Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

From Soup to Nuts

Hello, dear friends.  I hope this finds you well.  How was your weekend?  Ours was a lot of fun.  I talked the Mister into hitting a few consignment shops with me.  We didn't find anything, but I let him pick out our lunch destination.  If you haven't guessed, both Millie and the Mister are food-driven.

Speaking of food, we went out for a delightful dinner with friends on Saturday night.  If you ever find yourself in or around McKinney, I highly recommend Harvest.  The food, as well as the service, was exemplary. 

Today, I am meeting an old friend who happens to be a decorator for lunch.  She has helped me with a few projects in my last Texas home.  I still haven't tackled my home office, so I will ask her to help with the design and implementation.

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.  If you are new here,  I link up with Joyce, who is at the helm of From This Side of the Pond.   She asks the questions, and unassuming bloggers, such as myself, answer them.

 1.  February 16th is National Almond day...are you a fan?  If so, what's your favorite food item or recipe that contains almonds?

cafe sucre farine

Salted, roasted almonds served with an ice-cold glass of chardonnay is perfection in my book. 

2.  Something you are currently 'nuts' about?

I find myself smiling through the entire show.

This week is the finale, and I am already sad.

Here is a Q&A with the cast if you are a fellow fan.

And if you are still wanting more, here is a look behind the scenes.


3.  Something currently driving you 'nuts'?


I feel like Scam Likely is my stalker.
If you want to bid adios to Scam Likely, click here.

4.  Something you recently bought for 'peanuts'? 

I buy my orchids at Trader Joe's, and they are half-price of what the grocery stores charge.  The flowers are great looking and last 6 to 8 weeks. 

5.  Share a favorite quote uttered by any U.S. President ( if you're not an American, a quote made by the leader of your own country). 

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Did you make a resolution to lose weight this year?

As Dr. Phil would say, how's that working for you?

Have you ever heard of Magic Soup?  If you hit a slump, I highly recommend having this soup for at least one of your meals.  My WW soup is basically the same recipe, and it gets me back on track just when I need it.

Until next time...

Miss Millie had her first real haircut yesterday, and she got an A+ for conduct.

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Those orchids are beautiful! I've never bought orchids- I kill plants with ease, but maybe I'll give them a try next time I'm at TJ's.

  2. The soup sounds yummy! I think I'll make it on Sunday afternoon for my lunches next week!

  3. Miss Millie! You are so beautiful. And, you are putting my Archie to shame with your good manners. Fingers crossed that he will someday become a good-mannered pup like you!


  5. I love almonds and pecans! I try to only eat them in moderation but they are so good sprinkled on salads. We made a very similar soup (though I added ground Turkey to satisfy my meat loving guys) and it was a huge hit! Very filling and so delicious.

  6. I've been to Harvest several times with friends and feel the same; service and food are both fantastic! Miss Millie looks cute with her cut ;-)

  7. I absolutely love All Creatures Great And Small. I smile throughout the entire show too. xo Laura

  8. Working my way through a bag of skittles I bought to use in a little craft project, so yeah I probably need that soup recipe lol. Have fun with your office. Mine is a seemingly never ending project, but I do feel like it's getting there.

  9. I'm not saying that I never eat them, but my dentist told me to never eat almonds, because more than half of her patients' broken teeth happened while crunching on a whole almond (crusty bread and pizza crusts too).

  10. Beautiful orchids. I think I will have a glass of wine with my almonds tonight.

  11. We have dear friends that live in McKinney, I love the downtown area. Love the orchids and so wish we had a Trader Joe's in our area but the closest one is 100 miles away. Ugh! Have a great rest of the week!

  12. I love All Creatures so much! It is the rare show that is charming & touching without being sappy. I have a crush on Tristan.

    Back in high school, our whole family watched the original series & I had a crush on Tristan then too!

    I highly recommend Inventing Anna on Netflix. It was so intriguing how this woman got. away with so much.

  13. I love almonds and drink almond milk, and especially enjoy them covered in chocolate. I wanted All Creatures Great and Small based upon your recommendation last week and loved it. Thanks for the tip. Miss Mille looks adorable as always.

  14. You had me at almonds and chardonnay! That WW soup was something I ate so much of years ago but haven't made it in ages. I must make it again, it is loaded with veggies and so good to help with that extra weight!

  15. We love the show All Creatures Big and Small (so does Elliott).
    I love the salted almonds called Marconi almonds or something? Yum!
    I think I get the bulk of my calories in my morning coffee with my milk and cream. It's where I get my dairy ;0)
    Happy Day! Laura

  16. Your favorite quote sure makes sense and is a bit scary! I've made this soup to keep me on track for most of my adult life, I love it........

  17. What a fun day. I adore "All Creatures." I want to live in that show.

  18. Thank you for sharing restaurants and other fun places around McKinney. We just moved to Allen from Missouri and I have gone to some of the places you recommend. Thank you so much!! Stacy

  19. Millie looks so grown up with her haircut. I love how you put the orchids together for an arrangement. I also love All Creatures, and just have a warm, happy feeling throughout the show. Have a wonderful week!

  20. oh spam/scam calls drive me crazy. Those orchids are beautiful. I've never been able to keep them alive. That soup looks amazing.


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