J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Friday, May 11, 2018

House Tour, Anyone?

Hello, dear friends.  If I were to rate this morning's weather from one to ten I would give it a fifteen.  It is a carbon copy of last Saturday which I spent with good friends touring beautiful homes in charming Wellesley. 

My buddy, Annie and I met Mary in a parking lot in town.  We made a good team.  Mary drove while I Waze navigated and Annie read the descriptions of the upcoming houses from the tour book.

There was one hitch, though.  
No Photos.  
My least favorite words in the English language. 

The pictures in which Annie and Mary are posing are the houses that were on tour.  I also took photos of some gorgeous homes that caught my eye in the enchanting neighborhoods.  

Through the years, I have been on my share of house tours in several states.  This one was by far, one of the best.  Each home was magnificent in its own way and provided plenty of inspiration.

The lovely ladies from the Wellesley Hills Junior Women's Club who sponsored the event were warm and welcoming.

Every home had a little something to munch on catered by a local restaurant or catering company.

Doesn't this home look like the one in Father of the Bride?  
There's something about a white picket fence that gets me every time.

This pic does not do this charming home justice.  
It had the prettiest window boxes.

I think that it was this home that had the gorgeous gardens, patio, pool, and pool house.  

Along with delicious bites, each home also had a lovely pop-up shop with eye-catching accessories, jewelry, and home decor. 

I was so delighted to run into Zoe, from Fleuri Designs.  I met this darling lady a year ago at another one of her pop up shops.  

Zoe's permanent botanical arrangements are nothing less than spectacular.

When I spotted this one I got heart palpitations.
I kid you not.

If you are in the market for a stunner of a gift for a friend or better yet yourself, stop over at Fleuri Designs and feast your eyes.

After the tour, we needed to refuel after all the calories we burned.  I was literally wasting away.  We decided to lunch at The Cottage which is always a good choice.

With our full tummies, we walked over to Sara Campbell.  
She has the prettiest things for Spring and Summer.
In honor of the Kentucky Derby, I asked Annie to pose one last time. 

It never fails, Miss Daisy always finds the comfiest spot in the place!

Until next time...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
Chili likes to steal all of Chowdah's toys.
She keeps them on "her" rug which happens to be inconveniently located in front of the kitchen sink.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh my, the houses and the set up ... catered food and pop up shops! I die! Zoe’s arrangements are heavenly ... especially those in long boxes. I hope you brought one home ... I want to bring one home! It’s it reassuring to return home and find everything as it should be ... my dogs and their habits never disappoint!!!

  2. Oh- I just LOVE home tours---from the little homes to the mansions. They are always fun. Well, I take that back-we went on one in a town (I won't mention) and it was had the most wretched 6 houses I have ever seen. LOL....everyone we talked to wanted their money back but kept going thinking certainly ONE of them would be note-worthy. NOPE! Most were bare of all furniture and were 1960s houses in various states of dis-repair. AND the kicker--It was a Christmas tour!!! ONE house had A tree with a spotlight on it. Well, at least the money went for a good cause. Your tour looks delightful! xo Diana

  3. This is my kind of day! Like you, I wish these house tours would allow photos. They are always full of inspiration, but remembering it all without a photo is diffiult for me. I toured a home in San Antonio yesterday. It's now a musuem, but unlike any museum I've ever been in. The owner, now deceased, with a collector of many beautiful things, but my favorites were his extensive collection of Napoleon objecs.
    Sadie likes to hide her toys under the dining room table.

  4. Thanks, Katie, for the invitation to join you in that lovely day!

  5. No matter that you were not able to take pictures in each house. Your beautiful models more than make up for not being able to see the homes' interiors! A lovely day with lovely pals, including Miss Daisy!
    A couple of questions. 1) Does "permanent botanical arrangements" mean that Zoe's creations are silk and such and would be impervious to my black thumb?!?!?! 2) Can I tag along next year? ;-)

  6. Home tours are so much fun! Your Miss Daisy is one smart carryall!!

  7. What a fun home tour! Those houses are stunning from the outside, I can only imagine how gorgeous they are inside!

    Miss Daisy looks right at home on that chair! Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!

  8. Looks like a fabulous time was had by all! I love house tours. Wonder why they won't allow photos. Have a wonderful Mother's Day Mrs. Clooney!!

  9. This house tour sounds perfectly wonderful!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a most wonderful Mothers Day!

  10. This looks like so much fun!! You ladies are darling.

    I guess you have heard that the McKinney Home and Garden tours are coming up. I can't wait!

  11. Those look like some wonderful homes to tour. It's great to have friends who love the same thing as you.

  12. Those homes are spectacular! We have an event here in the Seattle area called Street of Dreams, maybe I should go one year?!

  13. Boo...wish they would have let you take pictures!I feel sure the homes were as beautiful...as you and your friends are. Isn't it wonderful when the weather cooperated!

  14. This looks like a really fun day! Thanks for sharing.

  15. I haven't been on a good home tour in a long time. I hate the no pix but I guess I really understand why. Looks like a perfect day.

  16. What a fun day, what is better than a perfect weather day, friends, and lunch out?! Love the florals too! Happy Mother's Day!

  17. Looked like fun! Boo, hiss to no inside photos! Annie looked great in the Derby hat. Glad to see Miss Daisy makes herself at home wherever she goes.

  18. Well, bummer, no inside photos! But, my goodness, the outsides of the homes are enough to let me know that they are fabulous homes. Miss Scarlett is about to take her first trip to NYC and we shall see how that goes. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to actually carry her (I'm afraid she would be bulky to carry all day) or just let her make a few cameo appearances. :o)) Happy Mother's Day Katie!

  19. The house tour looks amazing! But you know, I love your dogs! Yes, I am a doggy person and Doggy Mama to four!

  20. Looks like a wonderful day! You probably can't go wrong with touring any home in Wellesley. I went to Fleuri Designs website, and I may steal one of her planter designs.

  21. It's been ages since I've been on a good home tour. You make the day look so much fun!


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