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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Our Holiday In Pictures


Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your weekend.  We got together with friends on Friday night, which is always a good time.  Saturday, we headed to Costco when it opened to avoid the crowds.  The rest of the weekend was cold and dreary, so we watched a couple of movies and read our books.  That's my idea of a perfect January weekend.

Today, I am sharing bucket loads some photos with you of our Christmas getaway to San Miguel de Allende.  We invited the girls and Adorable Jonathon to join us as our Christmas present to them.  It took them less than a full minute to say yes.

We decided on San Miguel because we had heard wonderful things about it.  My #1 and Adorable Jonathon had been there several times, including their honeymoon, and loved it.  It also held a special place in my Dad's heart.

We booked the trip when Omicron was nothing but a glint in Covid's eye.  It was a time when we considered our booster shot to be a superpower.  How quickly things changed.  


We were scheduled to leave on Christmas Eve morning.  The day before, the Mister and I were running around doing last-minute errands and dropping Miss Millie off at camp.  While tooling around, my phone rang, and it was my #2. 
The first thing she asked me was, are we on speaker?

Allow me to translate for you.
What #2 is saying is: I have bad news, and I want you to be the one to break it to Dad.  She then proceeds to tell me that she has been exposed to Covid not once but twice.  She said that she didn't feel right about going and taking the chance of infecting other people.  I said I understood and respected her decision.  
I then broke it to the Mister, who took it fairly well.  
For him, that is.

I called #2 back after the shock wore off and asked her if she would be okay spending Christmas without us.  She told me that her beau was exposed to the same Covid carriers, so they would quarantine together.  

I then had a brainstorm.  We had just dropped Millie off at camp - I asked #2 if it would be okay to bring her to Dallas to stay with her.  #2 said yes.

Before she knew it, Millie was picked up at camp within the hour of her arrival and whisked off to #2's bachelorette pad.

Spoiler alert:  My #2 nor her beau ended up contracting the virus, thank God.

We had a direct flight, and our travel experience was seamless.  I highly recommend traveling on the day of Christmas Eve.  The hotel had a driver pick us up for our 90-minute ride to the hotel.  

We stayed at the Rosewood, which had exemplary reviews.
We soon learned that they were well-deserved. 

The minute I stepped into the hotel, I was taken by its beauty.


Our guest room was large, with a gas fireplace and generous patio.

Our view led to the pool.

Our #1 and Adorable Jonathon arrived about an hour later.  We met them for lunch at the hotel's Luna Rooftop Tapas Bar, which ended up being our hangout during our stay.  They then gave us a tour of the hotel and property.

I call the above pic a rose between two thorns.

Btw... a lot of the pics in my posts were taken by AJ and #1.

It is one of the prettiest hotels that we have stayed in.

On one of their visits, #1 and AJ took a cooking class here.
Their culinary talents did not improve much, but they sure had fun.


The Mister and I spent a lot of time in one of those cabanas.

That evening, Christmas Eve, we met our entourage again at the Rooftop Bar.

San Miguel's answer to Ben and JLo.

San Miguel is pretty during the day, but it takes on a magic of its own at night.

A few words on the weather in San Miguel.  At this time of year, the temps could dip as low as the 30s at night and rise to the 80s in the afternoon.  Needless to say, layering is the name of the game.

There were many celebrity sightings.  
Above, a supermodel was spotted wearing her favorite label, Old Navy.

Another celebrity-sighting at the pool, and it looks like some excited fans.

I have never been a margarita fan, but I became one after tasting this delicious cucumber margarita.

Fresh fruit and Tajin were a staple on every table at the Rooftop.
Remember the Mister's take on Mexican food?

Christmas night, we met for 'tails and d'oeuvres, facetimed #2, and went on to the restaurant for a wonderful dinner.

The next day, we enjoyed breakfast on our terraces and met in the lobby to walk to town to do some shopping.

