Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sunday's Q & A

Hello, dear friends.  A funny thing happened to me on Friday.  I got home from my daily walk and all of a sudden I felt like I got hit with a ton of bricks.  

Meanwhile, the Mister had gone shopping and was busy working on the meal prep for our Saturday night dinner party. I had done all my chores which consisted of buying the flowers and setting the table the day before.

Let me backstep... when this whole Covid nightmare began, I thought that I was infected at least twice a week.  In the beginning, I would share that fact with the Mister who usually met my words with an eye-roll.  I soon learned to keep my self-diagnosis to myself.

We both received our vaccines, boosters, and flu shots and are diligent about wearing our masks.

So on Friday morning when I was feeling out-of-sorts, I just felt it was another false alarm.  When I walked into the kitchen, the Mister told me that he was not feeling well.  He kept having hot flashes.  I met his words with an empathetic nod. I then told him that I wasn't feeling well either.  He met my words with an eye-roll.

So we took the test.  

The Mister's came back negative and mine was positive.  

After months and months of eye rolls, I had a few choice words for the Mister. 

The Mister then made an appointment later that day for a test at a walk-in clinic.  It again came back negative.

I texted our dinner party guests and set up another date for dinner.  We both took it easy the rest of the day and thankfully, felt fine on Saturday.  I am doing my 5-day quarantine and will test myself on the fifth day.  The Mister is testing himself every morning and so far he is negative.

I thank God that I was one of the lucky ones and had few symptoms.  I have friends that weren't as lucky. 

Today, Bev over at Sunday Stealing asks the questions and unassuming bloggers, such as myself, answer them.

1. January usually has ample amounts of snowfall in parts of the world. Did you ever make snow cream as a kid?

  Am I the only one here who has never heard of snow cream?
I did some research and you can find the recipe can be found here.
From the sound of it, I think I would like it.

2. January is one of the months with 31 days. 
What are you going to do with that extra day?

I will try my level best at being waited on by my boy toy of a husband and recover.

3. In medieval times, superstition dictated that the 1st day of January was significant for prosperity, or lack of it, in a person's life. Farmers put a flat cake on the horns of a cow, and they danced and sang songs around the cow until the cake was thrown to the ground. If it fell in front of the cow that meant good luck; it if fell behind the cow that meant bad luck for the rest of the year.
Do you have strange New Year customs in your household?

We don't; but I must admit that I am inspired by that tradition.  
It would be nice to surprise the Mister.
I've got the singing and dancing part down.
Is it possible to rent a cow?

4. On January 14, 1986 motorists were required for the first time to wear seat belts? Do you always buckle up? Why or why not?

I always buckle up.
All first-time passengers are required to do so, as well.
Very few passengers ever ask me to drive again.

5.. Have you ever blabbermouthed something to a significant other that in hindsight you really should have kept to yourself?

I haven't had any car accidents over the years, however, parking is not my forte.   The first time that I hit a pole in a garage I called the Mister at work and he did not take it well.

The next 40 mishaps I kept to myself.  When he would find a scratch or dent and question me about it, I would give him a look of total surprise and tell him that someone must have hit me in the parking lot.

The only one that I couldn't keep to myself was when I ran into the back of my daughter's car in our driveway.
Again, he did not take it well.

6. Have you ever written anything on your blog that you wish you could take back?

If I wanted to take something back, I would have deleted the post.  And I have never done that.

I have, however, taken off photos of family members that they felt were unbecoming.   

I have to keep my subjects happy.

7. Are you the blabber or the blabbee? Tell us your most embarrassing blabbermouth moment.

Years ago, I accidentally blew the surprise for a friend's birthday party.  I didn't feel so bad because she told me that her husband let the cat out of the bag the day before.

8. Who is the biggest blabbermouth tattletale in your household?

When my #2 was about 4 years old, she used to tell all the neighbors our family secrets.
She never even needed a prompt.
One lady at Bunco asked me if I had made up with my husband yet.
Another one asked me how much my speeding ticket was.

And she wonders why her sister got all the toys at Christmas, and she only got a glue stick. 

9. You are the Blog Paparazzi! Which blogger's real photograph are you most interested in getting?

Duchess Goldblatt.
Here's her story.

10. If you could hire the loudest and most skilled blabbermouth in the universe to do your talking for you and advertise it well, what message would you like to spread to humanity?

My girl Joanie!

11. Are you always on time or just a tad late?

12. Is there someone in your life that irritates you regularly about not being on time?

I talked about this a week ago.
The one thing that our family never squabbled about is being on time. 
We're not perfect.
They We have plenty of other issues. 

13. Can you think of a time when you were late for something and it was REALLY a big deal?

No, but I can tell you about a key player who was 45 minutes late to his wedding rehearsal at the church.
Not that I hold a grudge or anything.
He hasn't been late for anything since.

14. If you were on your way to work and had five minutes to get there, would you stop in the road to rescue a crossing turtle?

15. Have you ever had to actually punch a time clock? 

I punched a timeclock the Summer that my parents got me a job at a factory packing Bic Bananas.

That season was known as:  The Summer Katie Learned the Value of a College Education.

Until next time...

I know somebody that is getting on of these.

$100.00 Gift Card with Purchase

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I never heard of snow cream until I moved south. We didn't do that in Westchester County New York. In fact, we were always told not to eat snow.

