Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A Vintage Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  How is your week going?  It has been pretty dreary around here.  I feel like I haven't seen the sun for weeks.  The weather guy is fairly optimistic that today is going to be a nice one.

Tonight I'm off to Book Club which is always a highlight of my month.

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  What takes you out of your comfort zone?

I leave my comfort zone whenever I have to get up and search for the remote control.

2.  Your least favorite spice?

I don't care if it's good for me.
I don't like Cumin and I never will.

3.  What's a small change you'd like to make?

I'd like to lose two things:

20 pounds


My triple chin.

4.  Do you enjoy visiting historic homes?  

I like historic homes so much that I live in one.  The area that we reside is a historic district and is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. Each home bears a plaque with the date that it was constructed. Our house was built in 1895, and it's just a youngster compared to some of the antique homes in our 'hood.

If so, of the homes you've visited which one was your favorite?  

My Sista has a beautiful home in Connecticut that was built in 1810.  If you want to take a gander, you can find her kitchen reno here.  Other posts about her lovely home can be found here, here, here, and here

My friend, Anne's home, which is also a favorite of mine was built in the 1880's.  You can find posts about her beautiful home here, here, and here.

What historic home near you is open to visitors?  
Have you been?

There are plenty of famous historic houses open for tours in the Boston area.  The one that I am most interested in visiting is JFK's birthplace and childhood home in Brookline.  


Five interesting facts about the house can be found here.

Have I mentioned that I am a Kennedyphile?

Southern Living rounded up eleven of the best in the southern part of the US and they're as follows -

Monticello (Jefferson's home in Virginia), Nathaniel Russel House (Charleston SC), Swan House (Atlanta), Ernest Hemingway's home (Key West), The Biltmore (Vanderbilt home in Asheville NC), Mount Vernon (Washington's home in Virgina), San Francisco Plantation (Garyville, Louisiana), Windsor Ruins (Port Gibson Mississippi), Longue Vue House and Gardens (New Orleans), Whitehall (Palm Beach FL), and Pebble Hill Plantation (Thomasville GA)

Have you been to any on the list?

I visited Ernest Hemingway's house in Key West.  If you are crazy for cats, you're going to love this tour.

Of the homes listed which would you most like to visit?

I would like to visit Nathaniel Russell House in Charleston, SC.

I chose that particular house because while I am in town, I would like to stalk look up a few imaginary old friends.

5.  What's something you think will be obsolete in ten years?  Does that make you sad or glad?

I have high hopes that colonoscopies will be a thing of the past and detection can be made through a blood test.  If you are having this delightful procedure here is my advice.  

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Mary, Liz, moi, Laurie, and Lisa

Yesterday I met a couple of the Sudbury Sweethearts and a couple of the Ravishing Regis girls for lunch.  We met in honor of Liz who is moving to Connecticut to be close to her beautiful grandchildren. 

I am so grateful for the wonderful people that I have met through my blog.  When I moved to Massachusetts, Mary, the original Sudbury Sweetheart and blog reader contacted me and asked me to lunch.  We hit it off right away.  Mary has been kind enough to introduce me to many of her friends.

If it weren't for blogging, I would never have met these fabulous ladies and many other delightful people that I now call friends.

For that, I am eternally grateful.

Until next time...

Southern Living
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. HI Katie
    I just got lost in your sista's kitchen renovation. We are headed to South Carolina over spring break (one son has a tennis tournament down there and the other one is checking out a few colleges). Taking any and all suggestions. My husband and i just got back from Ireland. I texted my daughter and said she must me a young man with an Irish accent :0) . What did you read for book club. I'm reading Sisters First by the Bush girls and bought a copy for my sissy! laura

  2. Katie,

    How amazing to live in such a beautiful home and you know so many who also live in charming historic homes! We visited Boston many moons ago and whenever we venture north east again I'd love to take a day to stroll the streets again. Our youngest daughter and her husband just moved to Brunswick, Maine. Perhaps next fall we can make a journey to see them. A Colonoscopy is not fun but it's one of those necessary evils to make sure everything is ok. I need to schedule one for next year as I'm overdue. I like cumin. I use it in my chili. I did accidentally put it a peach cobbler one time mistaking it for cinnamon. Luckily, I was able to get most of it out before I mixed it up. Talk about a goof! It's safe to say, I double check when I'm reaching for the cinnamon to not make the same mistake. :) Have a good day and thanks for visiting!

  3. Katie, I saw that our mutual imaginary friend, Cameran, had her baby girl on the 11th. Palmer Corrine...a pretty name for sure and will sound good when she is on Southern Charm in 25 years. :) I have never visited Charleston but my husband was born and raised in Savannah...some call it Charleston's ugly sister but I love Savannah. Whenever we visit, I make Marvin drive me through Ardsley Park so I can gawk at the houses.

  4. I don't know what I'd do without curry, but then again, I love Middle Eastern and Indian food. Had to chuckle at some of your other answers. I'm sure my husband would be especially grateful if colonoscopies went by the wayside!

