Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, November 5, 2017

Books, TV, & Movies

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are having an enjoyable weekend.  Yesterday, the Mister and I went out for a delightful lunch and took in a great movie.  This morning is cold and grey, and the jury is still out as far as today's agenda is concerned.

Here's a list of what's on my radar.

I really enjoyed The Designer. It has all the ingredients that contribute to a delicious novel - love, war, glamour, and fashion.  I give this one 5 stars. 

I listened to The Good Widow.  I had high hopes for this one.  It started off with a bang but lost steam towards the middle. And to top it off... the ending was predictable.  I give it about a 3.

I am listening to On Turpentine Lane for my book club.  It took me some time to get into it, but I am liking it now and am halfway through it.  The story centers around a woman, Faith who works for her alma mater, a prestigious prep school in the fundraising department.  She buys an adorable cottage that is chock full of secrets.  Faith and a cast of quirky characters made up of family and friends work together in solving the mysteries of some intriguing objects that were found in the house.   
It's a light read with plenty of humor.

I am now reading Until I Met Her.  The premise of the book revolves around a young, married woman, Emma who crosses paths with a very successful author, Beatrice.  The two of them hit it off right away and become fast friends.  The author then asks Emma, the question of a lifetime:  would Emma allow Beatrice to publish her next blockbuster under Emma's name.  I just started this book a couple of days ago, and I like it so much that I downloaded the sequel yesterday.

Heather, a young woman of privilege, meets Bobby, a bad boy, and her polar opposite.  This book is written by the gentleman who wrote Mad Men.  Btw... Matthew is no relation to Anthony.

I had to put this one on my list because Coonts is one of the Mister's favorite writers.

The Senator's Children sounds like my kind of book.  It's got politics, fame, infidelity, and plenty of family drama.

I always like to read holiday stories around Christmas.  The Ghost of Christmas Past is on my list for December.

A privileged family inherits a little girl that is filled with mystery.  Little Broken Things is being touted as the next Big Little Lies.
We'll see.

For a while, I read everything Elizabeth Berg wrote.  Then I hit a sour note and never picked up another one of Berg's novels.  The Story of Arthur Truluv sounds like a heartwarming story which just might be the ticket to bring Berg back into my good graces.  I'm definitely going to give this one a try.

I chose Bobby Kennedy because I am a confirmed Kennedyphile.  It also sounds like an audio that the Mister and I can agree on for long car rides.   

It's that time of year again!

I would just like to drool over the pictures in this one. 

I gave this cookbook to one of my buds for her birthday, and she loved it!!  It's by the same author who wrote Plenty.


Who knew there were rules when it came to my favorite beverage?
I put The New Wine Rules on my hostess gift list.


This one also looks like a great gift for people who appreciate a good coffee table book, like me.  


The Mister and I are enjoying Good Behavior's second season.  The former Lady Mary of Downton Abbey plays the role of a complicated, drug-addicted thief to a tee.  And her partner in crime, a dreamy Latin assassin, adds so much sexual chemistry I wonder if it's real.  If it's not, it should be.  


We've been watching the most recent season of Doc Martin on the Acorn channel.  What can I say... I positively love this show.  Port Wenn is on my bucket list. 


The Durrells is another show that makes me smile.  
The most recent season began last month.


Another one of Margaret Atwood's novels comes to life on Netflix.

If you haven't heard, the final season of Fixer Upper begins this month.  No trailer was available.

Btw... I talked to my #2 this morning, and she told me that Chip and Joanna's line is out at Target.  Has anybody seen it yet?

The Mister and I went to see LBJ yesterday.  In my humble opinion, Woody Harrelson gave the performance of a lifetime.  I highly recommend this powerful film which chronicled the days before and after JFK's assassination.   

The minute I saw the trailer of Good Bye Christopher Robin I was hooked.  I hope that the movie is as good as the trailer. 


I am counting the minutes until Murder on the Orient Express is released.  Fabulous cast to boot!


I didn't read the book, but I look forward to seeing Wonder.  At least you won't hear me say that the book was better than the movie!

Enjoy your weekend.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Such a great post with tons of book ideas. I need to find some time to read...LOL I hope your weekend is fabulous, just like you sweet lady.

  2. I think if you and I lived in the same town we'd be watching the same shows together and going to the movies all the time. Every one you mentioned is one I love.