    1. Especially not yellow snow! Hope you and your family are doing well, Maggie.

  2. Glad to hear you’re feeling better. Love your humor and shopping tips!

  3. I am a compulsive..."on timer", to the point I have driven around the block multiple times, because I am TOO early for whatever it is that I am going to. Punctual, "on timers" do not necessarily raise the same in the next generation. It's probably rebellion. I have one son who is our late arriver and his siblings have started to tell him that an event starts an hour before it actually does. Unfortunately, we think he's caught on.

    1. I am guilty of driving around the block on more than one occasion!! I love how your family handles the "late" son. Have a great week.

  4. Sorry to hear that you have covid. My friend had covid with sporadic hot flashes throughout the day and night. I know multiple people whose rapid tests came back negative but their PCR test was positive. Maybe the Mister didn't feel well because he was fighting the virus, but it never took hold and made him sick enough to register on the rapid or PCR test?? Take good care and rest.

    1. Could be. We both took another at home test and we are both negative. I'm still sticking with the quarantine time. And he wears his mask at work all the time anyway. Have a wonderful week Paige!

    2. This happened to us. My son tested negative with at home test. He decided to get a PCR and was/is positive. Then we all tested positive a day later. This Covid thing is crazy:( I LOVE your blog!

  5. Glad you are not having severe symptoms. My brother has been incredibly ill with Covid and can't get a negative test - hasn't for about 4 weeks now. He was so sick he passed out on the bathroom floor. We have a cousin in ICU with it. Covid is not something to mess around with. Take care of yourself.

    1. OMG..I hope that your brother and cousin are one the mend soon. Have a good week.

  6. I always find your blog entertaining but today I could not stop smiling reading it. The punchlines just kept coming. I love your humor.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words and the privilege of your time!!

  7. So sorry about Covid. It seems anyone can get it, no matter how careful they are.

  8. Covid is crazy, isn't it? I think I had it over Christmas because I just wasn't feeling well and realized I could not taste anything. My son & his family joined us at my daughter/his sister's house. By the time they got home they all three had Covid. I had all my shots plus my booster and so did they -so no one was too sick.

    My grandgirl that works for Disney tested positive last week. She has 3 more days of isolation before she can go back to work. She is the energizer bunny so this is driving her crazy.

    Love your answers. Always fun. xo Diana

  9. So sorry Covid found you but glad it hasn't been too bad. Hope your hubby stays negative. I enjoyed your answers, Katie. Always fun! Have a blessed week ahead!

  10. Glad the virus hasn’t been too bad for you, Katie. My beloved Mother always made snow ice cream when it snowed which was maybe four times while I was growing up. It is delicious. I am always on time, my Mother not only made snow ice cream, but she taught manners. Take care of yourself!

  11. Glad you are not feeling so bad. My husband is convinced I had Covid back in late February 2020 when I had horrific cold/flu-like symptoms and coughed for 28 days straight. We are vaxed and boosted and masked when in closed quarters with folks like offices and basketball gyms. So, hoping for the best. I mostly just wanted to say that I love your humor and always laugh when I read your posts. Thanks for brightening my day!

  12. Glad you are feeling better Katie. Your humor is always entertaining. Hope the Mister is taking good care of you........

  13. So sorry you got Covid. My daughter tested negative 3X while she her entire family was sick with Covid. She tested + the following week, when she was actually starting to feel better. So your Mister may still not be out of the woods. Take care.

  14. Katie, I just wanted to thank you for being the sunshine in my Sunday. I thought I had just a cold on Tuesday but but just got the test results & I’m positive! I have had no fever or headache-just a runny nose & occasionally a cough 😷 I’m so thankful that I’ve had all the vaccines, booster & flu shot.🙏🏻
    Keep on sharing your 🌝

  15. So sorry to hear that you had covid. I do not know how . . .but so far, we have escaped. Our doctor friends have told us that it is a matter of when, not if, with Omicron.

  16. Every time lately that I have tried to comment on your blog I get an error. Must be me..Get well. Not going to comment further because this probably won’t post either.

  17. Sorry to hear that COVID got you. I hope you are feeling better.
    I am intrigued by Duchess Goldblatt. I'll put it on my To Read List.

  18. uh oh, so sorry you got it, I know several couples that one got it and one didn't, just shows how crazy the thing is! Take care and thanks for the chuckles!

  19. Oh Katie, I'm sorry you have it (relieved it's not too horrible). Please keep testing the Mister -- home nests can be notorious for false negatives! That said, our DIL and the boys got it in December; Kevin was fine. Go figure. I live in as much isolation as possible (and quite happily, for the most part) and wait for spring.

  20. So glad it seems you had a mild case and hopefully have it behind you. Lots of good answers and good sales. You're the BEST!

  21. Sorry to hear you got COVID, but relieved to know it was mild. Thanks for the fun post. The blabbermouth story reminded me of all the family information a first grade teacher is privy to. Good thing I know how to keep things to myself.

  22. Katie,
    Oh my gosh, I've been laughing aloud at this post. You come up with the best writing to go with the hilarious images you post. I relate to your #2 about keeping secrets. When I was young my mom wrapped Christmas gifts for friends and family, and I'd be under foot checking everything out. She would advise me to keep the "secret" from the person the gift was for. I'd whisper to all that would listen that I knew what they were getting for Christmas, if they prompted me, I'd blab.
    Karen B.

  23. Oh no, Katie ... I'm late to the blog this week and sorry to hear you're under the weather. Glad your symptoms are mild and the Mister is negative. Wishing you the best and delighted to see your sense of humor is intact. Hugs and good wishes. xo

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