Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, December 17, 2021

Easy-Peasy Centerpieces/ Take 2


Hello, dear friends.  Welcome to my final post of 2021.  I hope you all are ahead of schedule with your shopping and decorating.

The most exciting event of this week happened on Wednesday.  The Mister and I spent some time at the DMV getting our Texas Drivers License.  Anyone who has attempted to use the DMV for any of its services after the Pandemic knows what a long wait time is ahead of them.  The Mister couldn't get our appointments in any of the locations near our home until February or March, which was fine with me.  If it were up to me, I could have waited until a cop pulled me over and threw me in the slammer for having an out-of-state license.

But when the Mister has a job to do, he gets it done.  He showed up at one of the local offices at 6AM, got in line, and waited for two hours only to find out that they were not taking walk-ins that day.


The Mister found an appointment online for us about a month ago in the Sherman office, which is about forty minutes away.  Our appointment was at 9:05 AM.  In typical Mister style, we arrived at 8:10.  The office was open, and there were about ten people in line.  The Mister jumped out of the car like it was on fire, with his trusty file folder 5 inches deep, which held all of our required and unrequired documentation.  

I told him that I would stay in the car until it was our turn.  

He met my statement with a scowl.


Just as I was settling into catching up on my Instagram, the auto locks went up and down and the horn beeped.  I guessed that that was my cue.  I joined the scowling Mister at the counter.  Our agent was a very kind Southern gent with a warm smile.  He led us on the tedious journey of obtaining a driver's license.

On my way out, I asked the gentleman if they had a suggestion box.  

We pulled out of the parking lot at 9:00AM breathing a sense of relief.  If you live in Texas and live within 200 miles of Sherman, I suggest making an appointment at that office.  It was well-staffed with smiling, patient people ready to help.

Are you ready for another boring story?

Yesterday, I took Millie out for her afternoon walk and ran into a neighbor.  We were chatting it up for a few minutes when I looked down at my perfect pup, who was not jumping on the neighbor as usual but rather sitting quietly.  It was then that I realized that I was firmly holding a leash that was free-flowing and attached to nothing.  My little rascal had chewed it in half!  Before she realized that she was free as a bird, I grabbed her in my arms and brought her back to the nest.

I took a pass on another walk because, frankly, I had had enough excitement for the day.

And then this happened.  
Lucky for me, I caught her red-pawed before she did too much damage.

Millie's next bed is coming from Walmart.

This is Part Two of my centerpiece series.  

You can find Part One here.

On to more pleasing images to the eye...


Half Baked Harvest


midwest living


Southern Living

Southern Living

A Piece of the Rainbow

A Piece of the Rainbow

V and Co

I'm fairly confident that I could pull this off.

Southern Living




Oxmoor House


Southern Living

One Chitecture


Martha Stewart

33 Shades of Green



Crate and Barrel


Need some last-minute gift inspiration?

You can find it

 hereherehere, hereherehere, and here.

Lastly, I want to wish all my sweet friends in Blogland a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a healthy Happy New Year.  I appreciate all of your kind words and support over the years.

See you next year!

Until next time...

Old Navy

I bought this sweater and love it.

Deal of the Day!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh that Millie! Love the centerpieces - I think I'll be recreating some of those next year. Have a Merry Christmas, friend!

  2. I love the ornament centerpieces, always so pretty and eye catching! Maybe Santa can put a good dog spell on Millie :)

  3. I'm with the Mister for the file folders. For the DMV, car buying, all sorts of things. I set up one for my husband when he went to get his Real ID. The woman at AAA was very impressed.

  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours! I had to go to the DMV for my new license and needed to take all the documentation to get that star on my license. I also took more than I thought I needed because I've heard the horror stories. Having an appointment made a huge difference. I was in and out in less than 30 minutes. Amen!! xo

  5. That Millie is a mess...ha ha! I like the Mister's signal system (honk, locks) so that you can wait in the car. Hope you and your crew have a very Merry Christmas!

  6. Love the centerpieces. By the way Sherman is my hometown, although now living in Ft. Worth. My my Millie you have been a handful. Maybe when he grows up he will a bit tamer. We had a puppy like that and we finally sent him to obedience camp for a week. Made all the difference! Have a very Merry Christmas! Janey

  7. The centerpieces are lovely. So sorry about your DMNV experiences. Millie is a chewer...LOL We have one of those. Bella has chewed our pillow trims in the family room. She chewed my favorite kitchen mat and also a new round rug. Wishing you and the Mister a very merry Christmas and bright new year. xo

  8. The centerpieces---I don't have a large dining room table but a sofa table perhaps? All so beautiful!

    Nice to know that the craziness of the DMV exists beyond Illinois. Much can be done online, and we have a few places that section off people with different requirements right at the door, which makes it more smooth. We do have to get our passports renewed (not like we are going anywhere) but I dread it.

    Your story about Millie made me laugh out loud. When our late Milo was a pup, I had him on a leash and stopped to talk to a neighbor. As I chatted and raved about what a great puppy he was, she pointed to him trotting down the street with half of the leash in his mouth!! 😳. I get better leashes now!!

    Happy Holidays, Katie!


  9. Have a very merry Christmas. Thank you for being a blog I always look forward to reading.
    Karen B.

  10. Merry Christmas Katie!! And a Blessed 2022 to your family. This has certainly been a crazy time for our family with caring for Mother who broke her foot and is now in a nursing facility. One of the reasons I have not commented in a while! Marvin had to get his license renewed recently and we also went to a small office in Hartselle. I decided to go ahead and pay for a new one as well as I needed to change my address since our move. If I truly look like that picture they took, I may be asking Santa for a face transplant.:)

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