Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Thursday, January 13, 2022

San Miguel Through AJ's Lens


Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are having a good week.  This post is Part 2 of our Christmas holiday.  Adorable Jonathon is the man behind the lens.  When he sent me his photos, I thought that they caught the flavor of San Miguel and deserved a post of their own.  I added some commentary and also a few articles of interest.  

If you missed Part 1, you can find it here.

Expats plus foreigners make up ten percent of the population of 140,000.

San Miguel is known for its beautiful doors as well as the doorknockers.

I found that the majority of the natives wore masks outside as well as inside.

San Miguel is a 4-hour drive from Mexico City.  We flew into Queretaro International Airport, which is over an hour away.  It is the cleanest, most organized airport that I have ever been in.  An added bonus is that it is a 2-hour flight from Dallas.

Here's another article about the many doors of San Miguel. 

If you prefer to stay in the heart of San Miguel, this is a beautiful alternative.

San Miguel is a UNESCO World Heritage site.  It is mandated that homes, churches, businesses - every original structure retain its original historic appearance.  

Every time I look at this door, I think of sprinkles or jimmies.

The elevation of SM is 6234'.

Here is the lowdown on SM according to Travel and Leisure.

Looking to buy a second or third house?

And if you really love San Miguel, here is the cost of building a house.

Last but not least, AJ found this little gem for me. 
The first thing that I have to do when I revisit SM is to find a big enough bag to carry it.

Thank you, Adorable Jonathon, for sharing your beautiful photos. 
Stay tuned for the last chapter on Friday. 

Until next time...


Uptown Pups

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. I'm so glad you saved the toilet for last! I'm at my desk working and eating my lunch and your email popped into my inbox . . .so glad I stopped to look at these beautiful pictures!

  2. Beautiful door captures, and love the toilet, what fun would that be in your powder room!!

  3. That is a very impressive toilet! Great photos and I always love doors. It was one of my favorite things about Venice. Some of the doorw/dorrways are just amazing. Thanks for sharing the photos and the commentary! It sure looks like a great get-away spot! xo

  4. oooohhhhh he's good. Great pictures and captions. I enjoyed his view of SM.

  5. Wonderful pictures !! You should have shipped the toilet home !!!

  6. So beautiful!!! Thank you Jonathan! This reminds me of Antiqua in Guatemala. I too had to buy an extra suitcase for all my treasures! Memories of family time is the BEST gift!

  7. Those are beautiful photos! I love that you can have such a short little plane ride and it's like you landed in a different world.

  8. Jonathan did an amazing job capturing the spirit and beauty of the sweet place. I have never been but now I have it on my list Thanks for sharing.

    WHAT A SON IN LAW!!!!!!!

  10. Great photos -- Adorable Jonathan has an eye -- and a wonderful subject to photograph.

  11. Another beautiful tour! AJ has great talent with a camera. It took me a moment to figure out what his gift that he found for you was! You’d have the fanciest powder room in town!

  12. Jonathon has a great eye with the camera! Love these photos. That bougainvillea (I think?) growing out of the sidewalk, wow?! The doors are gorgeous. That one door does look like sprinkles!

  13. What a picturesque city and such charming architecture. Thank you for sharing this.
    Karen B.

  14. What a great trip! I need to look into this for a future vacation.
    I love the doors! Happy Saturday Katie! laura

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