Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Cheap Audibles & Cozy Reading Rooms

Hello, dear friends.  I hope you are having a good weekend.  Yesterday was bitterly cold here in the Northeast.  The Mister and I bundled up, greeted the bitter temps with a clenched jaw and a deep frown, and ventured out for some lunch, shopping, and a movie.

Now, I'm going to go out on a limb here.  We have about six weeks left in the year.  And yet I feel that I have seen the best movie that I've seen of 2017.  Goodbye Christopher Robin has all the components of magic on the screen.  The cinematography is breathtaking, the acting is nothing less than award-worthy, and the story is heartwarming and well-told. 

As fair warning, the reviews are not stellar on this one.  But since when have I ever agreed with the stodgy old reviewers?  

Goodbye Christopher Robin is definitely worth the price of the ticket and so much more.


As you all know, I enjoy listening to Audible books.  I have had a membership to Amazon Audible for quite some time now.  You can read about the membership specifics here.  In a few words, it's about $15.00 a month, and with the membership you receive 30% off all Audible books and you are entitled to one book a month for free.  They also offer Audible Deal of the Day

I save that "free" book for the bestsellers that usually run about $20.00.  For the rest of the time, I search for less expensive books that I pay for until I get my next free one.    

The Audible books that I mention today are under ten bucks.  I have found that just because they are cheap doesn't mean they are not good.  All the books that I listed have gotten at least four-star reviews.

I threw in some eye candy.  I let my fingers do the walking and pinned some cozy spaces where I would love to read/listen to a good book on a blustery day.

I found Until I Met Her through my cheap audible research and boy, am I ever glad I did.  I am almost finished with it, and it is definitely on my Top 5 List of my Favorite Books for 2017.
Even better news... it's only $1.99!


I just started listening to this one. It's about a newly-divorced woman who inherits an old house.  Oh yeah, her old school crush lives in her new town.  
I smell romance.
It sounds like a warm book to keep me company on some cold walks.  


I have not listened to the following books, but they are on my download list.  

An artist and his family face tragedy and attempt to face the challenges of the aftermath.


A woman who comes from a perfect family finds out that she has a deaf and blind brother in the wings.  Reviewers have described this story as powerful and heartwarming.


Lots of twists and turns in this mystery about a woman who loses her sister and finds plenty of family secrets.

This book is about a woman who has everything except the one thing she wants the most... a baby.  Reviewers have described this book as heartwarming and emotional.


The author of this book has been described as a phenomenal storyteller.   The story centers around a nine-year-old boy who is dropped off by his mother at his uncle's house with a change of clothes and a Bible.


This one sounds like the perfect novel to help me pick up the pace on my walks.  An abused woman gets a call that her abuser has just been released from jail.  

Sounds like I may have to turn that walk into a jog.


This book sounds like another one that will make me start looking over my shoulder on my walks.  It centers around a man whose twin sister is murdered.  Reviewers say it keeps you guessing throughout the pages.

I don't know about guessing, but I do know that it will keep me running...


A disengaged father must learn to deal with his special needs teenage son and an ailing wife when she suffers a heart attack.  A reviewer described this one as a story of hope and love. 


There are two reasons that I chose this book for my listening pleasure.  The first is that I am a big fan of Catherine Ryan Hyde's books.  I enjoy her multi-dimensional characters and I usually walk away with a smile.  

The second reason is an obvious one - I always judge a book by its cover.


What are you reading/listening to these days?

Until next time...

Country Living UK
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love reading your blog, I always laugh out loud, but especially love your book recommendations. Thx for the great audible recommendations!

    1. Thanks Natalie, for your kind words. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  2. Great tips on the books, but especially on the movie. The preview got me interested, so I will have to give Christopher Robin a try. It seems like there has been a real lack of movies for "adults" this year. I'm looking forward to seeing Wonder with the family in a few weeks.

  3. You are going to make me go broke buying books! I'm pretty much always intrigued by your recommendations.

    What a great way to get your exercise and enjoy a book-walking and listening to your latest read. I'm curious, do you listen to the book on your phone? I'd really love to try audio books.

    The movie sounds fantastic. I have to get out and see it.


