Talbots Spring Essentials

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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

A Discombobulated Medley

Hello, dear friends.  It is a bitterly cold morning here in Massachusetts.  I talked to my two Texas chickadees last night, and they told me that it isn't much warmer there. 

Today, I am linking up with Terri, of A Friend from Florida for the Wednesday Medley.  

1.  With the holidays coming, what is your most essential appliance to help you prepare for the celebrations?

Considering the fact that I don't cook, it would have to be the coffee maker, one of the few appliances that I know how to use.  I just ordered a new one because our old one has seen better days.

But then again, so have I.

I ordered the same model for the third time in a row.  This drives the Mister crazy.  He always wants me to order the most complicated machine with knobs and buttons galore.  The best part is that he doesn't even drink coffee!  He just likes complicated-looking things.

Time and time again, I calmly explain to the Mister that the reason I don't want a different model of appliances, phones, or cars is that I hate reading manuals.

2.  What is your favorite (clean) word?

This is my favorite word for a couple of reasons.  One reason is discombobulated is exactly how I feel when I find myself out of my regular routine or I have to read a manual or learn something new. 

The second reason is that the word discombobulated is so darn fun to say.

Try it.
You'll thank me later. 

3. Are you a good judge of character?

You bet your sweet bippy, I am.

4.  What is the last thing you took a picture of?  
Can you share it with us?

The last picture on my phone is of this handsome guy.  I parked next to him at the grocery store.

He had the nerve to ask me if I was single.
I answered in your dreams, buddy.

5.  Tomorrow is Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day.  
How do you intend to celebrate?

I plan to snack more.

6.  Tell us something random about your week.

All week I have been longing for some divine inspiration and drive to begin decorating for Christmas.

I'm still waiting.

Until next time...


Has anyone seen Chili?
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I am all about simple as well. What is about men that they love the more complicated and bigger? My daughter mentioned she wanted an Instapot. I knew exactly what she had in mind...he started looking for the most monstrous and difficult things:)
    And that dog...he is adorable.

  2. I was forced into cleaning out my fridge before I had a housesitter come to stay for a month. Let's just say that even I was embarrassed. I've kept it so clean ever since I don't have anything to clean there. Maybe I should take all the crap off the front that stuck on with magnets...

  3. Oh girl, we have a Keurig and I don't like it!! It's my husband's favorite thing in the house though - besides his Ipad and me. Maybe I'll just order another pot too.

  4. Your posts and pictures always make me smile ... well, except for that one of the woman eating cereal. I hate reading manuals, too! My brain gets foggy and maybe a little discombobulated as well. Happy Thanksgiving. Love the dog with sunglasses.

  5. We love our Cruisinart and how I adore the word discombobulated, so how I feel right now! Fun post I’m headed out now to take my mama for her colonoscopy, fun times! Have a great day!

  6. Hahahaha. Love those pics! I but the same Mr. Coffee coffee maker time after time. It's only about $10 at Walmart and when it dies, I get a new one. But it has so little to go wrong with it. I'm waiting for inspiration for refrigerator cleaning motivation!! Have a great Wednesday, Katie!

  7. I think it is hardwired into men that when they buy something it needs to be the biggest, the most powerful, the most complicated, the most expensive one there is. Why, oh, why don't they then understand about purses and shoes??? LOL
    Looking for Christmas motivation here, too, since I've told myself I am decorating this weekend due to having to work Thanksgiving weekend. So far the motivation is not matching up with the good intentions. Sigh. I hope we both find our Christmas mojo!
    Have a blessed and beautiful day!

  8. Michael recently upgraded our coffee maker to a Nespresso - I miss my old one! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  9. I am like you Katie, if I find an appliance that works I am reluctant to change!! And I have been taking out Christmas things a bit at a time and still waiting for Marvin to notice. lol He freaks out about decorating before Christmas but now that I am older I like to do a little every day and that takes me a while. He is just going to have to deal with it. Or help me, which he does not want to do.

  10. Your post cracked me up! I love the divine intervention comment!!! HA HA HA

  11. I hear you girlfriend. My husband is after me to get two new things. A new Iphone (I still have a 5)...and have finally learned how to use it...also a new car. I have a 1998 Lexus that is in super condition. It sits in the garage 5 months out of the year while we are in Colorado so I figure it is just over 10 yrs old...not 20!As far as my fridge..it needs filling up. Nothing in there since we have been bopping around Asia for 20 days!Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Are you just having coffee?

