Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, January 7, 2022

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  Welcome to the first Friday Files of 2022.  How did your first full week of the new year go for you?  It seemed pretty long to me.  That may be due to the bitterly cold weather.  I'm not going to complain, though, because my friends in the Boston area are getting hit with a mother of a snowstorm.  As we say down south... bless your hearts.

Are you looking for a book to snuggle up with this weekend?

I highly recommend this one.  I love to find books under the radar.  This was written by a first-time writer, and I found myself smiling throughout the pages.  Spoiler alert:  There were also some bittersweet tears. 

Take a gander at this gorgeous abode designed by Joshua Pickering in the Big D.

Step into this Tequesta beauty drenched in luscious color.

If you favor older homes, this one is a gem.

Did I mention that it's for sale?

Are you thinking of giving the Keto Diet a whirl?

Here is a rundown on the basics.

If you love soup like I love soup, you will love these recipes.

Do you love pasta, but you are watching your waistline?

Looking for a new 'do in '22?
Here are some cute cuts for women over 50.

Do weddings make you cry?
I guarantee this one will make you smile.

If you are planning a vacation, I highly recommend this magnificent spot.

Or you can stay here, which was founded by a real-life pirate.

Are you a fan of Call The Midwife?

Here's the scoop on this year's season.

Are you a fan of documentaries?
Step right up and click here for a list of the best of 2021.


Here's a list of all the shows to watch on Netflix this month. 

Two of my favorites are back.

One of my favorite shows is back on Sunday!
Do you remember where they left off?
If not, click here.

By the way... does that little pooch remind you of anyone?

A couple of weeks ago, the Mister and I started drinking a cup of tea before bed.  No particular reason; we just like it.  We noticed that we experienced a deeper sleep with fewer wake-up moments through the night.  We have been drinking this tea.  If you are suffering from anxiety, this article outlines the best teas to try.

Yes, the mug is another gem that I picked up in Mexico. 

Until next time...

Half-price on Sunday.

Extra 25% off sale items!

Tory Burch

A couple of colors, limited sizes.

Extra 25% off on sale items!

I have a pair of flat Tory boots that are about 10 years old.  

I had them re-soled a few years ago because they are so comfy.

25% off all full-price items

60% off!!!

My fave!

Flattering and comfy!

50% off clearance!


After all that exercise, you're going to need one of these.

Great reviews on this air purifier.

Linking up with:

Funtastic Friday

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. All Creatures and After Life. I cannot wait!

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  2. I can't wait for both "Call the Midwife" and "All Creatures Great and Small"! -Jenn

  3. Beautiful house tours and that steamer looks like the bomb!

  4. The sunroom in that house! Bengal Spice is my favorite with honey and a splash of 1/2 1/2. I don’t drink caffeine, so it’s the closest to Chai Tea that I have found.

  5. Neutral rooms are very popular now - I've always liked it - but it wasn't practical until I was an empty nester. I have that steamer and like it. Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Extra tea isn't my favorite at all, but chamomile is a proven relaxer (per Harvard Medical School), so I often drink a strong cup an hour or so before bed.

    1. Thanks for the tip on chamomile. I'm going to try it. Happy New Year, Paige!

  6. I love documentaries and that list looks great! Thanks, Katie.

  7. I like Tension Tamer by Celestial. Also the Peppermint Herbal by Harney & Sons.

    1. Happy New Year, Mary! Tension Tamer sounds right up my alley. Not because I have tension, but rather I cause tension according to the Mister.

  8. Hey Katie! As always, you have given us lots of fun things to go check out. I think I saved six of your links! Happy weekend, my friend! xo

  9. Thank you for all the book and tv recommendations. We are in a cold snap here in Houston right now, and curling up on the couch sounds perfect. I want to try the tea at night. Have a wonderful weekend. :)

  10. SO many great links today! I have that book on my kindle, I was on the fence about it but if you say its good I will read it.

    LOVE the houses! And all of the sales, although I am trying to refrain from buying anything.

    Thanks for the tea tip! If you drink a lot of that tea make sure to red it from https://shop.celestialseasonings.com/

    It is not an affiliate link but a link, I purchase tea from them all of the time and they have lots of sales and you can get the seasonal teas all year long.

    Have a great weekend.

  11. We just finished Yellowstone Season 4. Are you guys watching that?
    Elliott loves All Creatures Great & Small too! Cannot wait!
    Trader Joe's has some fun teas too! I started the same routine of a cup of tea as we settle in to the couches. I love it too! Reading has helped me too and now that the kids got me a kindle hopefully I stay away from online shopping at night!

  12. I have never watched (or even heard of!) After Life; I'm going to have to check that out.

  13. I adore that mug. I so wished I liked tea of any kind. It is not even southern to say you don't like sweet tea but I gag.
    I have not watched any of Ozark but it is on my list. We sort of binge watch when we see something we missed which I am sure will happen with that one.

  14. I absolutely love older homes! The one you linked to is stunning!

  15. My hairstyle is wash, let dry naturally, and let the curls do what they want. It's pretty risky. I was so excited to watch the first new episode of All Creatures Great And Small last night. I love it. Looking forward to some of the others you mentioned. I will be wearing my new comfy PJs and jogging pants for the near future as I try to stay in as much as possible until Omicron subsides. Hugs, Laura

  16. Oh that lovely house that is for sale is dreamy !!! Thank you for linking it so I could dream. India Hick's wedding did indeed bring a smile. Thank you for all the link ups. mimi

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