  4. Loved Say Goodbye For Now...as I have all the books I have read from her. I don't have audible but have Prime...will check out on Amazon some of your other downloads...it's cold in the Berkshires too !

  5. You have me jonesing for a lil built in reading nook now!!! I love every one of those. specially the ones where you can pull a curtain closed!! so cozy

  6. I simply cannot wait to see the Christopher Robine film....looks beautifully photographed.

  7. I don't have audible but have Prime and Kindle and have been eyeing your recommendations. I only read in the winter :-) It's cold in Central New York too. Have a super week!

  8. Finally, a good movie worth watching! I love to curl up on cold evenings at home and watch a movie but there hasn't beeen anything that is interesting to me lately but this one sounds really good. Thanks for the tips on the audibles and beautiful cozy reading room pics, gorgeous spaces! Have a wonderful week.

  9. I'm so glad you recommend Goodbye Christopher Robin. I wanted to see it, but my husband read the reviews and didn't want to go. Now I have your word on my side. Cuddle up and stay warm!

  10. As a blogger who knows now how many hours a day researching and writing a post can take, I am in awe that you take the time to read these books for a first hand review. And you do it while walking too so you get points for exercise too. Cuddling up to read is a good thing about the colder months....you will do it in style!

  11. Yeah, not sure I'd be out walking while listening to Witness!!! Love the book nooks, especially that white alcove. I'm moving there!

  12. Best post! Between the books and the inviting reading nooks and such, I'm relaxed already.

  13. Thank you for the wonderful recommendation for the Goodbye Christopher Robin movie.

    Love your book ideas and the reading areas are a beautiful touch.

    Wonderful blog that I have followed for 2 years. I always look forward to reading it.

    1. Thank you, Julie. You made my day with your kind words. Have a wonderful week.

  14. I haven't listened to a book in a long time, I always get annoyed by the reader's voice, isn't that crazy?? I might have to try again, I can't believe how many books and movies you see/read!!

  15. Hey Sis, when I was in London last month the adverts for Christopher Robin were everywhere. I am SO delighted that you gave it the thumbs up. I can't remember if you've done a review for Victoria and Abdul, sorry. If not, go see it! I loved it. And like you, naturally, I am more than guilty of judging a book by its cover. Your wondrous list here has me drooling ...

  16. I've been curious about audible books, thanks for all the details. Hoping you will inspire me to get back to regular walking. I have listened to a few podcasts while walking and that seemed to help make it go by faster. Have a great week!

  17. Lots to add to my list! I can't read scary ones because I am not able to function with frightening thoughts in my head but the others sound great! The weather sure did make a turn, didn't it?!! Enjoy your week!

  18. I have created a special folder for your posts on books. I think I am with Blondie on going broke trying to find all the books. Now I just need to find time to read/listen to them. Alternating the photos of fabulous reading nooks with the books themselves is a really cool gimmick. I have always wanted one of these nooks! There was actually one of these built in to the bonus room upstairs which is the husband's "man cave/den" so I have no cushion there, but there is a giant flatscreen which is parked upon it. It would not be a good place for me to read, anyway, what with all the testosterone floating around due to the "sports TV". So -- I dream.

  19. Fun post, Katie, and loads of ideas. I SO want to see Christopher Robin... I hope I get there before it leaves. Good things never stay around here long but you can find 12 theatre screens with XMan or whatever!

    Great book recommendations!

  20. I love talking about books (we love audible too) but the high light of this post are the amazing cozy reading spots!

  21. Oh I can't wait to see the movie you suggest, I love to watch them on Netflix, but I guess you saw it at the movies. I too love to read and thank you for the suggestions as well. I will be in NYC next month so I will do some book shopping.
    Thank you for the sweet and kind comment you left on my blog. I will follow you, hope you do the same, but you don't have to.
    Have a great week.

  22. Thanks for your good words on the Christopher Robin movie, Katie. I saw Murder on the Orient Express yesterday. Thanks, too, for listing your books that you are ready and hope to read. Walking and listening sounds like a great plan!
    P. S. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  23. I cannot wait to see Goodbye Christopher Robin, thanks for the tip. I love audio books and I get a lot of great ones from my library. I will have to make a list of all of your wonderful suggestions.

    I love all of the reading alcoves. I want on elf these in my next house


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