Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, June 23, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  Is it just me, or do weeks in the Summer go by much faster than usual?  

Book Club was loads of fun this week, and we shared many stories and laughs.  I am working on the pictures this weekend and will publish my post on Sunday or Monday.   

This beautiful home is tucked away in Lake Placid, New York.


This magnificent house can be found in Holland, Michigan.

I'm smitten with this kitchen.


If you love historic homes, take a gander at this article about the best in America.


Do you serve the same old appetizers?  
Here are some inspirational ideas for some new ones to try.


And if you're planning a picnic, delicious recipes can be found here.

I find one of the most challenging parts of decorating is picking the perfect paint color.  If you've hit a wall (pun intended) Martha answers your questions here.
Yes, THE Martha.


Some cozy bedrooms outfitted for reading a juicy novel can be found right here.
Btw... I'm in love with this chair.


Speaking of reading, these are the books that your favorite authors will be picking up this Summer.


I just finished two books this week.

I couldn't put down this story about a very wealthy family who loses their Patriarch.  Stellar writing, interesting, believable characters, and real life situations - the perfect recipe for a delicious book.  After finishing the last page of this one, I added Susan Rieger's first book to my must-read list.


I haven't read a Grisham novel in a while.  The Mister and I listened to Camino Island on our road trip last weekend and glad we did.  An intriguing fictional tale about the stolen original manuscripts of F. Scott Fitzgerald.  Great beach read.


I know I've talked about Lisa See's book before.  We discussed my choice, The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane at book club this week and the consensus was two thumbs up.

Want to know where company founders and CEOs find their inspiration?  You can read all about it right here.


It looks like the Downton Abbey movie is becoming a reality.


Can you guess what country is the most popular to photograph for Instagram?
Have you been there?


Before you leave on your vacation, here is a list of 16 of the best packing tips from the pros.


I think this is a clever idea, especially for people like me who usually accidentally leaves her phone in the car.


I leave you with this cute story about a woman who attended The Plaza's Etiquette School.

Mind your manners and enjoy your weekend. 

Until next time...

I need to hire this guy.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Weeks are going by way, way, way too fast. I love the picnic ideas and packing tips. And hooray for Downton the Movie! They can't make it soon enough!

  2. I love your Friday files! I am off to check out the picnic food. Just started reading The Heirs and so far I love it! By the way you need to join Blogging for Books, they send you books you read and write a review, I think it is right up your alley.

    Cant wait to read the rest of your links! Have a fabulous weekend.

  3. Glad to hear you enjoyed Camino Island. I read almost everything Grisham writes, abut wasn't sure about this one since it's a departure from his legal stories.

  4. Beautiful homes! I'm eager to read Lisa See's book, but even more eager for the Downtown movie! Yes, we've been to Marrakech! I had long wanted to travel to Morocco, and we made the trip ten years ago. Can't believe it's been that long ago. We absolutely loved it! I've never been any where so exotic. Loved the colors, the fragrance of oranges that filled the air, the food, the place we stayed, the people, etc. I could go on and on. It was a favorite trip!

  5. Always love your Friday Files and all of your other regular instalments. I really need to make time for reading again! -Jenn

  6. Morning- A close friend asked me what I did for fun now that we'd entered the blog world. (She is one who can shop for hours, always looks fab, and thinks I'm deprived since I get so little retail therapy.) I told her I hunt for other bloggers work that keeps me motivated, entertained and learning all the time. Preppy is one of my top reads and I look forward to savoring it all on the weekends. Merci!-Laurel

  7. Katie, such dreamy rooms and homes. Love the kitchen with the hutch. I can't believe the fourth is coming up so quickly, after that seems the summer disappears except for the heat. Your books would be great for beach reads. Love the Friday Files........

  8. I always linger too long here Katie! So much eye candy and info! The Grisham book is on my list, I will check out the Rieger books, thanks!

  9. Hope you're having a perfect weekend Katie! Love the home in Lake Placid, that is my playground.

  10. Katie...

    I simply don't know what link to click on first. Going to come back but want you to know I enjoy each and every one of your posts. I compare it to reading the Lifestyle pages of the Chicago Tribune! I personally appreciate the time you put in your posts.

    Thank you!

  11. I have been away so just catching up with you. Happy Dance re Downton Abbey. I have been watching my Downton DVDs. I always enjoy Friday Files...especially book recommendations. I am reading Pam Jenoff's new book and so far so good.


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