Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, November 10, 2018

Saturday 9/The Middle

Patrick Fore/Upsplash

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that your weekend is going well.  I just got back from Madison, Connecticut where I met my old high school bestie.  It was like old times - we never stopped laughing.

Today, I am linking up with Saturday 9.

The theme of the day is The Middle.
If you are not familiar with this tune, you can listen to it here.

1. This song is about compromise.  
When did you recently give in a little and meet someone halfway?

Madalyn and I met at the halfway point between our homes for our mini-reunion.

2. She sings that the floors are wet.  Are there any floors in your home that could use a good scrub today?  If you answered yes, will those floors get cleaned this weekend?

Whatever gave you the idea that my floors need a good scrubbing?

3.  She also sings that the cabinets are bare.  
What's currently on your shopping list?

We have certain items that remain on our weekly staple list.

4. You may be familiar with this song from Target's TV commercials.  
Do you shop at Target?

Business Insider

Target is my middle name!
I usually end up in the same predicament as this young lady when I run in for a bottle of shampoo.

5.  The lead vocal is handled by Maren Morris, a Grammy winner for "My Church,"  which is all about singing with the car radio.  What's the last song you sang along with?

You can always hear me singing along with Pandora at home.  Nine times out of ten I am using a wooden spoon or a hairbrush as a mike.  

The last time I sang along?  About 5 minutes ago to this song.
Spoiler Alert:  I had good company.

6.  This past April Maren married singer-songwriter Ryan Hurd and they have performed onstage together.  Who is the last person you sang along with?

Did I mention that Madalyn is a professional singer and has released several CDs?

She sang me a song that she recently wrote.
I attempted to harmonize and this was her reaction.
She probably was just jealous.

7. This song was composed by brothers Kyle and Michael Trewartha.  With their bleached hair and sunglasses, they look like a pair of surfer dudes - which they are, having grown up in Huntington Beach, CA.  Is there a body of water near your hometown?


My current hometown borders Massachusetts Bay.

8.)  January 2018 when this song debuted, we had a total lunar eclipse.  When things like that happen in the sky, do you go out of your way to watch?

This photo characterizes my level of interest.

9. Random question - we say we are all young at heart.  

In what way can you be childlike?


I am childlike when I don't get my way.
Ask the Mister.

Until next time...

Matt Jones/Unsplash

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm a car singer, but I don't like to sing in front of other people, unless I'm in a group. I fear my floors could use a good scrub, and I don't even have two puppy dogs to mess them up! -Jenn

  2. Meeting your friend literally halfway is a wonderful compromise. And I totally get that last photo. That little girl could be my "thought bubble."

  3. Oh how wonderful you got to spend some time with your friend! What a treasure and what great memories you two made! I love the pictures! Have a great weekend!


  4. The only way I could sing aloud would be in an isolation tank.

    As for meeting people halfway, I've found recently that the only way it works effectively is if you bring along an unbiased referee.

  5. Well, that was a fun comprimise for sure and I can't wait to hear more about it. You and I would make quite the team at Target for sure. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. I love the pictures of you and your friend. Laughter is the best!

  7. You and your friend look happy. That is a good thing! I wonder what my mister would say I am childlike about. Hmm. I shall have to ask him.

  8. Lovely to have a friend to sing with!
    Do you sing all the time? I once did. Never give it up!
    Target was once my go-to store. I've been in Walmart about 15 times at most, in 30 odd years.

  9. Hilarious answers! I always answer the questions before I read yours and yours are always much better than mine! :)

  10. I sing alone in my house and car all day long. My biggest fear is that my husband put one of those small cameras in the house and he's listening to me.

  11. Fun post! I need to plan a get together like that with someone who lives far away! You are brave to sing along with a professional singer! I sing in my head mostly to what I had been listening to in my truck that day....which is the same CD over and over. I wake up in the middle of the night and the morning singing those songs over and over....in my head. Sometimes I have to change out the CD!

  12. I'm living your dirty paw prints on the floor nightmare. It is never ending too!

  13. I love these, Katie! I'm not sure which I love most -- your answers or the images you choose to accompany them!

  14. I don't want to even discuss my floors - tiled but the dog drags everything through from the quagmire of a garden. I tend to vacuum and then when it goes dark at about 4:15 I am relieved - the boons of the shorter days. In summer, living just seconds from the beach we get the sand everywhere as well. Shopping list - I WISH it was cocktail ingredients, a fabulous new lipstick and pile of magazines, but it isn't - more like floor wipes ;)


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