Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, November 2, 2018

Helloooooo Corfu!

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a good week.  I am skipping the Christmas festival in Boston today because the weather is miserable.  However, I am meeting my friend for a birthday lunch and some retail therapy.  

Who needs sunshine when there are fabulous sales in progress?

This post continues with my series chronicling our Summer cruise.  Last winter, after tedious research, the Mister asked me to choose what cruise appealed to me the most.  The minute I spotted the destination Corfu I knew that was the cruise for me us.

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know that I am a huge fan of The Durrells In Corfu.  

Corfu was our second excursion.  Here is your Geography lesson for today.

A Taste of Corfu half-day excursion was described as: Embrace the beauty, flavors, and culture of Corfu during this scenic island tour 

I made friends with our guide and asked her about The Durrells.  She said that the cast is very nice and lovely to the tourists as well as the natives.  They usually film in the Fall.

There is a park dedicated to the Durrell brothers, but unfortunately, that was not on the tour.  The guide mentioned that there are busts of Lawrence and Gerald and many people rub their noses for good luck.

Sorry I missed that.  
I could have used a dose of that luck a few weeks back when the billion dollar lottery was held.

We were given an hour to browse around town.

I think that the lady in green thought that I was a member of the paparazzi.  I asked her if she was Jennifer Aniston just to make her feel good.

We made a quick stop into the Olive Museum.

I got a kick out of this one.

Is it just me or does this sign look out of place?

Now we're talking!

We met our fearless guide and then went on to our next stop.

Our guide took us into a church in which a service was in progress. We got the impression that the attendees were not happy to see a tour group take over their space.  I couldn't blame them. I thought it was a bit sacrilegious, so the Mister and I didn't stay long. 

 We boarded the bus bound for Trypa Taverna in Kinopiastes Village for some lunch and a traditional folkloric show. 

If you're wondering where the Mister and I are in this photo, I am obviously behind the camera and the Mister was on the sidelines in full traditional Greek garb giving private dance lessons to willing participants. 

Do you remember that I told you that we had lunch with a famous celeb's inlaws?  
This is the guy and their daughter, Julia.
The in-laws reported that James Corden is a lovely man and a wonderful father and husband.
And he can sing!

On our way out, this guy thanked us for visiting.

Our last stop was a beautiful church.

I always try to light a candle and make three wishes when I enter a new church.  It turns out that the chapel was used in The Durrells this past season.

The grounds were beautiful.

Next stop... our home away from home.

Until next time...

By the way... for fans of The Durrells, here is a cute video about the animals used for the show.

Linking up with:
Blogger's Pit Stop

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What a beautiful little town, and so much to see. Don't you just love being part of the culture in a place like that when traveling and not just a weird tourist sight-seer. I look forward to our next stop.

  2. What a fun and scenic excursion from your cruise! Can't wait to see more!

  3. The Gelateria and the table of pretty beads caught my eye. What a lovely place and now you have great memories of your time there.

  4. Your poor husband! You're just lucky he needs you as his trophy wife otherwise he would ban your camera.

  5. What a wonderful trip! And, the Durells, sounds like something I should be watching. Will have to check it out. Hope the weather will bring you a great weekend.

  6. Katie, I so enjoyed seeing Corfu through your eyes. We were there a few years ago and loved it. Did you go to Santorini? It was my favorite!

  7. A very cute video! I bought the Durrells Trilogy thinking I would love the books, as I love the series. Not. The books are nothing like the TV show and the characters are a bit mixed up. I quit reading the first one because I didn't want to mess up my love for the show. I would love to visit Greece one day. Beautiful.

  8. Reporting back with the Romanoffs.
    Watched episodes 4&5. Back on track to be a good series.
    Really like that they are releasing every Friday.

  9. I LOVE this post and I have not watched that show yet. I think I need to get it on my "must watch" list. What a fun place to visit and it is really quite beautiful, I think.
    Have a great weekend! xo Diana

  10. I love seeing the beautiful places thru your lens. This looks like a beautiful place to visit, I will put this on my list. As for the show, I have not watched it yet, I will have to stream this.

  11. Wow. That's good degrees of separation from one of my favorite celebrities! and I love the Durrells. In fact, right now I'm reading Gerald D's "My Family and Other Animals" which is so beautifully written -- it's like a how-to for fabulous descriptive writing and funny dialogue. Highly recommended.

    Corfu sounds fabulous -- and warm and sunny. Since it's cold and rainy here (Welcome home, Jeanie, I say as I look out the window) I'm reveling in that blue sky and warmth!

  12. That looks like such a beautiful old European town. My husband and I once went on a tour in Quebec and were taken into a church while there was a service going on too; it made me very uncomfortable! I too high tailed it out of there as fast as we could.

  13. I feel so out of it, I've never heard of Corfu or the Durrells! So, now you've educated me! What fun to visit a place you loved through film!

  14. Sounds like I need to check out The Durrell’s and book the next cruise to Corfu! xo

  15. Such a lovely insight into Corfu! You are right about the sign haha! I don't know why but I am fascinated by the glassware and pottery in the grounds of the church. Looks like you got a real flavour of life there, would love to visit one day. Joanne x

  16. Looks lovely! I do want to visit Greece someday....after Italy first! I have not heard of the Durrells or the show. Now I need to check it out.

  17. My sisterinlaw loves Greece so much that she could live there :-) A very cute video. Have a great week.


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