Talbots Spring Essentials

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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Easy Peasy Christmas Centerpieces - Take 1

Hello, dear friends.  How is your weekend going?  Ours has been very productive so far.  Since it was a clear day yesterday, we took advantage of it by taking care of our outside decorating.  Our Christmas decor is fairly simple - we fill the window boxes with greens and bright, shiny ornaments, we throw some wreaths on the doors and some ready-made arrangements in the planters.

We did well this year.  
It only took us three and a half hours and twenty-seven arguments.

I woke up to a rainy, windy morning.  I don't have the heart to look outside, but I have a sneaky feeling that our decorations are gracing our neighbors' yards.

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you have probably picked up on the fact that crafty is not in my DNA. I like to find decorating ideas that are easy enough for a five-year-old to pull off so that I have a whisper of a chance of succeeding.

As always, I turn to Pinterest and let my fingers do the walking.  I found so many clever ideas that I am going to do a second post.        


If my paperwhites ever start to grow, I would like to attempt this one.



Cute idea.
Not so sure that mine would look like this.

I've already got those trees, so that's a step in the right direction.


I love the silver bowl filled with the lemons and limes.
Note to self:  buy silver polish.
Note to self 2:  talk the girls into doing it.


your cozy home blog

Midwest Living

Midwest Living

sensational color


I could definitely put some apples in a bowl. 

Oh, wait!
Been there, done that!

midwest living

Until next time...

This is how I feel when I try to get crafty.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Thanks for sharing Katie. I am not good at coming up with ideas but I am a genius at copying.:) Hope your decorations are not strewn across the neighborhood this morning. Here it is a cold clear day...the first really cold day of the season but Winter is coming, like it or not.

  2. Good to have these ideas all in one place. Thanks!
    I spent a good amount of time blowing off leaves from the back terraces only to have the front blow in and dump a new batch to blow off. 😏 Enjoy the holiday with your girls.

  3. Only 27 arguments? LOL

    I love all of these ideas and they do seem pretty simple. Simple works for me. xo Laura

  4. Hi Katie! So glad you just got all your outside decorating done. All my neighbors in our cul-de-sac did yesterday too - we didn't cuz we had plans with our adorable grand daughter yesterday. She trumps anything EVER when we get to see her cute chubbiness!

    I love all the centerpiece inspiration you shared today - I think my favorite is that pear one - something about it is really stunning, but they ALL are. I don't use red in my decor and always green, perhaps it is that.

    I cannot even wrap my head around it being the end of this year already when it feels as though it should be mid-May. I am digging my heels trying to stop Father Time going so fast. I've worn out several shoes doing so. It's NOT working.

  5. I enjoyed your photos and your humor...as always!! Hope the wind didn't do too much damage to your outside decorations!!

  6. Loads of beautiful ideas here! (Only 27 arguments. There is a reason why Rick and I live in separate houses and that would be one of them!) Don't sell your crafty gene short! That's what sharing is all about!

  7. I loved your bowl of apples. Works for me. The one above with the greenery is one I might try. I am copycat, rarely an innovative thinker.

  8. For once, some gorgeous and doable ideas! And if you have a few if the items, your halfway there!

    I'm having a problem Pinning your photos...anything I may not know?


  9. Thanks for sharing! I'm all into "easy" these days for sure. I've "been there, done that" with excessive decorating but no more. It's simple and beautiful, and easy put up and easy take down. Happy Thanksgiving week Katie!

  10. As we never spend Christmas at our house but instead delight in traveling to the northern, hopefully snowy part of Indiana where our son and family live, I do only enough to fool the passersby. But, I do love seeing what others do to make their homes festive. Thanks for sharing some ideas. Can't wait to see what you do inside.

  11. These are great ideas - pinning, and thank you. I seem to do a lot of pinning, but not much referring back, lol. I appreciate crafty, but I'm more like you. I'll leave the crafty to those who are, and buy from them! My daughter told me the other day Pinterest now has subfolders, so I can sink into a deeper, darker hole and put these pins into Crafty - Dining Room; Crafty - Living Room, etc., etc. now for my organized, ridiculous self.

  12. Yeah--but the true test of arguing is arguing about whether you ARE arguing. As in..."Are you going to argue with me about that?"
    "I'm not arguing!"
    "Yes, you are! You have been arguing with me about everything I want to do."
    "No! I haven't!"
    "Yes! Yes! You have! You are arguing with me right now!"
    "Am not!"
    "Are, too!"
    Whereupon arguer #1 leaves so I can finish the job in peace!

    Have a wonderful week, Katie- xo Diana

    1. Diana... Have you been spying on the Mister and me? It sounds awfully close to the truth!!

  13. Katie so nice to have you visit! I love all of these ideas. We worked on decorating too. I had to laugh at your "27" arguments. One time when we used to do a fresh tree, I explained to hubby that a Christmas tradition was something you knew would happen every year, over and over, and one of ours had become that he would get grumpy about cutting the bottom of the tree, putting it in the stand and putting the lights on! Fortunately we ended that grumpy tradition and now do a fake tree!

  14. Loving the Reds and loving the easy Peasy! May your Thanksgiving week be off to a great start!

  15. I love all these fresh vignettes! Thanks Katie, I hate to do the same thing every year, always looking for something new!

  16. So many pretty arrangements! Love them all, but am so slow getting organized. Was just going to make some baby fabric pumpkins and my glue sticks went missing! Ooops -- there went that project! Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Soggy day here in the Pacific Northwest -- not a good day for outdoor decorating. If the sun shines in the next few days as predicted, we'll put a garland around the front door, hang a wreath on the wall, and call it good. LOVE the indoor decorating ideas you featured. Most of them actually look doable.

  18. I love a lot of these. I like to use cuttings from my yard everywhere in the house. I usually have to redo them before Christmas because they dry out, but I love how they look in bowls with apples and cinnamon sticks.

  19. My dear friend is so talented! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family! Until next NRRBC, much love.

  20. I love to think that I'm crafty, Sis, and then find myself signing up for things and end up realizing that perhaps I'm not quite as crafty as I thought ... Such as that year I agreed to run Sparks with a pal. You know Sparks? The guiding group that is before Brownies and Guides where the girls are 5 and 6 years old ... They often churned out better crafts than me. And they helped me finish mine. The Happiest of Thanksgivings to you! You do realize I shall be jealous as all get out as mine was weeks ago now ...

  21. Happy Thanksgiving Katie!
    I am still catching up with my blogger gals after my short stint of blogging retirement! (LOL) Wonderful inspiration and I can smell the pinecones and greenery from my Texas workshop!

  22. Or be like me and be so BUSY with the food PREP YOU NEVER DO TABLE DECOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!XX


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