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Thursday, November 8, 2018

November Books, TV, & Movies

Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

Hello, dear friends.  It is a bright, sunny day here on the South Shore.  We have had so much rain here that it makes me appreciate a clear day that much more.

I am off to Connecticut to meet an old high school buddy.  We are meeting at the halfway point in a small beach town called Madison. I am bringing my camera so I can take lots of pics.  The drive is a couple of hours, and I have a brand new audible book to start that has received rave reviews.  

Here is a rundown of books that I have read and new releases for the month of November.  I have also thrown in some TV chat and new movies premiering this month.

If you would like to read previous Books, TV, and Movies posts you can find them here and here.

This one started off strong but fell apart chapter by chapter.  


Lovely sweet story.  I'm planning on reading the first two books in this series. 


I enjoyed Badani's last book, and this one was even better. The story was mesmerizing, and the characters were likable as well as multi-dimensional.


This book is marketed as a modern day Rebecca.  I think that the author did a serious injustice to herself.  This page-turner could have stood alone and didn't have to be associated with the classic.  


The Mister chose this book for his Amazon First Reads choice a few months ago.  After he finished it, he told me that I would enjoy it.  He was right. This book is beautifully written and weaves the story of two women - one in the early 1900's, and the other in the 1960's. The common denominator is the silver music box.
The best news I've heard lately: the sequel, Dreams of Silver will be released in mid-November.


Fasten your seatbelt, you are in for a wild ride.  Even when I was not reading it, I was trying to figure out how it was going to end.  If you are looking for a riveting psychological thriller with the ultimate plot twist - this book is for you.
Great audible narration on this one.


I just started this novel last night.  I enjoyed Ross' last book, What Was Mine.  The Latecomers centers around an Irish immigrant, an ancestral home in New England, and a deep dark secret that has been hidden for many generations.  It sounds like the perfect recipe for a delicious read.


This is the thriller that I will be listening to in the car.  The main character is a successful pediatrician in Malibu who is living the perfect life with his gorgeous new wife.  
But then things begin to fall apart.
Don't they always?


Liane Moriarty is one of today's most popular fiction writers.  This book centers around nine people fighting their own private battles at a remote health spa.  I haven't downloaded it yet for a couple of reasons.  I'm still waiting for more reviews to come in, and nine people is an awful lot of characters for me to keep up with.


I am a huge fan of Elizabeth Berg's, and I adored her last book, The Story of Arthur Truluv.  This novel picks up on the life of Lucille Howard who played a major role in Arthur Truluv's life.  Night of Miracles will be released next week.  Needless to say, I pre-ordered it.


How many hours a day do you think Danielle writes?  Every time I turn around, there is a new Danielle Steel novel being released.  This story intrigues me.  A middle-aged woman is in a rut.  Hmmm... I wonder why that sounds familiar.  She decides to quit her job and move to England in the same town where the mansion resides that is featured in her favorite BBC historical drama.

It sounds like a good idea to me.  


Baldacci is one of the Mister's favorite authors.  This new thriller introduces a new character who is an FBI agent with special skills.  This one sounds right up the Mister's alley.


 This book is described as a psychodrama. The main character is ruthless, cunning, and will go to any extremes to achieve success.
Sounds like a nice guy.


A woman befriends a mysterious stranger in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Need I say more?


I plan on reading this sweet Christmas story as well as buying a couple of copies for hostess gifts.


A separated couple, their new partners, and one daughter all go on vacation to celebrate Christmas together.  My bet is that it will be anything but a merry time.


This book sounds like it will be a stocking full of fun.  


For those of you who are going through Gaines withdrawal, Joanna has a new book out to satisfy that itch.


A holiday must-have for Southern Living lovers.


The Mister and I binge watched this series on a rainy weekend.  Mrs. Durrell shows off her naughty side.  It moved quickly, and the male lead is not hard to look at.
Don't tell the Mister that I said that. 


Schitt$ Creek is not for everyone.
I love it - the Mister not so much.


Is it just me or does anyone else think that the final season has jumped the shark?  Some of the scenes are so unrealistic that they border on the ridiculous.

Another thing:  Claire's snarky comments to the camera do not hold the same punch as her dead husband's.  


There is plenty of positive feedback on Facebook about this one.


I'm sure that this flick will be on the Mister's must-see list.


This one looks waaaay too sad for me.


Cannot wait to see this one!


This is another movie on my must-see list.

I'd love to hear your recommendations.

Until next time...


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  1. Thank you for all the recommendations. The Winters is on my to-read list, and I can't wait to watch the Bodyguard. My new books post for November post will come out on Monday. :)

  2. How do you have time to live such a terrific life with all those books (and good telly, too!). You must have taken Evelyn Wood's speed reading dynamics when you were a kid. Lots of great recommendations. I just put Bodyguard on my watch list because hey, it's Mrs. Durrell! (Speaking of which, read Gerald Durrell's "My Family and Other Animals" or listen on audio if you can find it. Delightful. I'm also enjoying Isabel Allende's "The Japanese Lover" this month.

  3. You always provide the most interesting list of books and I just wonder when in the world you find time to read all of them what with your busy/fun/exciting/adventurous social life. Baldacci is one of our favorite authors and we will always have at least one of his audiobooks saved for our long road trips. I thought the same thing about Moriarty's Nine Lives.... But, I do have it on my borrow list from the library. We will see.

  4. Can't wait to read/listen to some of these books! Love your selections. ALways looking for new things to watch on Netflix! Hope you have a great day! Snow in Nebraska -- ugh!

  5. Totally agree with you on HOC - they are trying to make Claire like Frank, but it just isn't the same. Watching it regardless though, for her wardrobe alone!

