. Is an ingredient missing on your list of things on the skewers? Between the basil leaf and the blackberry? Can't quite make out what it is but possibly a tortellini? They look delicious! I am a new reader and I just love your blog!

  8. I was wondering what was on those skewers. I do something similar but never thought to add fruit.

  9. Great pst Katie..I am going to come back and read that blog you mentioned. Oh that dessert is so fancy. Can’t wait. As for the home tour. Those ladies did a wonderful job but personally I need more colors! Off to a Country French Estate sale. Ooh la la! Janey

  10. You cracked me up once again with your witty commentary and I just LOVE it! That husband that upgraded only his ticket??? Holy cow...no words. Well, one - DIVORCE.
    Dolly Parton has a heart of gold, doesn't she?
    Have the best weekend Katie!

  11. My goodness, those homes. Gives me all the feels, gorgeous from stem to stern. Now to go check out the leggings on Amazon. Like I really need one more pair of leggings. :o)))

  12. Loving all the pretty rooms you are posting lately!

  13. I LOVE your blog and your commentary (can't wait till I'm 50 to start reading or wonder who will play me?!) Your blog is always so fun to read, thanks for sharing!

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