Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Another Lovely Literary Luncheon

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are having a good weekend.  The Mister and I spent it shopping and getting ready for my book club.  Today, we are off to New Hampshire to visit with the Mister's family.

The Friday before Memorial Day I headed along with my friends, Anne, Annie, and Kathy to the first literary luncheon of the season at the picturesque Wequassett Resort and Golf Club.  

The Mother/Daughter team that sponsor this fabulous gathering are Joanne and Caitlin, owners of Where The Sidewalk Ends bookstore in lovely Chatham. 

If you are ever lucky enough to visit my favorite town on the Cape, stop in and breathe in the charm of this darling store.

We lucked out with our waterside table.  From left to right: Anne, Kathy, Ellen, Hillary, and Annie.

Another small world story for you.  Sista and I met Ellen and Hillary three years ago in Nantucket at the weekend hosted by Ellen Hildebrand.   It was great to catch up with them.  Ellen is a voracious reader, and she gave us a slew of recommendations for future reads.  

The guest of honor, J. Courtney Sullivan could not have been sweeter.  She was also a real trooper - she was 8 months pregnant.

Saints For All Occasions is Courtney's third book.  She also wrote Maine and Commencement.  I read and enjoyed all three of them.

Courtney's speech was very entertaining.  She began by telling us that Saints For All Occasions is about a dysfunctional Irish Catholic family.  Every member of the audience sat up in their seats.  I guess we could all identify in one sense or another.
The book centers around two sisters - one who gets married, has a family and lives in Hull.  The other sister becomes a cloistered nun.   Courtney spoke of her research for the book and interviewing cloistered nuns in Connecticut.  She was impressed with how accomplished the nuns were before joining the convent.   They included a stockbroker, a CPA and an actress who once shared the screen with Elvis.

Courtney spoke of being the oldest by several years of her cousins.  This enabled her to be included in adult conversations between the siblings.
The title of the book is derived from a box of holy cards which was passed down in her family.  This reminded me so much of my Mother because no matter what challenge in life you were facing, my Mother could pinpoint the perfect saint who would listen and answer your prayers.

I enjoyed this book tremendously.  The characters were colorful as well as likable, and the captivating story was threaded with sibling tensions, courage, strength, heartbreak and love.

The perfect combination for a delicious beach read.

Courtney graciously autographed books and chatted it up with the ladies.

It was a gray, rainy day but the resort still held its beauty.

And speaking of beauty... my model, Annie was a good sport about going out in the sprinkles and posing for me.

Can you tell that she is sick of me taking pictures of her?

More fabulous authors are scheduled for the rest of the Summer.

Despite the rain, sunny smiles from Kathy and Annie.

Miss Daisy had such a good time, she wondered when we could come back.
I told her not soon enough.

I've got a busy week ahead.  
I'll check in for The Friday Files.  
In the meantime, have a wonderful week.

Until next time...


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Beautiful venue to visit, isn't it? I think I could happily live there! Looks like you ladies had a great time!

  2. I'm loving Saints For All Occasions. Being 1/4 Irish (my mom's mom was born in Clifden in County Galway) I can totally relate to dysfunctional Irish families. Neglecting to mention sibling or two to your children is business as usual, I'm afraid. My tote--Miz MacHoney Chile--sends her fondest regards to yours. She recently took a trip to NY with me but refused to be photographed or even be put on the floor there because she knows we saw a rat in the terminal when we were there in January!

    1. Maggie... I love Miz MacHoney Chile's name! So sorry to hear about that traumatic trip to NYC for her! Send me a pic from your next outing. Enjoy your week.

  3. I'm having a touch of Cape Cod envy! I so wished I lived close and could pop over when the mood hit. Thanks for taking us along with your photos. It's the next best thing. '-)
    Hope the mister enjoyed a special Father's Day!

  4. Love Chatham!!!! Think it was my favorite town of all the Cape. Plus the fact that my BFF and I stayed in a windmill B&B while there! Good Times!!

  5. How fun, I feel like an author groupie! I believe I have read Maine, so I must be familiar with the author. A post like this is really a plus for these talented ladies. And of course...another way to see spots in your lovely area!!! Envious doesn't describe it enough!

    Jane x

  6. Sounds like a great book - could've been my two oldest sisters - one a nun and the other married with children. My mother was like yours, too - holy cards and medals for everything. Funny, I collect those things now. Have a great week.

  7. Chatham is a dream. Our favorite family vacations have been in Chatham!

  8. So great to run into you at another fabulous literary event! I very much enjoyed Saints For All Occasions, I think it's Courtney's best yet. Hope to see you again at Wequassett.......Ellen

  9. Looks like so much fun, I've pinned the book to my Library board, thanks!

  10. What a fun time with friends and books! The setting was gorgeous, and I especially love the flower arrangement!

  11. This sounds so amazing. I haven't read Saints for All Occasions, but it's on my seemingly insurmountable TBR list! Haha! I'm moving it up the list now!! Dying to do this luncheon. On it :) Thanks for telling me about it!! xo Kristy

  12. I have read several of her books and this one is on my TBR list on Good Reads. I just finished Sally Hepworth's book, A Mother's Promise, and I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing books with us! I love that scenery and if I could choose any place to live, other than the South, I would choose New England. My southern roots are deep so I am glad I can travel there via your blog Katie.

  13. Pssssst I need you to me a favor, Sis. Please nab Kathy's coat for me the next time her back is turned. I'm sure it'll fit very nicely into the depths of Miss Daisy. Bless you.

  14. Thanks for sharing!! I love books especially in the Summer!

  15. You do the most fun things! I think I'd like to live your life for awhile (especially if Chili and Chowder were part of the deal!) Sounds like a wonderful time!

  16. What lovely photos and setting, and big congrats to the author. Greetings!

  17. Hi Katie,
    It ooks like you had a great time despite the weather. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. I was in Chatam years ago. We stayed at the Cranberry Inn.....I think it is called the Chatam Inn now. it had a wonderful front porch. Janey

  18. How fun!! I love it, looks like a great outing.....haven't been a great reader but plan on making up for lost time over summer, guess I better get busy:)

  19. Fun Katie...I so wish I could come for a visit and tour the town!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!


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