  6. Greenbook is definitely a must-see! Thank you for all of the recommendations.

  7. We loved Bodyguard!! I haven't read Baldacci in a long time. Gave up on House of Cards and glad we didn't see that last season. More than a few of those books have sparked my interest!! Thanks, always, for your reviews!

  8. Impressed by how many books you read each month. I read a lot this summer but haven't read much since my boys started their senior year in hs.

  9. I am in the middle Of The Storytellers Secret and just love it. Thanks for all your recommendations as always !

  10. Here’s my dose of media love! I’m excited to see those movies too! I hope you have the sweetest weekend!

  11. Hi Katie, thanks for the book recommendations. You always have several that I want to read . For a Christmas book, have you read The Christmas Pearl? It's an old one but one of my favorites. I keep a copy in with my decorations and try to read it every year or two. Its very short and always makes me laugh and cry. Give it a try .
    Debbie Robinson
    ps, I think its by Dorthea Benton Frank

    1. I haven't read that one but just put it on my download list. Thank you for the recommendation!

  12. Watched the final episode of HOC last night....what a slog. The final scene definitely had the vibe of, "Let's end this now so we can catch the game at 7:00." Eight episodes of bizarre dialogue and plot that made no sense. I actually had to replay the one scene where Claire is in the nursery talking to who knows who, herself as a girl, her daughter as a teen and then the writers throw in Satan? WTH? Still not sure what that was all about. And then the female journalist having a Scarlett O'Hara moment where she swears she'll get the truth and then drives off......expected the car to blow up but then nothing. Everyone basically rides off into the sunset except creepy Doug....I guess unless Claire declared nuclear war which she seemed hell bent on doing. It had me rooting for Victor, the Russian president, who made the more sense and was more likeable than anyone in the entire season.

    1. This is a FABULOUS review!! I still haven't finished HOC yet - I keep putting it off. I watched the first episode of Ray Donovan yesterday. I think that one is getting too dark for me. YOU need to write a blog! This review is a riot!

  13. Hi! It has been a long time since I was interested in a Danielle Steele novel! This one sounds really fun! Thanks for the recommendation.

    1. Me too! I may give it a whirl, though. Have a great weekend.

  14. Katie,

    I love reading all of your reviews. I always find something I have not read, thanks to you I have now ordered 5 books! I will be checking out the movies as well although to be honest I might wait until a few of them are on netflix as I like to watch movies at home.

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Just read a book I think you would like Katie. It is Whiskey in a Teacup by Reese Witherspoon. Part cookbook and part memories of growing up in the South. I always enjoy your book reviews and suggestions.

  16. Schitt's Creek is a particular fave of mine, Sis. Dan Levy just wrapped up his Great Canadian Baking Show gig and I'm suffering a bit of withdrawal. Can't wait for the January S.C. ramp up. As for a rec - have a boo at Homecoming. I zipped through all 10 of the episodes. What book? Wait. What?

  17. Katie, I always depend on you for a lsit of good reads. Thanks!!!

  18. Katie, thank you for the list of books. I am in the middle of one and have five more just waiting. I must say the Southern Living annual recipe edition is a must ha=e. My collection dates back to the 70’s, I was just a toddler!

  19. Hi Katie, I always enjoy your book reviews. I see several I'll add to my "read list" so thanks again. Hope your weekend is rain free as mine is for a change!

  20. No one does a book/tv/movie list as well as you do! You were my inspiration for trying audio books and now I am hooked. These recommendations are probably old news, but my book club has recently read Olive Kitteridge, The Memory Keepers Daughter, A Gentleman in Moscow and Water for Elephants. I'd give each of them 4.5 out of 5. Thanks for your reviews!

  21. I love this list, esepcially the books! I'm #62 on the hold list for Nine Perfect Strangers and already had The Adults on my TBR, but adding An Almost Perfect Christmas! I hadn't heard of The Favourite, but I love Rachel Weisz so I'll be sure to check that one out.

  22. One of my very best friends lives in Madison and we just love her charming town! Have a great time!! Those look like some wonderful books and I was just saying that very same thing about Danielle Steel; our library has 5 new books by her!! 5?! We are giving House of Cards a try because we loved the last few seasons so much but I totally agree that Claire's talks to the camera are just not the same and I'm finding it a bit "much!".

  23. People seem to really love Then She Was Gone, so I think I need to read that one. I'm also curious about A Ladder to the Sky. There are so many movies out or coming out that I want to see, such as Bohemian Rhapsody and Fantastic Beasts 2 comes out this weekend!


  24. The Winters sounds so good - I hadn't heard of it before and I LOVED Rebecca.

  25. so, nine perfect strangers - you do get POVs from like 13 people, but the majority is told from one POV, with only a few each from the other characters. it's interesting because the main character thinks one thing and then you get a little chapter from another character who thinks another or shares something about themselves that the main character got way wrong - if that makes sense? i am biased because i adore her, but i really liked that book. it's quite a light, quick read, all of us in book club read it in less than 2 days. it's not super compelling like say, big little lies, but i really liked it and hope you do too! but take my review with a grain of salt because of the whole being biased as i love her haha. i've never read a lisa jewell book but they are on my list!

    1. I am going to check out The Winters and The Latecomers.

      I have that Elizabeth Berg on my kindle to read, it's been there for quite a while.

  26. I just added Malice and The Storyteller's Secret to my to read list. I enjoyed Then She was Gone. I'm looking forward to reading Nine Perfect Strangers.

  27. Bohemian Rhapsody was SO GOOD. And I love love love Schitt's Creek.

    Everyone seems to be talking about the Jewell book. I should maybe consider it.


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