Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday's Q & A


Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are having a good weekend.  Yesterday, I made it out of the house for the first time since our ice storm.  The Mister and I caught up on errands and had a nice lunch.  

Today, we are off to Dallas to meet our #2 for lunch at one of my favorite restaurants.  I like to feed the Mister before we go shopping - he's always in a much better mood.

Today, I am linking up with Bev at Sunday Stealing.  The questions have been stolen from Stephen Colbert. 

 1.  The Best sandwich

Grilled cheese, tomato, and bacon

And I wouldn't snub my nose at a bag of these thrown in for good measure.


2.  Something you own that you really should throw out.

I think that I have every photo ever taken of my girls.
This Summer's project is to organize, catalog, and throw out all the random pics where I can't recognize the subjects.

Sidenote:  I am already working on an excuse to ditch this project.

3.  The scariest animal

The scariest animal is Miss Millie between 4PM and 6PM when the zoomies invade her body and soul.

4.  Apples or oranges

I enjoy an apple slice or two with my jar of peanut butter.

5.  Have you ever tried to get an autograph from someone?

When I was about six years old, my parents took me to visit some friends in Hollywood.  We went to The Brown Derby, and I spotted Doris Day.  It turns out that my parents' friend knew her and took me over to meet her.  Doris Day looked exactly like this photo.  She was so tan with a mass of freckles on her face.  Doris was so sweet and asked me all about myself in her raspy, whispering voice.  I never asked for an autograph because I was so star-struck.

6.  What happens when you die?

A few things...

I go straight to heaven - no purgatory layover for moi.

I am canonized and join all my saintly friends for fun parties that they didn't have while on earth.

The Mister is so distraught he can't even look at another woman.

My girls write a book titled The Best Mother in the Universe.

Charlize Theron buys the rights and plays the title role.

7.  Favorite Action movie

At Christmastime one year, my parents took me to Radio City Music Hall to see Charade.  I developed my first crush on Cary Grant.

You have to admit, I had good taste.

8.  Window or Aisle

Window - I like to see the sights.

9.  Favorite smell

A combination of coffee and bacon.

10.  Your most popular app on your phone.

I need all the help I can get.

11.  Least favorite smell.

12.  Cats or dogs?

13.  If you can only listen to one song over and over for the rest of your life, what would it be?

14.  What number am I thinking of?  (I will answer honestly)

15.  The rest of your life in 5 words.

Feel free to leave your answers in the comments.
I'd love to hear them.

Until next time...


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I don't need to leave my answers. YOURS were PERFECT! So much fun to read this post!!

  2. Your post was so funny. I love when my dogs have the zoomies. Cracks me up.
    So cool you met Doris Day! That is awesome. Loved your answers! Have a nice day.


  3. You make me want to move to Texas so we can hang out and be besties!

  4. Perfect answers, always!!! Have a great day!

  5. I always know how much fun this post will be before I read your answers! I loved Doris Day growing up and would have been star struck meeting her too. I once met Bob Hope when I was in my twenties, he was charming. I'm glad someone though to take the photo I have of him with his arm around me, LOL. Always enjoy shopping with you, found a couple of things I need........Happy week.

  6. I agree with Here Comes the Sun! My daughter gave us Ember cups for Christmas and we are really hooked!🌞

  7. I seriously don't know which answer I loved more. A good set of answers to cheer one up and that little baby is so cute. It is too hard to believe zombies invade her body.

  8. It's always fun to read your answers! I am sure you will ascend straight up when the time comes and probably straighten St Peter up on your way in by telling him to clean his robe! xo xo xo Diana

  9. I would like to think that good is coming (it has to) but having put up with more f&cks than any one person should have to bear by this time, I seriously doubt it. It is easier to expect the worst. I appreciate the effort you put into the post with the pictures and all.

  10. Oh my gosh, that photo project...I've got to get on it too. I've got two adult sons, and somehow I just don't see them pouring over the thousands of photos in tubs in the attic. To my credit, I have discarded all negatives that came with the photos! Remember how you could get duplicates of all your prints for a small extra fee? Oy vey, lots of crummy doubles need to go too. Stay warm!

  11. That is so cool that you met Doris Day. I still love her old movies!

  12. Thanks for the chuckle Katie. Omg that app for your phone! Reminds me. My sister who is a photographer keeps doctoring up pictures of me, then tags me on FB. I look so young that I don’t even recognize myself. Then I run into a friend and they do nothing but stare at my wrinkled face, I am sure wondering how I aged so from just last week?!!

  13. OMG, you are so funny! I loved reading your answers, especially to what happens when you die! YES!!! I am ordering those storage boxes, perfect for all the sweaters I never get to wear in FL.
    Have a great one Katie!

  14. I love Doris Day! I binged all of her movies over the years.
    We met Senator Bob Dole in Vail one summer and we had no clue who he was, but my grandparents and parents made us get a pic with them. Ha!

    Happy Monday Katie!

  15. My husband likes Cary Grant's acting and I do too but I really like his looks! We just watched To Catch A Thief. Grace Kelly is beautiful!

    I'm new to your blog and am enjoying it!

  16. Hmmmmmm...I'm afraid I've got a seat with my name on it in purgatory. Right next to my mom!!!!

  17. Oh, photos. I was planning to write a post but spent over an hour looking through a dozen flash drives for just one photo! That doesn't count the albums, boxes and scrapbooks I have. It's too late for a post now. Never did find the picture I was looking for.

  18. #13 YMCA........know idea why just sticks in my head!
    #15 Let me think on that = FIVE WORDS!

  19. Katie,
    Charlize Theron is a perfect look alike to play you. Smile. I loved Doris Day and all of her movies. I spotted her in Carmel, CA where she lived her senior years. We stayed at the Cypress Inn owned by Doris and her son, and where dogs were welcome. Even though I've never had a dog that behaved enough to stay in a hotel, I loved seeing the dogs that were staying in the hotel.
    I always enjoy your posts.


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