Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, May 18, 2018

Beacon Hill Garden Tour - Take 4

Hello, dear friends.  I hope you had a good week.  I am less than 24 hours out on the royal wedding watch, and I feel like I know more about Meghan and her family than Harry does!

On Wednesday, I met my cousin, Louise and my friend Doris for lunch.  I asked Linda along because Louise shares her last name.  They figured out that they probably weren't related but it was still a delightful time.

Yesterday I spent the day with some buddies touring the gardens in Beacon Hill which is a historic neighborhood in Boston.  I look forward to this event every year.  If you would like to look back on past tours you can find them here, here, and here.

We lucked out with the weather.  
It was cool and overcast.
Last year the temps hit the mid 90's.

We made way for the ducklings.

Here are the two best-dressed ladies at the tour. 
Annie and Mary are big fans of Sara Campbell.

We all had on our comfy shoes.
The streets are not easy to maneuver, but I'm glad to say there were no broken ankles in this bunch.

The ladies from the garden club are always warm and welcoming.

There was no way that Miss Daisy was going to miss this event!

The window boxes along the way never fail to disappoint.

The lines were long for some of the houses.  They moved quickly, and I always meet the nicest people.

My tour guides.

Holy wisteria, Batman!

These white birches were stunning.

Annie taking a breather. 
I wanted to fight her for the chair.

I never met a hydrangea that I didn't like!

Miss Daisy taking a breather.

I love this color combo.

A living wall was the focal point of one of the gardens.

Three lovely friends.
Twelve magnificent gardens.
8,893 steps.
One delightful day.

Until next time...

Zuzu, a friend we met along the way.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What beautiful gardens. The window boxes are amazing.

  2. Thank you for sharing. The flowers were just wonderful !

  3. Wow! Beautiful flowers! Great photos and a fun friend time!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Be still my window box heart!! Beautiful!! Enjoy the weeding, I bought new English Breakfast tea, lol!!

  5. My kind of day! Thanks for sharing the pics. I need a trip to Boston!

  6. What a wonderful tour! Thanks for sharing! I haven't been to Boston in thirty years. You may have inspired me to go again.

  7. What a beautiful garden tour. Miss Daisy looks so cute. Your friends are charming. That color combo is gorgeous. I have never been, so this is a joy to see.

  8. So gorgeous, and the the garden-scapes were lovely too. Truly though, everyone looked like they had a great time. If only I lived closer and didn't have this pesky full-time job. Thanks for making my day.

  9. Zuzu is our Chloe! That black door on THAT porch! Those rain coats! Love!
    Okay, Katie are you watching any Netflix series? We just watched Wild, Wild Country.

  10. Compared to last year's sweltering temperatures, this year looked delightful.
    I loved the living wall!

  11. I love seeing your garden tours! I cannot believe how big everything seems and it is only the middle of May. The arrangement with the orchids is stunning.

    I hope that you have a great weekend. Enjoy the Royal wedding.

  12. Oh, that looks like a lot of fun. I'm wondering what kind of hydrangeas they were, so small! You already have your window boxes planted, don't you? What great ideas. -Jenn

  13. I've fallen for that potted hydrangea with the ivy! Love the look so much I'm on the prowl for ivy to add to my potted hydrangea too.

  14. What a great day of walking, talking and garden sights! Glad Miss Daisy went along for the ride (and photo ops).

  15. Looks like a fun day! Glad you brought along Miss Daisy!

  16. Such beautiful flowers! What a fun day!

  17. Positively gorgeous! Loved that vertical garden. Sounds like a fun day!

  18. Oh Katie, what fun! And every photo is a WOW. I'll take that yellow and blue table setting, please!

  19. Katie, I love Beacon Hill and I so enjoyed touring with you! The window boxes are amazing!


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