Lucky for me, I was forewarned to leave my stilettos at home.
The streets are cobblestone and quite tricky to maneuver.

I found myself falling into a heavenly ceramic coma.
I ended up buying an extra bag to carry on the plane.
Rather, for the Mister to carry on the plane.

One of the many highlights of the trip was watching AJ bargain with the shopkeepers.

The Mister, on the sidelines, flaunting his new bag and taking lessons from the Master on the art of the bargain.

Along with a new bag full of pottery, I bought some pretty napkin rings.  These are a few of the designs.

We had a scrumptious lunch at Quince.
Btw... they are opening a restaurant in Ft. Worth.

This is the face I make when I know that I've gotten some good buys.
Not to worry... that's water, not vodka.
I need to keep my shopping skills honed.

How about that view?
By the way, our entire trip was planned by my girl.
A week before we left, we received our itinerary.  She did a spectacular job making all the reservations ahead of time for the fabulous restaurants and spa services.

I would walk to Ft. Worth for this fabulous food.

That evening, we took a cab into town for dinner.
Our destination was Aperi.

Cheers to my girl's stellar travel planning skills as well as her upcoming 30th birthday!

I know I've said it before, but we are so lucky to have Adorable Jonathon as our SIL.

We never thought we would ever find someone to take our #1 off our hands.

The first of a few birthday celebrations.

Back at the hotel, we had one more toast to the birthday girl.

If I haven't put you to sleep yet, tune in for the next post, San Miguel de Allende Through AJ's Lensand the last post, Adios San Miguel. aaaan

Until next time...

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What a wonderful, wonderful getaway. It is too bad #2 was not able to go along. I know you missed her...but how lucky was the Pupster to get to stay with her instead of at the dog hotel!
    The place looks fabulous and LUCKY YOU!!!
    Have a wonderful day now that you are back to reality! Hugs- Diana

  2. That hotel looks HEAVENLY! I know you had to be so sad #2 couldn't come but it looks like you have an amazing trip.

  3. Incredible photos - lovely incredible hotel and that beautiful family! Have heard so much about this place! It really looks magical! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Beautiful trip. I am so glad Millie got to stay with #2 and that she didn't get the dreaded C.

  5. What an amazing getaway, aside from the #2 disappointment. Looking forward to chapter 2. Happy 30th to #1! And, Happy New Year! xo

  6. Beautiful pictures…and people. I too am looking forward to chapter 2 and also Quince opening here in Ft. Worth! Janey

  7. Beautiful pictures. I'm marking that for my travel bucket list! I'm so sorry #2 couldn't go, but at least she had someone to keep her company. And happy birthday to #1. Great photos of you too...Dallas must be treating you right!

  8. Wonderful getaway (and some nice finds to bring home!). It sounds as though your entire family must've avoided Covid, and I'm really happy for you. My baby grandgirl and her mama and daddy both had/have it too. It sucks.

  9. What a fabulous trip! So glad your younger daughter and her beau didn't get Covid!

  10. What a fun Christmas holiday. Sorry #2 couldn't join you. The food looks amazing and I love the pottery and napkin rings you found.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Karen B.

  11. Hi Katie !!
    What a wonderful Christmas you four shared what a pretty area, sorry #2 missed out but good thing she didnt get sick, plus I bet the puppy was happy she didnt have to go to camp ! Blessings in the New Year !! Paula

  12. What a wonderful time away you all had!! Such a shame #2 and her beau weren't able to participate. So glad they didn't get c-19. Your pictures are all lovely. The hotel looks amazing. Katie, thanks for sharing the fun with us! I would have gone crazy in that pottery market. Platters and bowls are right up there with purses as my one weakness!! Love & hugs! xo

  13. What a beautiful hotel! It looks like you had a fabulous vacation... though I do feel so bad that your daughter had to back out at the last minute. So glad she didn't get sick though.

