Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, January 28, 2022

The Friday Files


Hello, dear friends.  TGIF!  I hope that you had a good week.  I know that a lot of snow is expected in many parts of the country.  My heart goes out to you if you are in the storm's path.

I'm running behind today because my mouse went on the fritz yesterday.  Lucky for me, my tech team, otherwise known as The Mister, was able to save the day when he got home from work.

Click here to take the full tour of this quintessential Maine cottage.

This gorgeous Designer's home is a mixture of antiques and modern art.

Take a gander at this 1873 mansion for sale in Macon, Georgia.

Do you need some low-carb dinner recipes?
They're right here.

Someone's in the kitchen with Dolly!

This article struck a chord with me.  Years ago, the Mister called the restaurant, The Black Goose Grill in Darien, CT, where we had our first date and requested a menu.  He had it framed and gave it to me for our 15th wedding anniversary. 

Let me hear a collective awwwwww!

Here are some organization shortcuts if you're short on time.

This is for my buddy, Laura of Everyday Edits, and everyone else who has kids in or coming to the Big D.  Here is a list of good, clean, fun experiences in Dallas.

Are you looking to get away for Spring Break?

Here is a list of Airbnbs in the best ski towns.

Here's a guide for late-in-life individuals who are looking to up their dating game.

Have you been watching The Gilded Age?

It is soooo good!

Here is a list of the filming locations.

If you have been spending an inordinate amount of time in front of the TV due to weather conditions or Omicron, never fear.  Here is a list of the great shows on Amazon Prime.  If you haven't seen The Americans or Fleabag, I highly recommend them.  Warning: Fleabag is a bit naughty but oh so funny.

Do you know the difference between memory and memorability?  This article is very interesting, explaining why we remember what we remember.

Here's a list of the best fitness apps.
This one is more my speed.

Here is a funny story about one gentleman who swings into the new year.

Until next time...



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Lots of colors.
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Air purifier

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I just started the Gilded Age and really enjoy it so far! Have a great weekend!

  2. "Lucky for me, my tech team, otherwise known as The Mister, was able to save the day when he got home from work." LOL

  3. Happy Friday! My Mister is in a state of panic. The restaurant were we had our first date closed its doors several years ago. I assured him that as a handsome, intelligent, resourceful man he will figure it out. xo

  4. I have various restaurant menus from our travels framed and lining the walls to our rear entry/mud room. Sometimes you can find them online and print yourself. Great memories!! TGIF!

  5. Great read as usual. I enjoyed the Dallas story about New Years golf game! Also, am I the only one who intends to comment but then ends up lost in your links?? On the lookout for Dolly cake mix!!

  6. Always fun, Katie! Thanks for all the great recommendations! That mansion in Georgia looks more like a chateau to me! 13,000 square feet! Wow. And all of that for only $18,000,000 plus a bit! teehee Happy weekend! xo

  7. My youngest son and I are studying memory right now in his psychology class. I want that Maine cottage. I have toured those Newport mansions and recognized them right away. Can't wait to check out that show.

  8. Another wonderful Friday post, as always. Love all the houses and that last one is breathtaking.
    I hope you and The Mister have a wonderful weekend. xo Diana

  9. LOVE THE DALLAS SHOUT OUT! Thank you! Just sent to baby Evan via email. Not sure he knows how to access his email! ;0)

    Thank you! xo xo laura

  10. Your husband is so romantic! I love the idea of a framed menu form your first date. Love the house tour, the first one is one of my favorites. I am odd to check out the other links and articles. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  11. Love the house tours, always. Caroline Willis' chairs around her round table are the same as my estate sale Danish dining set. :) We have Gilded Age on dvr, ready to watch after another friend recommended it. Wouldn't want to be in New England this weekend! Stay cozy, thanks for the FF.

  12. Always enjoy your Friday fun with interesting articles. Great house tours today too. The mister sounds like a very romantic guy. Have a great Saturday..........

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