Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Art In Bloom At A Glance

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Mother's Day.  I hope that all the Moms out there are reading this while being spoiled rotten. 

A couple of weeks ago, the Mister and I were invited to attend the Art In Bloom exhibit at the MFA with our friends, Annie and Bob.  

For more than 40 years, the festival has paired art from the MFA’s collection—from ancient to contemporary—with floral interpretations created by 50 New England-area garden clubs.  

We were fortunate because the museum was not crowded.  It was probably because everyone was at the beach.  It was a beautiful day.

Annie and I tried to pose for this pic with solemn faces like our friends in the painting, but we couldn't do it.

The Mister indulging in a serious one-on-one with George.

I caught the Mister whispering sweet nothings to this young lady.

Looks like this little girl was as enamored with the young lady as the Mister!

Like his hero James Bond... my man misses nothing.


She looks as bored as I do when the Mister mentions the word budget.

We feasted on a wonderful late lunch at one of my favorite restaurants, Abe & Louie's.

What else could we ask for?
 Good friends, fabulous food, with a dash of culture.

Until next time...

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  1. Abe and Louie’s set the gold standard for lobster mac and cheese for me. The best! Happy memories, and happy Morher’s Day to you!

  2. Flower arrangements were amazing. I chuckled at your last photo in the restaurant - how many different drinks did you have in front of you?? lol. Happy Mother's day

  3. What a really fun day out! And what creative arrangements. I love galleries and when they do something like this it is so joyful and extra fun. And that photo taken in the mirror? Bravo! Happy Mother's Day, Katie!

  4. Very interesting floral interpretations! How fun!! Happy Mother's Day to you!

  5. Happy Mother's Day! I've attended the Art in Bloom in San Francisco. Such an amazing instalation! Thanks for shring this one, Katie!

  6. Hello dearest Katie
    A very happy Mother's Day, I do hope you are having a wonderful day and enjoying some spoiling and lots of treats from your girls. You deserve it, you are the very definition of a beautiful mother.
    Is the sun shining for you? I hope so, it has been a glorious day over here. The lilacs, clematis and lily of the valley in my garden are making a sweet perfume on the warm spring air. I'm hoping the good weather will hold until next weekend for the wedding, I can't wait !! :)
    Have a lovely week my dear friend,
    Much love and happy mother's day
    Sally xxx

  7. A day at the museum is a wonderful thing. My last visit to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston was for the King Tut exhibit with my Girl Scout troop way back when...it is such a wonderful place to visit. The floral exhibits looked amazing and truthfully lunch looked even more amazing...Happy Mother's Day.

  8. Oh, my, these are gorgeous in pictures, I can't imagine how beautiful they must have been in person. Thanks for sharing!

  9. You know I love my posies so I would LOVE Art in Bloom...you and Annie (which several people call me) are soooo CUTE!!

  10. Some gorgeous floral displays, and livin' the life. Perfect pairing.

  11. Loved tagging along on your visit Katie...so many beautiful floral arrangements. Being of the Black Thumb of Death I love seeing pictures of flowers in their finest form.

  12. What a gorgeous museum! I love Art in Bloom events! All of the arrangements are quite stunning, what a great day!

  13. They do the same thing in San Fran!One year they had a GARDEN PARTY HAT COMPETITION!
    I was one of THE WINNERS.........TO see that go back on my instagram ALL THE WAY back to the FIRST PHOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!GREAT FUN @ANTIQUEGODDESS
    YOU and THE mister sure get around!
    Don't worry HE only has EYES for YOU!

  14. What could be better than a day combining art and flowers!? Thank you for sharing photos.

  15. What fun!! Thank you for sharing. :-)

  16. Oh my, the flowers are gorgeous. Sounds like a wonderful day. xo Laura

  17. Katie, a museum and beautiful florals would be the ideal way to spend a day! Top it off with great food and the day becomes perfection!

  18. I'm glad that the MFA was more accepting of your picture taking than the Wellesley Kitchen Tour folks!


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