  3. Finally some good movies to see....my parents traveled on the Orient Express once...wouldn't that be a fabulous trip? Looks really good...and the LBJ movie is on my list as a must see....wish we could double date!!!!

  4. I have several of those books on my "to read" list, too. I just couldn't get into On Turpentine Lane for some reason.

    The movie about Christopher Robbins looks just wonderful. Let's hope it is.

    Have a great week- xo Diana

  5. Thank you so much for all of the reviews, Katie. I am sincerely wondering when you find the time to do all this reading and get out and about like you do! I try to squeeze in a couple of chapters a day.

    Anyway, Elinor Lippman sounds so familiar and I can't put my finger on what I've read of hers. The Widowers Wife struck me the same way as you...very interesting at first, and that freaking 10 chapter swim that NO ONE could have endured without tons of training was absurd.

    I was a huge Elizabeth Berg fan also. She's a Chicagoan, and I like following her on FB. But her writing started to leave me without a vision of the characters, and very lame and slow plots. But I'll definitely look this up.

    Thanks for the LBJ review...hubby and I will enjoy this.


  6. Thanks for the movie reviews Katie. Marvin and I were watching The Hunger Games this weekend and I was reminded of what a great actor Woody Harrelson truly is! He is a chameleon and those are the best actors in my opinion. I had not heard of Good Bye Christopher Robin but now it is on my radar. I am looking forward to The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society to be released Next Year. I see that two of our Downton ladies will be starring in that production...Lady Rose and Lady Sybil.

  7. I love book reviews from someone that has similar taste to mine. I cannot wait to read these books, they look great.

    AS foe moving, I like to watch them at home, that way if I do not like it I can just walk away. I am looking forward to seeing you recommendations!

    Have a great week!

  8. Katie -- Your book recommendations are always the best! I love the way you listen to one book and read another. (I need to try audio books to extend my walking time.) By the way, I'm counting on your hostess and other gift recommendations as the holiday season approaches. Your ideas are always spot-on! Have a great day!
    Jan Arden at Ivy & Ironstone

  9. Thank you for the book recommendations. I've been curious about THE DESIGNER. It sounds like a story I'd enjoy.
    I had to stop subscribing to Southern Living. I couldn't stop saving the magazines, and they were taking over my bookshelves. I'm sure their cookbooks are to-die-for.
    Stop by my blog sometime. I'm a native Texan, living in the Pacific Northwest. https://sandranachlinger.blogspot.com/

  10. We tried to find time to see LBJ this weekend...may have to go during he week. Also, need a new series so Mr. LBD is looking up Good Behavior now. He loves the sexy ones!

  11. I just sent one of the book links to my Mr. (Coonts), and one of my Panoply sisters' husbands is an oenophile so book on new rules will be a good test on how current he is! I was in Target today looking over the Hearth & Hand line. I was also online yesterday looking. In both cases, I was really surprised they weren't sold out on a couple things which caught my eye (but didn't buy). I like the paper products (gift wrap, tags, bags, cards) in store, which I didn't even look at online. Most things looked good for the prices.
    A great review post. Thanks!

    I recently found THE DURRELLS..........LOVE IT!

  13. Mom and I are gonna no to see Murder on The Orient Express this weekend and I heard Wonder is incredible. Until I met her and anything Kennedy....YES! Yep everything I wanted from Target JoJo and Chip...gone...darn it all! Have a cozy day!

  14. You can't visit Port Wenn but you can visit Port Isaac in Cornwall where it's filmed and it's one of the prettiest places here in the UK - Cornwall is beautiful full-stop.

    Have you read My Family & Other Animals by Gerald Durrell - which The Durrells is based on? It's a lovely read.

  15. Thanks for all the great info and suggestions! I do want to read the Designer, and I have read Eleanor Lipman before and enjoyed...definitely looking forward to the classic Murder on the Orient Express, and the book the Senator's children sounds intersting...thank you!

  16. Love your blog. Have you every watched the TV series Outlander? It's on Starz cable, and every time I see an episode, I think "wonder if Katie and the Mister have seen this show. It's now into the 3rd season, and I think you can see the first 2 seasons on Netflix. Try it, you'll love it!

  17. I have come to lean on your lists of tv, books and movies. I'm lazy and enjoy your recommendations, so it saves me from having to keep track of what's best to see. I saw Goodbye Christopher Robin Monday night with the girls. I absolutely loved it...take a tissue.


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