  5. I love yours and your sister's homes. The town I grew up in has lots of antebellum homes in it. They are still so beautiful. I like things that have stories with them.
    Blogging has been a lovely way to connect people from all over ...different and alike from us. I think it is wonderful to have insight to other places. For instance I love hearing about the snow happening in the northeast since I NEVER see it firsthand.

  6. The cats with extra toes are what stand out in my mind from our visit to Hemingway's house. Kinda weird, but I'm not a cat lady. Here's hoping you're correct in colonoscopies becoming obsolete. As long as I'm wishing I'd love it if cancer became obsolete too.

  7. Love all the charming historic homes.

  8. Wonderful post! I love historic homes, but also love the closet space of new homes. I've been to several of the houses listed by Southern Living, and I absolutely love Pebble Hill Plantation in Thomasville, GA the best. I need to go back there and visit it again. Now, onward to the rest of the week! thanks for the fun.

  9. I so love those antique houses, yours included! And the Nathaniel Russell House in Charleston is one of my favorites (follow the Charleston Historic Foundation on Pinterest to get more of it!). Have a great run up to Thanksgiving!

  10. I like cumin, but not cilantro ... I think they're from the same plant. I had no idea cumin was so beneficial, though.

    And I hope you're right about colonoscopies!

    Have a great rest of the week!

  11. You have a beautiful home! and to be surrounded by all those other historic homes. Sigh. I would like to visit the JFK home too! Hope you have a wonderful week. Dreary and foggy here, snow making a return Friday. :-(((((

  12. Agree...blogger friends become best friends. There is always someone to chat to online when it's 2am and you are trying to figure out why the cyber gremlins are still up! 100% agree with your choices of what you wish is gone in 10 years! - Nasty stuff! Happy Wednesday.

  13. Hi Katie. Hemingway's house is supposed to be amazing. I'd like to hear more about it from you.

  14. Your sister's house looks beautiful ! All houses what you call old are not that old, old is when it's from 1410 for example, lol ! To me of course they look too European ! Kennedy's house I have seen in Cape Cod but from far away ! it was in the 80th !

  15. Hello Katie, I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge, although I had some double takes and went back to double check on your side bar photo. :)
    Your sister has a beautiful home. Happy hodgepodge to you!

  16. I love visiting historical homes. I especially like visiting my daughter's 1850 home in Atlanta (my grandchildren live there). xo Laura

  17. No way Jose on the cumin! Historical homes have so much warmth and character...and so do you dear lady. Yes to getting together with friends, you're all stunning!

  18. Hi Katie! Wonderful post, I also admire the beauty of historic homes, I'd love to live in one (with a new kitchen) :) your sister's kitchen is beautiful!

  19. Getting rid of the colonoscopy would be lovely. I have to get one every five years because of family history. I've had four, I believe.

  20. I'm a fan of historic homes, and envy you living in one. Ours was built in the 30s so certainly not historic, but even still, it has a charm that newer homes don't have. It also has small rooms, no closets, and other issues, but whose complaining. 😋 I've visited at least four of the homes you mention. Love visiting historic Charleston. Have long wanted to visit Key West.

  21. I love old homes too and live in an old section of Richmond, Virginia, although my house is not very old. My son and his family live in a house built in 1900 in Winchester, MA (a youngster compared to the old homes in the Boston area). Recently, a lady knocked on their door and said she grew up in their house in the 1920's. She was in her 90's and had lots of stories to tell. My daughter-in-law gave her and her niece a tour and she remarked how wonderful it was that another family was raising their young children in such a beautiful, well-loved and maintained home. It made my daughter in-law's day!

    1. Hi Linda... How lovely for your daughter-in-law and the lady. When I was a teenager, my family took a trip to Ireland and knocked on the door of my great-grandfather's house. The people were very hospitable and graciously gave us a tour. I was a miserable teen and spent more time rolling eyes and feeling embarrassed my parents bothered the people. Lucky for my parents, that stage only lasted 10 years. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  22. Loved your answers and had to laugh at the Mama June photo. Have you seen her lately? No more triple chin!

  23. I love to tour historical houses. What a beautiful neighbourhood your must live in if your house is any indication. Are you restricted in what you can do to your home? -Jenn

  24. Do you know the story of your home Katie? Wouldn't it be marvelous to know everything that went on inside such a lovely grand house! I was always fascinated by the historic homes in Maine and in our own little village. They dated back to the 1700's and some further...what a gem you found and restored!

  25. Loving Hodgepodge as usual. Historical houses are a favorite of mine and I love to visit. Your home intrigues me -- hope you write even more about it sometime.

  26. Isn't it amazing how blogging can bring people together? I had the pleasure of meeting Shelly from Queen in Between in person and felt like we had known each other for years. Have a wonderful weekend!

  27. I really like old and elegant buildings. I also like the lovely courtyard filled with nature. It is great to have a cat or a dog.


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