  12. I love a fancy coffee pot and It is time for me to buy a new one! I want one with all the bells and whistles, one that can make an espresso, so I can’t get rid of my separate espresso maker. I think I am a coffee snob, no Keurig for me!

  13. Just last night my hubs was trying to explain to me how to use the remote for the fireplace. I know how to turn it on and turn it off, but apparently the front piece on the remote slides up and there are all kinds of bells and whistles under there. I try to act like I'm interested but honestly I will never do more than turn it on and off. It is wet in sunny Carolina too. But no snow so I'm not complaining.

    1. Joyce, you have us beat! We haven't turned our gas fireplace on in 5 or 6 years as we have forgotten how to work it and don't know where the key-thingy is to insert in the lock.

  14. Hahahaha!! I love reading your blog!! I'm with you on the 'anything new' gadgets. Just give me something I already know how to work, thank you very much. One time I even needed new glasses and had them put the lenses back in my old frames!!

  15. So enjoyed this treat of a post! I'm with you on new appliances, cars, CD players or anything that needs reprograming of my brain to run it. After 5 years of indecision, I finally decided on a color and have painters in getting it done. Of course I'm wondering "Why didn't I do this sooner?"

  16. Another fun Medley post today. I hope to join in next week.

  17. You absolutely crack me up! That is one handsome guy though! I may have ran away with him..Love those sunglasses!
    We have put up the outside Christmas lights, but I usually wait to decorate the inside until Thanksgiving. I am getting pictures in my Timehop though of my dog by the Christmas tree on this date, so apparently we put everything up early last year.
    Have a great rest of the week!


  18. It's been a most chilly day here in NE Louisiana and we even had snow this morning. Soooo unusual here. I love Cusinart appliances, I have their one cup at a time coffee maker and love it. I'll never own another Keurig! I won't do any Christmas decorating until after Thanksgiving and it won't be a whole lot.

  19. It is always so fun to visit your blog! Thank you for joining in on the Medley today!! Yes, discombobulated is a very fun (clean) word that is fun to say and defines my life most days! We are on our third Keurig coffee machine. The last time I ordered a new one, I ordered a commercial model since we burned the motors out of the first two. Gheesh... think we have a problem? Happy Wednesday!

  20. Hello Katie, it's always so much fun to visit you. You remind me to take time to enjoy the everyday and laugh...a lot. You know without that morning coffee I wouldn't want to face that oven with the turkey in it. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.

  21. I also just bought the same Cuisinart coffee maker for the third time! They don't seem to last all that long.

  22. I could use a little inspiration for Christmas too. Tired of all the tubs and hours of decorating! I have a cuisinart coffee maker much like yours but hubster is so sensitive to the smell of an entire pot brewing/sitting, it's been relegated to the basement and the 1 cup Keurig has taken its place.maybe a pic line of caffeine is what I need......
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  23. Oh Katie, you crack me up girl! Like you, I like keep the appliances simple because the instructions are absolutely horrible! Our coffeemaker is one of those hybrid models that take either ground coffee w/filters or K-cups. I am a K cupper and hubs is a filter guy. I won't be starting any Christmas decorating until we get Thanksgiving out of the way. And speaking of that, I hope you have a fabulous one!

  24. Yes, it's been quite chili here in Dallas the past week, but I love the opportunity to wear my winter clothes - some years we hardly break out a coat at all - so this is kind of nice. I hate all those appliances, too. I still use a tea pot that whistles.

  25. A seat in the frig sounds as convenient as a light in the frig, because, let's face it, if we weren't meant to eat at night, there wouldn't be a light in the frig.
    If you get motivated to start decorating for Christmas, let me know, because that may motivate me.

  26. I love your writing ! You were a stand up comedian in a previous life ! Great blog.....

  27. Fun fun! Love to say the word discombobulate! Right now my word is RIDICULOUS, which is for everything that is over the top good.

  28. Oh Katie, I love your blog so much. I feel as though we're actual GFs. Apparently back when my now-30-year-old was 5 & in kindergarten, i liked the word discombobulate also. One day in kindergarten he had a substitute teacher & she told me that in her confusion to locate something he said, "You seem discombobulated, Mrs Brown." �� ���� xo xo xo

  29. You are such a wit - I love it. I feel rather Friday induced discombobulated too. Two of my favourite words has to be 'unctuous' and 'rambunctous' - I am too discombobulated to even thinks of how to spell that. Good look eating your way through the fridge - if I were local I would certainly offer to help in that patriotic task. Joanne xx

  30. Of course discombobulate is my middle name, Sis. Bert calls me "Bob."


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