  14. OMG! I am so sorry that #1 did not get to go. That stinks! But, looks as though the rest of you had enough fun for all of you. What a beautiful place and I must say, you wear orange VERY well. Enjoyable post!

  15. I want everything in that ceramics store. Well, apart from the #2 incident, which fortunately ended up ok, you certainly had a fabulous holiday getaway and I'm thrilled. It looks like you chose the best possible place to stay and I'm glad most of you could be together. Biggest smiles at all the wonderful photos~!

  16. I. Need. To. Go. There. I. Must. Period.

  17. Happy New Year Katie and welcome back to Texas! Your trip looks so nice. I would have spent a lot of time in the pottery store too. Those beautiful pieces will be so much fun for at home Mexican dinners. As a native Texan, I have always wanted pretty Mexican pottery but have never gotten any. Except for a restaurant supply store plastic tortilla warmer, I have no proper Mexican pieces, but you have inspired me to look for some, lol.
    Your family is precious, and I can certainly see why AJ is so valued. He seems like such a wonderful person, as does your beautiful #1. So happy that #2 stayed well. Millie is growing and SO cute. xo Sherry

  18. San Miguel has been on my bucket list forever! Hopefully, we will make it there in the near future! The Rosewood was one of my top choices. So happy to see all of these pics! Would you mind if I shared on Sunday?

  19. Amazing pictures, and a perfect Christmas trip. So sorry about #2 not being able to be with you. By the way, that orange/red sweater is beautiful on you. Just curious, I'm assuming one of those pictures is of your newly added Butler's Pantry. LOL!

  20. I've been waiting for this post! What a fun trip. We went to Cabo on Christmas Day a few years ago and it was quite chilly by the pool. This place looks amazing! I love that daughter #1 planned the trip and daughter 2 got to babysit! We actually paid our daughter to house sit we were on our Boston trip. I love the pottery pieces! What a fun time! Can't wait for more pics! xo laura

  21. Sis - San Miguel? OH my gosh - the best. And that rooftop bar? I was there on Valentine's Day just 5 years ago. We could have run into each other. My sister-in-law had to cancel at the very last minute due to work and my brother chose me to take her place. Heaven. Seeing your photos took me right back. Hola!

    DIRECT FLIGHT from where to where?PLEASE LET ME KNOW!

  23. hi Katie! I have been to San Miguel de Allende, my son got married there! We stayed in a beautiful chateau that was rented by the bride's family. All the bridal party stayed in another nearby chateau. What a beautiful city, I spent hours photographing the colorful doors and have done many paintings from those photographs. The roof top bar looks amazing! So sorry #2 couldn't go, but it was great she could keep Millie~

  24. So sorry to hear your # 2 could not travel with your family, hope you will plan another trip with her later. Wow, the hotel is lovely and the restaurants look fabulous. Yes, your # 1 did a great job planning, that's part of the fun for me. A beautiful city I would love to visit someday. Enjoyed seeing what you were bringing home...........

  25. It looks like such a fun trip. Love the hotel and beautiful surrounding, but now we need to see all of your goodies!! :)

  26. Wonderful recap of your trip! I loved seeing the excellent photos. We spent two weeks at Christmas many years ago. We rented a house that came complete with a cook and housekeeper. It was a wonderful experience. Happy New Year!

  27. Your trip looks amazing. Glad you were able to go! We bought tickets last night for a one-night event in May, but I was skeptical to do even that, wondering if covid will affect our plans. Such crazy times.

  28. What a wonderful holiday trip, and place! Loved every photo. I am surprised they ever got you out of the pottery store but I must say those napkin rings with the blue and white have given me serious tabletop envy. In the vernacular of the day, I am so jelly! Glad your daughter and her beau did not contract the virus. The silver lining for Millie is that she got sprung from the kennel and spent a few days being spoiled! Keep these uplifting posts coming I look forward to every single one!

  29. What a beautiful and special holiday trip! Looks so amazing- thanks for linking up Katie!

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