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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  I'm sitting here looking out my window on another dreary day.  If things don't improve, I'm going to have to invest in one of those "light" lamps.  Since I don't have a lamp at the moment, I put on the Hallmark Channel, and it seems to be working. 

I am posting this Friday Files a day early because this Supermodel Trophy wife has lots of things going on tomorrow.

Have you ever thought about owning an antique house in New England?  Here are 10 beauties that are for sale.


Take a tour of this gorgeous Victorian all decked out for the holidays in one of my favorite cities, Chicago.

Have you ever thought of offering an alternative to the traditional pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving?  Here are several trifle recipes that would add beauty as well as taste to any buffet table. 


Are any of your Thanksgiving guests gluten-free or have special dietary requirements?  Lots of delicious recipes can be found here.


This twist on boring mashed potatoes just may be the hit of your Thanksgiving dinner.  I know it would be of mine.
Then again, I would eat an old shoe if it was stuffed with bacon.


Are you in need of some Thanksgiving wine recommendations?
You can find them right here.


If you prefer beer, why not try one of the 13 Strangest Beers on Earth?


Want to send your leftovers home with your guests in style?
How cute are these?

If you can possibly stand more Thanksgiving table inspiration, you can find over 50 examples here


If you have any energy left after Thanksgiving, here is some Christmas mantel inspiration.

The Mister and I have had several Friendsgivings over the years. If you are planning one, here is the ultimate guide that can help you plan one.


Need some conversation starters for the holiday party season?  Here are some creative ones to get the ball rolling with the relatives that you only care to see once a year.


Do you aspire to be the hostess with the mostess?
Take some advice from my spirit animal, Patricia Altschul.

Patricia says that when she entertains she likes to set up the bar in the Morning Room.

Mister... if you're reading this, I need a Morning Room.




If you need an idea for a hostess gift, I ordered a few Christmas books from Amazon to give.   



Speaking of books, if you're looking for a good book to curl up with, I just finished this one.


And immediately started the sequel.

Do not begin these books if your family members are expecting you to spend quality time with them.


If you need an idea for a gift for the man in your life who has everything, I found just the thing.

If the Mister doesn't get me a Morning Room, he's getting a pair of these for Christmas.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Girl, we never vary our Thanksgiving menu...my children would kill me.:) They expect the very same things every year!! One year we were home alone, no family to share the day with and my kids were picky eaters back then so I said,"Let's have Steak!" My kids told me I was never to do this again!! My family holds me back!!lol

  2. I made a pumpkin trifle for our Thanksgiving and it was really good! Worth a try! -Jenn

  3. Katie, your too cute! Love it all, but the idea of a home in New England has won me over! Visited there a couple of years ago and fell head over heels in love. Not sure, but the man pants come in for a close second. lol!

    SORRY, about your weather.........we too are in grey skies and rain!
    How many hours a day do you READ?
    YOU are too FUNNY!!!!!!!

  5. I have photos of this Chicago house in the archive too. I remember it because the poor gal has 5 kids, 3 dogs and a husband who all look perfect on the holiday staircase! However, your link for the left over cartons is exactly what I have been looking for to do holiday bags for our neighbors who dont cook. I have them already ordered! I bet the Mister could have his own line of these!- Bon Weekend

  6. I love Patricia! And I love me a good trifle! You're so so precious, wishing you a glorious weekend in your sweet world!

  7. Bacon makes everything better. And I want a Morning Room too. Women for Morning Rooms -- we have a cause! What a nice break in the try-to-rearrange-furniture-without-leaving-a-hole (or have it look stupid) so I can get going with the tree on the Day After TG. I need a morning room just to stash stuff in.

  8. That crocheted menswear is hilarious! Would make a fun gag gift, although I imagine it would take a lot of work to create them.

  9. I love Southern Living cookbooks! I used to have quite a collection of the Annual Recipes, but sold them in one of our moves. Maybe I need to start a collection again now that I'll have a bookshelf in my kitchen island?! Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Oh my gosh, where do I start?????

    First, holy moley you are hilarious! I laughed so loud it brought hubs into the office and I had to read several of your quips. You are one funny lady, indeed.

    Also - oh those antique home tours! The one in downtown Chicago had me squeal! They're all amazing - and your home is just incredible.

    Thanks for authoring such a fine blog, Katie.

    Have a wonderful weekend. : - )

    (Gloomy here too.)

  11. Sigh, a morning room...love the crocheted britches!

  12. I cannot wait to check out all of your links! I love old houses in New England and think I might need one. As for the Christmas links, I never ever get tired of those. Have a wonderful week Katie.


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