Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, May 21, 2018

Wedding Chat & Coffee with the Authors

Hello, dear friends.  I am suffering from a Royal Wedding Overload.  I found myself glued to the TV most of Saturday.  Here are my thoughts in a few words. 


My fave.
How come my shoulders don't look like that?

A Class Act.

Stand By Me brought tears to my eyes.

As did, the Ave Maria.

My favorite pic.

The Mister's favorite pic.

Who are these people again?
 Boy, has she ever let herself go...


Last week, I attended another Breakfast With The Authors sponsored by my favorite bookstore, Buttonwood Books & Toys. I met my pal, Anne and two of her lovely friends there.

These photos were taken last year.  Last week it was overcast.   I wanted to refresh your memories of what a pretty place The Lightkeeper's House is in Cohasset.

It's very difficult for me to sneak out of the house without Miss Daisy tagging along.

Buttonwood always finds the best caterers for their breakfasts.
Fresh Feast was fabulous!

It was so great to see Kathy, the owner of Buttonwood.  
She welcomed us all.

This is Mira T. Lee who wrote Everything Here Is Beautiful

Everything Here Is Beautiful is about two sisters. The older and more responsible one finds herself continuously rescuing her younger sister who suffers from mental illness.  It is a touching story of sisterly love and devotion.

Stephen McCauley is the author of My Ex-Life.  He was a very entertaining speaker.  He must be a wonderful guest at a dinner party. 

My Ex-Life centers around David and Julie who divorced years ago due to David falling in love with a man.  As the book opens, both of their lives are falling apart.  David decides to leave his home in San Francisco and visit Julie and her teenage daughter in a seaside town outside of Boston. That's when the fun begins. 

By the way... My Ex-Life was written up in People Magazine a couple of weeks ago.

Rebel Talent is about changing the world by breaking the rules.  I truly enjoyed Francesca Gino's speech so much that I bought a copy of her book for the Mister for Father's Day.
Don't tell him... he's hoping for the Royal Blue Jag.

I'll tell you one thing... Francesco Gino can tell a great story.  She shared an interesting one out of Rebel Talent about the world's greatest chef.  He is faced with a dilemma and decides to think outside the box in solving it.  If you want to know the whole story, you're going to have to buy the book.

The guests had the opportunity to meet the authors and have their books signed after the presentation.

Afterward, I had lunch with Anne and my new friends, Carolyn and Laura.

If you ever find yourself in the neighborhood of Cohasset, stop by Buttonwood Books & Toys.  They have beautiful gift items as well as a stellar staff and great books and toys.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I loved the wedding dress...so elegant. Frankly, I wish brides would go back to timeless style, I am so tired of these strapless wedding dresses. ( I guess I have seen too much back fat on the brides who decided to go with this style no matter their size.lol) Megan's dress would look lovely on any bride. Those books sound interesting. You are so lucky to live near such a great book store.

  2. The wedding was just perfect. I think every girl and woman in America watched much their man's dismay. I love local bookstores. They are just so much fun. You are very lucky to live near one.

  3. Loved everything about the wedding. Meghan's dresses were beautiful and timeless. Agree with all of your comments about the wedding.
    Buttonwood looks like a great store. I'll have to put those books on my list.

  4. Her halter dress was my fav too and the car, my Mr.’s, lol. I am in a wedding fog, loved it so much...complete magic. Looks like that bookstore is magic too, love em!!!

  5. Sigh...how I miss the smell, the feel of old books and the camaraderie of a local bookstore. They are all gone from here....sad. And yet I find myself ordering each new read ON MY KINDLE..aacckk...I blame myself on the demise of wonderful bookstores....sigh

  6. We would have made great companions on Saturday. I found myself replaying the wedding again and again. It was so refreshing to see such joy and love in this young couple. There may have been immense pomp and royality in the day, but what stood out for me was the simple elegance of Meghan's dress, her bouquet, and the arches of flowers. The way these two look at each other is enough to melt anyone's heart.
    As for you and Miss Daisy, Miss Merri Mac and I are totally envious! We certainly don't want to live through your winters, but a summer on the Cape sounds like perfection!

  7. I thought Meghan's dress was classically stunning. The halter dress was also beautiful. The books sound good and it sure looks like you had a great time!

  8. So much fun! I think all of the books sound great.

  9. Looks like you had a blast. What a fun weekend.

  10. You do the most fun things! And yes, that's how I spent all day Saturday and of course, reruns Sunday! I loved it!

  11. I was glued to the television! It was a beautiful wedding! Have a wonderful wee, Katie!

  12. Now that's a fun day in a book store!

  13. I think that Kate and Pippa's dresses were classically beautiful and looked stunning on them. Harry and William looked so dapper - how much fun to walk to the church with your brother. Stand by Me brought me to tears too, A lovely ceremony.

  14. My dogs woke me on Saturday. I think they are actually Anglophiles, even though they are all German breeds! We watched the wedding pomp and circumstance live, enjoyed the dresses and hats, and I also wondered how anyone can walk in 4-6 inch stilettos, especially when several women were either VERY pregnant or just had an eight pound baby (Thank you Duchess Kate!) It was a lovely sunny day in London, and it appears a good time was had by all!

  15. You know I was watching every minute of the royal wedding. I was so happy they kept everything classy! Those author events always look so fun.

  16. I loved everything about the royal wedding! I think that Meghan has won the Queen's approval and her heart. Times they are a changin'...for the better! The brunch at Buttonwood Books looks almost as good as something that your Mister would prepare!

  17. Hello my dear Katie
    Well, what can I say I loved every single moment of the Royal Wedding and delighted for them. I am so glad you were also enjoying it all.
    What a beautiful and very touching day. I adored Meghan's exquisitely elegant dresses and the music and flowers, everything was perfect. It was very special I cried several times, for the Royal Family mean everything to our family, and all of us in Great Britain. Im so proud of our new Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and wish them a lifetime of love, fun and happiness together.

    I nearly died when George Clooney showed up :)) but didn't Amal look beautiful? I would love to have been to the evening party apparently George danced with Kate and Elton John sang a few tunes.. Windsor Castle.. E type Jag.. Fireworks.. wonderful.. Just how a wedding should be. God Save the Queen

    All my love to you my dear friend
    Sally xxx

  18. I can't believe how many got up early to watch, I caught some clips during the day and loved seeing all the fancy hats and beautiful clothes...the guest list certainly was an eclectic mix of celebs! Your book outings always sound like fun!

  19. I was up at 1 am and enjoyed the Royal Wedding with all my heart. I have been a fan since Princess Diana. It was a beautiful wedding and I am so happy for Harry and Meghan. That is one awesome Fairy Tale!

  20. We got up a tad early in NYC on Sat. so we could see some of the royalty and we loved it. So enchanting. I'd love to visit this bookstore for sure!

  21. THAT AMAL.....................GO DIG AND GET ALL HER SECRETS!

  22. I am so glad that Miss Daisy got to come along. What an outing!
    My favorite picture was the car too- I am such a convertible lover! It was sure fun. We caught it at
    the hotel down in Cabo - checking on the construction!

  23. I admire your chat with the celebrity authors. I really hope many of them will come up with latest wedding party themes in near future.

  24. I was up watching as well, wondering why they didn't they just call us for pizza catering :(, lol. We would've flown out or ovens and done overseas service. I mean, the Royals must eat pizza too, right?


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