Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, November 3, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you all had a good week.  Today the weather is nothing short of spectacular.  I'm planning on listening to my new book on a nice long walk.  Then again, I may slack off and hop in the car, roll down the windows, and listen to it on my way to Marshalls.   

Do you remember this gorgeous hunk of a man?  
Here is a tour of Cary Grant's former home.

By the way, Cary was my first crush.  My parents brought me to Radio City Music Hall at Christmastime when I was about seven years old and Charade was the featured movie.  I exited the theater with a rapid heartbeat and beaucoup butterflies in my tummy.


This house tour video of Robert Downey Jr.'s home is extremely entertaining.

Over 50 table setting ideas can be found here.

How would you like to wake up to this sandwich in the morning?  You can find the recipe right here.
Btw... I sent this link to the Mister.
Hopefully, he'll get the hint.

 Here are eleven French recipes that will help you warm up your weekend.

De rien.
After four years of French, I had to google the French translation for you're welcome.


If you're planning on cooking Thanksgiving dinner for the first time, here are 10 essential kitchen tools that you will need in your kitchen.


I love acorn squash.  
Here are 11 scrumptious recipes for stuffed squash.


We hosted a dinner party a while back.  As part of the dessert, the Mister made madeleines which were a big hit.  He served them in colorful paper bags and put in enough in them to take home.  
You can find the post here.

A guest texted me the next day to say the bag was empty by the time they got home. 

Here is a list of the best madeleine recipes.


Years ago, I decided to make miniature cupcakes for my book club.  I made them the day before and put them in Tupperware until the party.  They looked so cute but by the time I served them they were stale.  How you can prevent that from happening to you and other valuable tips on the almighty cupcake can be found right here.

And last but certainly not least... I forgot to wish you Happy Sandwich Day.

If you want to celebrate this auspicious occasion with a free sandwich this article lists the restaurants. 

Are you planning on sitting at home and vegging out this weekend?
Here's a list of the top 50 TV shows of 2017.


Is there a trip to NYC in your future?  
Here is a list of the best places to eat according to a native New Yorker. 


Are you unknowingly damaging your phone?  
Here's a list of no no's that you should never do.
Btw... I'm guilty of 4 of them.


A certain someone in our household received a traffic ticket this week.  He will remain nameless.
Here are some tips on getting out of a ticket. 
I sent this link to my girls.  
Hopefully, they won't need it.


Anyone you know planning a honeymoon?  Here's a list of the best places to visit according to the month that the wedding takes place.  I sent this link to the Mister just in case he wants to surprise me with a second honeymoon.

What am I talking about?
Every day is a honeymoon in Preppy Empty Nesterville.

Until next time...

Amazing Avenue


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I would love to have a big bite of that sandwich!! Your mister might need his own cooking blog. You know? ;)

  2. OH this was a terrific Friday Files....loved it all!

  3. You have me laughing right off the bat every time!My neighbor and I walk (when we have nothing better to do) She called me today(we are also in Massachusetts) and said isn't it beautiful out? I said "wanna go to Homegoods?" I bought Xmas decorations that will remain in the trunk of my car until I can hide them from my mister.
    Your mister sounds like a dreamboat with those bags of cookies.
    Going to visit my best friend in Manhattan next week so the restaurant tips will come in handy.

    1. Have fun, Debbie! I use that old "trunk" trick too. That way, when the Mr. asks me if something is new I can honestly say no because it has been in my trunk for weeks. Enjoy your weekend and have a wonderful time in NYC!

  4. Thanks for the prayers for my sweetheart. He is home and seems to be doing well. Frankly I am a bit sick of doctors offices and hospitals...thankful for them but not my favorite places even though I was a nurse. Enjoy your weekend sweet friend.

  5. I am guilty of quite a few of those phone tips...Oh, well, at least I have insurance on it!! That breakfast sandwich made me drool a bit! Happy November!

  6. You listed so many things I want to see, I'll be clicking away for hours! Out of all the pretty things you've shown, for some reason, that round wood cutting board jumped out at me. Just love it — like I love a good sandwich. Thanks for the goodies and happy weekend to you!

  7. Oh- Cary Grant. He was a swooner, wasn't he? Always looked like he stepped right out of GQ. I'd say the people did pretty good on that property when it turns. I bet they invested tons of money in updating and 'fix up' though.

    Thanks for all the links and tips....I am craving butternut squash right now...and not a one to be found here.

    I hope you and The Mister have a wonderful weekend. xo Diana

    ps...shame on you for sending that friend home with an empty bag......bwhahahahaha

  8. That breakfast sandwich looks and sounds delicious! Thanks for the recipe link! Interesting seeing Cary Grant's house. Happy weekend!

  9. These posts are always lots of fun and now you h ave me craving a full meal at not even 7 am! Do you know how lucky you are to have a live in chef!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Thanks for the tip on NYC restaurants. I'm planning to take Grace for her sweet 16 this spring. have a happy weekend!

  11. I had a monster crush on Cary Grant too! Bring back the Doris Day movies! Nothing is better than a fat club sandwich cut into triangles! Have a great weekend Katie!

  12. Favorite photo is the last one...I think that is a border collie pup. Our BC is going to be 16 next month. She is just as sweet as she was day one. Happy Weekend!

  13. I could watch Charade every day of my life. Along with just about every other Cary Grant movies, even if he's a little creepy in some. Sigh.... Thanks for the recipes. Especially the madeleines. I bought a pan. Then I lost it. So I bought a new one. And then I found the old one. So I need lots of recipes!

  14. I just love your wicked humor. I'm a little behind (and would be big-time behind if I had a chef like yours!), but catching up now. Now, excuse me, I need to go see the rest of those 47 tables.
    Have a great week!


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